Posts by NatomasSlingshot1

    If the "tax cut" only marginally helps individuals, but spurs huge business growth- we all win. When the economy is flying, and more & more people have decent paying jobs, violence and crime will be reduced to the incorrigible scum-bags and druggies. Maybe then, our LEO can spend more time concentrating on them, instead of babysitting all the "peaceful" liberal protests.

    @Painter and entire forum. I cannot begin to express how disgusted, fed-up, outraged......... choose your wording....... I am with this ridiculously F#&ked-Up state that I am currently ashamed to be residing in. Why in heaven's name did the prosecution even begin to believe that there would be a fair, impartial jury in that equally F#&ked-Up city? It should have been held in a small town, where there are people who have not been so brain-washed by the politicians & media....... We are not all brain dead liberals out here- It is a total travesty that the killer was not found guilty of- at MINIMUM- involuntary manslaughter..... Rates right up there with the Bergdahl verdict. Our Nation is on the "A" ride- Straight to Hell In A Hand-basket, and I seriously doubt that we can get back on track.

    I can't be the white knight.

    Not true- To many of us- you are. I think back to the news video - Batman and the child............ Your constant displays of selflessness and generosity are overwhelming- You have touched way more peoples' lives than you can imagine. You have but to reach out- we are all here- we may lurk in the shadows, but we will darn sure step up if you need us!

    Jesus Christ....just got quoted $1300/yr for the Sling. How did you guys do it?

    Mine would have been the same- except they have me rated as putting on 1000 miles per year........ (me agent's idea- not mine) It is Nationwide. All State & State Farm even higher. And they have it rated as garage kept

    I feel your pain and know what you're going through. During hurricane Irma, we lost power for a little more than two days along with $18,000 of damage to the house.

    During Hurricane Frederick, the great outdoors moved into the house, via the roof, and I had no power for 5 weeks, no running water for 6 weeks. I had a hand pump, a coleman cook stove, and a cooler. Apparently I was a hell of a lot younger, tougher, and much more adventurous then.............
    Sorry for your loss- hurricanes are why I no longer live on the gulf coast.

    Yesterday, I got to deal with ALL my holiday leftovers, as well as everything else, when my 1 yr., 2 week old 30 cubic foot Kenmore elite refrigerator took a dump- It was delivered to me 11/16/16. They are pretty sure it is the compressor.......... Sears extended warranty is as worthless as our Congress. Parts have been ordered- ETA Dec 7th.....WTF. Freezer was jammed to the hilt with meat & shrimp, scallops, etc. So- my "options" They will credit me $150 for a mini frig- I can pick it up from Sears today....... HOWEVER, after searching all the Sears locations within 50 miles, there is nothing bigger then 3 cubic feet in my area. Again- WTF. Last night- gave away as much as I could of the mostly still frozen good stuff. Threw away probably $400 -$500 worth of fresh food and condiments- it had been at about 50 degrees for more than 18 hours. You don't realize how much money you have invested in food, until you have to dump it all- a fortune in condiments alone! Today, I throw away all the "cheap" meats- hamburger, chicken breasts, sausages, pork chops, etc. Good quality food is probably the one thing I spend way too much $$ on, but if I am going to have a steak- it damn well better be a rib-eye or better. I eat low-carb- so lots of fresh veggies and meats.
    Wasting food goes against every fiber in me- I was raised being told that I had to finish my supper- "there were starving children in Europe".
    This has been a shi##y way to deal with holiday leftovers. It will be an interesting next 10 days. X(

    I am thankful that my 30 year old kid is OK- This morning, he went to the gym work out- Has unlimited personal trainer classes. Today was "partner" day. The dipshit he was partnered with hopped off the rails rather than running down the tread. Him, not thinking about it, stepped up and immediately face planted. His finger got caught under the tread and now he has a bloody mangled pinky. He got it pretty good- not stitches, but not much skin left on it.......... We partner for dinner- I was doing ham, pie, and h'orderves, (easy peasy for a change- right?) Well, "Mom- can you come over and fix the bacon wrapped brussel sprouts, Creamed kale & spinach, mashed cauliflower, and maple glazed carrots? Can't bend or get my finger wet." (He is finally going low-carb.) Thank God it is just road rash to the 9th degree.
    Someday I will learn, and we will just go out for dinner.
    ps- real proud of him- he has lost about 20 pounds- put on lots os muscle, and doing Tough Mudder and Spartan Super Obstacle next year. 'Bout time he turned his lifestyle around!

    God "bless" CA. I pay over $900 per year- full coverage, but only 3K on add-ons, and my agent has fudged on number of miles per year to the point you would think my 18 month old SL with 21K miles was a Garage Queen........ X(
    no accidents or points on my record

    Hey y'all- it's the holiday season, and @sideseatdriver has located someone who is not only a LEO, but also a reservist with 4 young kids, who needs a helping hand. That's what this forum is all about.
    Those who have donated- you rock- but we have almost 1500 members on this forum-
    Please- time to pony-up, if even a small amount!
    JMHO-- thanks for the read

    Would like to suggest that you try removing the fuse for your radio, disabling the entire infotainment system and back-up camera. If it is a short anywhere in those systems- maybe you can isolate it. 2016 models had a problem with faulty back-up cameras. If there is a short somewhere, it can fry main harness and ECU.

    On the freeway in the sling- traffic has literally come to a crawl. 2 wheelers come ripping by at 50++ mph- way too darn close to my side mirrors. (lane sharing is legal in CA- but not at those speeds-- Yes- technically the sling is a "motorcycle", but have any of you tried to lane-share with it in traffic? :00007991: )

    edit: OK- truth is- half the time I'm jealous of the 2 wheelers