Posts by SoCal

    First off prayers and condolences to all victims and their families in this horrible Florida shooting that has claimed 17 lives so far.

    I know many of us here are older from a different generation but WTF is going on with our young people today??? I know school shootings (other than the sniper at University of Texas) were unheard of when I was growing up. Have we as a society allowed things to devolve so far that young folks have no respect for human life??? These crazies seem to pick on school and church settings because they know most there will be unarmed and just shooting fish in a barrel turning places that should be the most peaceful into killing fields. I know there was a gun scare at a local high school a couple weeks ago and I truly feared for my grandaughter’s life for a short while. Luckily it was just a stupid kid bringing a gun to school to show it to his friends. We all know gun control is not the answer. Do we increase school taxes enough to pay to have armed guards roam the halls of our schools? At this point I know it sounds crazy but I am just about ready to see my 15 year old granddaughter armed so she would at least have a chance in one of these horrific events. I know that never would happen and would cause many other problems. So what is the answer?? I hate to say it just seems we just have to accept the slaughter of our children and grandchildren. Truly a sad day when things like this cannot be stopped as it appears to me.

    ...... when I was a child the principal patrolled the hall and made us tuck our shirts in and a paddle hung from the wall in his office- and he used it. And if you got in trouble at school it was nothing compared to what you got when you got home. There was respect for authority and it was backed up with action. Discipline was the rule not the exception. People are asking now what can we do? The answer is simple. Don’t let the inmates run the asylum. Not a single school shooting when I was a kid to my knowledge.

    I know have 6000 miles on my stock rear tire and I am getting very close to the tags. I have a base model 2016 with the standard rim. Any suggestions on a wider tire and what might be a good replacement ? Any thoughts are appreciated.

    Vegas Rally in April.

    Heading there myself

    Ya I am gunna miss this one. Shame, as I think a lot of the locals here will be heading up that way and it would be fun to see them on the road. Me - I will be coming back from a 2000 mile Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon, Zion, Valley of fire, Vegas, Mojave trip. Will juuuuuussssst miss this one! Expect gratuitous amazing pictures shortly after! :00008698:

    AND then program it to go back to the day you first saw your "new" ride and live it again!

    With 3 red lights on the Y and red/yellow/green on the controller(s) it's a little "Christmasy" when on....

    Best 30$ you will spend!
    Went out for a night ride this weekend and almost too toasty- had to turn mine down to level one of three! I put two round magnets, one on the controller and one on the SS so the controller stays handy but can be removed. The splitter looks like "back to the future " but stays connected and works

    Thank you for sending that link and suggesting that I do that. All of these are iPhone 6 pictures and most likely not the resolution they are looking for. I am in the process of shopping for a nice point and shoot camera. I have accumulated over the years so many amazing pictures / memories however none of them have been made with sufficient resolution. I am on the hunt to fix that!

    Mmmmm it would seem that in my late night posting I ended up double posting. Sorry for that!

    Don't I wish

    The Pope went on vacation for a few days to visit the rugged mountains of Wyoming. He was driving along near a campground when he heard a frantic commotion just at the edge of the woods. He found a helpless, long-haired, bearded, middle-aged man wearing Patagonia shorts, sandals, and an old "Vote for Obama" tee shirt. The man was screaming and struggling frantically, thrashing all about trying to free himself from the grasp of a 10-foot, 1200 pound grizzly bear.
    As the Pope watched in horror, a group of cowboys all wearing "Go Trump" & "America First" denim shirts came racing up. One quickly fired a .44 Magnum slug right into the bear 's chest. The two other men pulled the bleeding, semiconscious man from the bear 's grasp. Then using baseball
    bats, the three cowboys finished off the bear. Two of the men dragged the dead grizzly onto the bed of their pickup truck while the other tenderly placed the injured man in the back seat.
    As they began to leave, the Pope summoned all of them over to him. "I give you my blessing for your brave actions!" he proudly proclaimed. "I have
    heard there was bitter hatred between Republicans and Democrat Party supporters, but now I 've seen with my own eyes that this is not true, and
    that America is truly a blessed place in which to live."
    As the Pope drove off, waving, one cowboy asked his buddies, "Who was that guy?" "Dude, that was the Pope, " another replied. "Catholic's say he has access to all the wisdom of the universe." "Well," the cowboy said, "he may have access to all wisdom of the universe, but he shore don't know shit about bear huntin. By the way, is the bait still alive or do we need to go back to California and get another one?" :00008040::00008172:

    Here, ya it's cold, but I can carry and shoot whenever I want. I own my property and can do almost anything I want. No concern about water, have my own well and septic.

    Shatneyman - I get it! "Country boy can survive" Getting my CC here in the Golden state is a "process" to say the least. Thinking of going up to Simi Valley to the RR library - grabbing some DNA and working on a clone for when Moon Beam steps down. This state DID produce the Gipper so perhaps, if for only a time, we can "get our minds right" and do it again! A broken clock is right twice a day.... :thumbup:

    A LITTLE crazy?? How about loony toons! As a conservative in the Socialist Republic of Taxafornia I feel like I have to keep my
    head low around here! No lie on the straw thing - if you have to tell us how much water we can have in our toilets, what Bulbs
    we can have in our sockets and send us to jail for 6 months for handing out straws then stick a fork in it - go home - you clowns
    have nothing better to do! I love this state - it's just run by board certified loons at the highest level!

    Ok soapbox down.... The weather keeps me here and the State is BEAUTIFUL and don't judge the people by the crazies in LA,
    and San Francisco - Cali "regular" folk are some of the best people you will meet!

    Growing up in New Hampshire I TOTALLY ( little cali lingo ) get the "Salt in the wound" thing. Never take the plow off the truck
    until the Memorial Day!

    Nice ride in...... "Edwardaneal" you were right, it did rain but we just missed it- or so we thought.Got to Pioneertown... frickin COLD! Parked on the DIRT, ( really! - spent an hour detailing this morning) went in for a great lunch. Cool spot! Walked out to dirt devils spinning around the parking lot and drizzle / 45 degrees!! ANY day you can ride is a good day so all in all it was a good day

    this is what my weather app says at this moment:

    and this is what its actually like out side at this moment:

    When they say we are going to get rain 99% of the time it only actually falls on the mountain and as usual it should be a great day to take a ride