Posts by STYLN

    We are booked and ready to ride come that weekend....Its the wife's birthday and it could also be the celebration of me winning my current campaign of running for Chapter President of my State Union!! Wish me luck! Ballot counting is on May 18th (the actual day of the wife's birthday!)

    When you say "stickers" which ones are you referring to?

    It's a quality product and a perfect fit. I think he's a tad overpriced, but I don't have a clue what's actually involved in making them. I'll get a chance to compare @STYLN style inset decals pretty soon.

    Yup!! They will be cut and sent by Friday!

    Im also going to post a "How to" video for those that find it difficult to apply! The glitter ones we offer are easy to apply but are NOT UV protected and depending on the color can fade within 3-12 months (SILVER never fades!) but the sparkle remains! The non-glitter regular decals ARE UV protected and will last you years if properly maintained!

    I didn't delete my posts over there just yet but if you happen to just visit for "maintenance" purposes, take a look at what I dd with my "Premium Member" status tag!! HEHEHE See how long before they take that down too!!

    Right now I am on hold for the Smokies event where I will have many sets available for that event. Nothing stopping any of you fine folk from making a small donation however. Not a crazy big donation just $5 buck or whatever you feel good with. I will have plenty of arm bands with me there as well and if I meet any of you while out on the road during the event I will be bringing tons of arm bands with me to share with you all.Happy thoughts :00008698:

    Unfortunately us Cali folks might not be able to get out that far! Keep up the good work and give anything you feel I have coming to @Cameron Roberts He's my official representative for the East country!! (Oh you didnt know Cam....well now you do brother!)

    Lol I kinda thought you might like it Stylin', it's definitely different. It's the future wife's I bought it for her for Christmas a couple years ago. It was a floor display and I bought it on Christmas eve, whew that was close. :thumbsup:

    WAIT WAIT!!! You mean that's a real tool box and not just something @Tripod pulled out of his "abundance of funny pics" ass and posted?? Thats an awesome toolbox!!! Where can I get one and then tell people its for my wife too??!! grin-squared:00008643:

    Are you still taking donations for the cool arm bands and ebrakes? If not no worries! I would still like to donate....this is the first Im reading this so forgive me for not seeing it posted on the "dark" forum! :thumbup:


    UPDATE* Donated brother! Goodluck!

    Im soooooo sorry @Orangeman I promise I will send you that shirt that I forgot about a year ago!!!! SO SORRY MAN!!! Can we fix this?!?! LMAO! J/K Bro....glad to see your saved from the dark side!