Posts by SoCal

    I have ridden two wheelers since I was 14. My first two wheeler was a Cushman Eagle. I've had so many brands of motorcycles that I cannot remember them all. I had 4 Kawasaki Vulcans the last one being a 2009 1700cc Nomad which I rode for 60,000 miles which I traded for my first three wheeler a 2012 Can Am. Which I didn't like. (no leaning in turns) Like driving a car. Got rid of it in 2013. Did not ride again until a test drive in a 2018 Slingshot. Was sold immediately I purchased it on the spot. Ordered a top for it and after waiting for over 2 months for the top I canceled the order and visited my dealership to purchase a Slingshade. The salesman talked me into trading for a 2019 Grand Touring model with a Top. I have no regrets. I love my Grand Tourer. And by the way I turned 83 my last Birthday in November. And I am a Trump supporter and proud of it.

    Giving us/me all hope canegrinder!

    Keep Slingin’!

    Love him or hate him Trump is a fighter and to the best of his ability will take no prisoners. He is showing the Republicans how to do it and hopefully they’re paying attention. Never once did I envision him as being president however I’ve been praying for a long time for someone, anyone to get in the game.

    Make no mistake about it this presidency and this time will go down in history as a formidable moment. For better or worse we will be able to say we were there.

    At the end of the day what would you rather? A bombastic egotistical flamboyant president that gets phenomenal results that are incredibly positive for every American or people that have promised you everything for 50 years and have only delivered policies of servitude and domination over your freedoms?

    I don’t care to be friends with Donald Trump but I’m damn glad he’s our president right now!

    Old age catches up to all of us. At least we got here and still standing up.;(

    Who among us ever expected the SS to come along??? I sure didn't. I remember in the back of my mind lamenting the day I would have to put up the Bike. I need to get busy letting mine go so someone else can enjoy her. Riding since 17 it is hard to do.

    What an unexpected pleasure the SS is for all of us!

    SoCal , for reference: I live with "the left". "The left" much like "the right" would rather have a hot poker stuck in their eye rather than watch or listen to the other sides news and/or pundits. According to "the left" and "the right" such listening "brings about a visceral, vomit inducing response". I experience no such feelings. I can listen to all of it, all day long on a daily basis without as much as a blimp of an increase in blood pressure or angst. ;)

    You are so correct on that! I truly wish the entire electorate took the time to become educated and to the best of their ability seek out the truth. It is a rare find. Compounded by the fact that conversations on touchy subjects that can remain civil are rare indeed 🙂🌲

    Not sure where you are from and you say you live with the left good Lord I’m surrounded !🤪

    Merry Christmas to you too brother.:)

    I'll look for a conservative rehab clinic around here. I do watch Hannity, Ingraham, Watters, Carlson and listen to The Patriot radio station, but none of it seems to help. Hopefully your Go Fund Me campaign will get me more direct help.:)

    Perhaps, but it always does seem to be about the money🤑 with the left doesn’t it :00008356::00010166:

    Ooooh WOLF

    My Christmas present to you is a go fund me account so you can truly get the help you need 😇. Perhaps there is a conservative rehab clinic around you. Follow the light follow the light !🙂

    Merry Christmas my friend 🌲

    You're adorable, the second amendment has nothing to do with the laws that were broken by the handicapped, bullied, insulted guy.:/ Yep, absolutely nothing.

    Oh, and so you don't continue trying to make this "my argument". It pertains to laws I didn't write, in a state I don't live in. I just wanted people to think about what they do. I think I accomplished that. ;)

    nipper51 I deleted my quote of your original post. You may want to amend it, so it is a little more vague. That way somebody that would do what I pretended to do to your friend, can't.;)

    hummm so the second amendment is conditional? Overbearing states have constantly tried to water down and handcuff this right. Granted states rights are important as well however where would you stand if certain states decided free speech wasn’t all it was cracked up to be? Is the first amendment conditional as well?

    I believe back in the day there were states that decided that certain human rights to certain people were Null and void. Just because these states did that and went against the constitution did that make it right / okay?

    Only one time did I ever have the gas gauge flashing at me. I do believe I would rather have the gas gauge flashing at me than experience the look in my wife’s eyes at that time again.

    Ahhh “we can make it” doesn’t cut it anymore 😔