Posts by KZ1

    I believe there are many levels of racism. Many people have some but don’t express it. Slavery was a part of life in days gone by. Practiced by all societies. Black, white etc were slavers and slaves. During wartime captured enemies were put to work and not paid (slavery). There is slavery going on at the border, yet you don’t heR shit about it.

    many forget the Japan attacked and occupied an American Island (Attu), part of the Aleutian Islands of Alaska.

    If Hunter is brought in they will offer him a deal. Which will be minimal time, for that he will receive a pass on all the real dirty stuff. He won’t turn on daddy and will get a cake walk. This will stop the Reps from being able to pursue him or anyone else.

    Like I have said in the past, I didn't like him before he was prez. Being prez didn't change that

    ok, so based in the positive aspects you mentioned, is there anything he can do that would change your mind on being a supporter? Especially with issues regarding top secret documents and therefore possible espionage or treason? Would that not change your mind? Or regardless you are ok with that?

    has any of that been proven? All we have is a document that states that was the status of the docs. This from the same people who had the raid the house.

    Slingblade, you speak as if you know all that was going on during the shooting. The problem with your stance is that it is in hindsight, from a couch far away from the event. We’re there problems? Yes. No let’s learn (from those who were there) the full truth. Quit watching Die Hard movies and let the professionals sort it out.

    I also have to ask, if an AR-15 type weapon isn’t really any different from other rifles (as so many argue), why does it seem to be the weapon of choice is most of these mass shootings?

    think of the mindset of the shooter. Many want the publicity and think that these weapons make them more powerfully and cool. We are dealing with shooters with a mind set of an adolescent. P

    I was looking for a way to use Solar Panels during a power outage, yes I understand it only works when the sun is up.. but that is how Solar works. I did not want the battery backup as the cost goes way up... Yes I could pay over 20 years or so but I think I will just go with the Generac that runs off the Natural Gas at my home... I am up there in age a bit and the 20 year payback/break even does not interest me. 7k for a whole home Generac system (for my house anyways) seems like a much better option.

    I have a couple of friends who moved to AZ and they were surprised when looking for a house that the ones with Solar mostly added to the monthly payment because of the 20 or longer "lease" the the original person took out for the Solar. Yes, you could try to get the seller to pay, but they just raised the cost of the home to cover the cost of paying for that Solar installation.

    Anyway, my buddy that lives in the mountains here in CO has the Generic and in the winter it has saved him from having pipes freezing, and other stuff. After their first power outage a few years ago and his house was the only one with power, now most of his neighbors have the Generac also.

    I live on the coast of Mississippi. With the storms each year , the chance of power outages is higher than in Kansas. If we have a storm outage it will be for days not hours. I have a Generac which will run for about 7 days off a 250 gal propane tank. It’s a great backup.

    A little something that nobody is considering while arming Ukraine. How are we tracking the anti-air weapons being sent there? Don't be surprised if some of those are sold on the black market and wind up being used by terrorists to bring down passenger planes. Actions have consequences.

    most of that stuff was left in Afghanistan and in already in terrorists hands. Thanks to Joe

    I wish Biden would have come out and said we need to reevaluate or energy processes. We're putting the pressure on to close nord stream 2 and that means Europe is going to suffer while trying to meet energy needs. We can help our NATO members and at the same time meet our own energy needs as a matter of national security by restarting the Keystone pipeline. It will cut down on inflation and secure ours and NATO members needs while we all work towards "green" energy advancements.

    Since this pipeline has not opened, the sanction means nothing. There are 3 other pipelines from Russia into Europe that currently are running wide open and NOT being sanctioned.

    Quick question.... So Russia has approx. 100k troops at the border, and mr brain dead is getting 8500 ready?

    Ok I lied... second question... Why don't we let NATO take care of this one instead of again spending trillions of our money for another action we have no business being involved in?

    Ukraine is not part of NATO. This is what Putin wants to prevent

    My doctors have held to the belief the the shots were to reduce the effects of Covid if you encountered the virus. The vaccine does not cure you or make you immune. It will lessen the effects. I have had the shots and booster.

    Someone in an earlier post amused to the idea that the new strain was to take the nations attention of the Maxwell trial….hum