Posts by Edward Neal

    Your inability to comprehend the English language in written form is unbelievable.

    Which is to say, I don't believe you believe the beliefs that you project on to me as my beliefs.:D

    Actually when it comes to Trump I dont think you have the ability to be open to change or the possibility that your past judgements could ever be wrong I think you are simply consumed with hate for Trump - - like I said I think if the guy walked on water and ended world hunger you would still happily do everything in your power to crucify him

    And frankly I find it very sad, which is probably why I even bother with these posts - - I think being open to the possibility that we might be wrong, to be open to change is key to learning and growing - - and I see you just sadly sitting their with you eyes and mind completely closed to ever thinking you might be wrong

    And just to be clear I am not trying to be funny - I am dead serious when I say that too me you come off as one of the most closed minded people I have ever conversed with

    Over 70 Reagan, Bush, Ford Senior government officials endorse Trump

    A group of 70 senior government officials who worked with various Republican administrations dating back to Richard Nixon endorsed President Trump for re-election on Monday, citing his accomplishments on foreign policy and national security.

    In an open letter, 70 former officials, including governors, senators, national security advisers, military generals and ambassadors from the Trump, George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush, Reagan, Nixon and Ford administrations, lauded the president for pursuing a "strong foreign and national security policy in America's interests."

    "We also believe that a president’s duty and loyalty are owed, first and foremost, to the American people, and not the international community, which is consistent with strengthening our alliances and friendships," the letter said. "For all of these reasons, we have concluded, that Donald J. Trump should be re-elected as President of the United States."

    Does anyone actually think Hillary could have done better? would Hillary been able to work with Israel and Arab countries to get the type of deals signed that Trump has done?

    Biden and Obama failed miserably at foreign policy - too busy kissing Iranian asses

    you seem to forget that I not only didn't vote for Trump but voted for a person I thought was better for the country at the time

    I simply recognize now that I might have been wrong and that based on job performance he has done more in under 4 years to better the lives of virtually every American than his competition in this coming election has done in over 40 years - I am willing to reconsider the view I held prior to 2016

    You on the other hand decided long before Mr Trump was ever elected that you didnt care what he might accomplish and you will never reconsider and you would never vote for him - seriously Trump could walk on water and end world hunger forever and you would still hate him and want to vote for someone / anyone else. You are 100% close minded when it comes to Mr Trump

    Seriously can you honestly say there could ever be any realistic accomplishment that Trump could do that would make you reconsider?

    I thought about the "law" part. Maybe Bill Martin knows.

    If I lie to my tax accountant am I the one who broke the law?

    If my tax accountant lies for me am I legally in trouble?

    So why do you even think the law might have been broken at all?

    Is it your endless hate for Trump?

    Seriously, don't you think by now we would know if any tax laws had been broken in all of the years of Trumps tax filings and all of the audits that have been done?

    you are just like the media - - you like to make assumptions without any proof and then speculate about them publicly to try to sway opinion

    Frankly I would love it if at the debates all candidates were asked the following question:

    "Have you ever intentionally paid more federal or state income tax than required by law?"

    Anyone answers yes and they would NEVER get my vote - - have to be a moron to intentionally pay more than the law requires - even if you wanted to give extra there are much more efficient ways to be philanthropic

    Unless Trump violated tax laws his taxes and what he paid or didnt pay shouldn't matter.

    I dont know of a single person who doesnt strive to legally minimize their taxes - - - also I think we need to look at the words being used not paying "Income Tax" does not mean a person does not pay taxes - - it is very possible that being in the real estate business a person could pay millions in taxes but they would be classified as capital gains taxes and would not show up as "income taxes"

    Seems to me like the media is playing games using the words they choose very carefully to try to confuse people into thinking Trump some how cheated on his taxes

    Just more anti Trump media spin as far as I can see

    Actually I can tell you something Joe Biden did

    Biden was the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee for both the confirmation of Robert Bork and Justice Clarence Thomas

    Biden himself is the primary person responsible for bringing the concept of personal destruction that has become known as "borking" into the judicial confirmation process.

    The responsibility for this process that we all saw so well with Justice Kavanaugh, the concept of trying to destroy a persons life, when they are nominated by the other political party - lies directly at Joe Biden's feet

    frankly for this and this alone I think Joe Biden is total scum unfit for public office - - - He smiles and acts like good old uncle Joe and at the same time he promotes the personal destruction of those he is against

    the division & the hate that we now see in our political system - - yep this is Joe's biggest accomplishment in his 40 plus years in office

    I think it is just that some units have casting flaws or perhaps they have leaks and get low on oil - The angle drive should not have any more of a heat issue than any other differential and perhaps even less considering it has fewer moving parts to generate heat

    I must admit I am always amazed how the media will make it sound like anyone who has more than one gun and any decent quantity of ammo is some kind of terrorist - - headlines like "A cache of weapons and thousands of rounds of ammunition were confiscated"

    my wife an I only own 2 guns, both 9mm and we always stock over 100o rounds - - most people I know that own a few guns easily have "thousands of rounds of ammunition - - and I guess the media would also call it a cache of weapons


    About a month ago, I met the man who actually owns the house next door to me (it’s a rental - the man & his wife recently moved to Tucson; ironically, his brother is the new renter). I digress. The owner is a black man from CA, born & raised, & he has an Asian wife. Lovely couple (met her too). Anyways, he got tired of CA’s BS & moved here. For the price he got out out of his home in CA, he bought a mansion here + 4 other homes to use as rental income. He said CA turned him from being a Democrat into a staunch Conservative. He said he can’t understand why ANYONE still lives there.

    I suspect that most people stay here simply because it is where they are employed. I also suspect that with newly discovered ease with which people can work from home that has come as a result of COVID that many of these people will now realize they are not stuck here just because it is where their employer is located

    I am mainly hunting for liberal Californians. They are infiltrating our area as they bail out of their socialist state. For the sale of a plain jane, run of the mill home in CA, they can buy an absolute mansion here. Seriously, there’s a LOT of ex-Californians moving here... If they’re conservative, they’ll have no problem from me.

    problem is that the Libs will move there to get away from the mess California has become and then they will vote for the same crap they voted for that screwed California in the first place

    well in the past couple of days I have heard democrats threaten to pack the court if Trump nominates someone and I have heard them say they might try impeachment again if he nominates someone and on to top of that I have even heard people call for them to "burn down" congress if Trumps nomination were to get confirmed.

    Sounds like we now have two very different parties in politics - - all of my life it has always been the Republicans & the Democrats

    judging by recent events and now the words coming out of the left I think it would be very fair to say the two major parties are the Republicans & the Terrorists

    And I am not saying this to be funny I am seriously afraid that if the Left does not get what it wants this November we could end up with the left starting a violent revolution of the magnitude this country has not seen since the civil war - - - whats funny is the left leaning media keep saying how afraid they are that Trump might not accept it if he lost yet they and a huge part of the Left are the ones that have in fact never accepted that they lost in 2016

    I will not be the least bit surprised if the democrats pull out every stop to steal this election and will go to war if it doesnt work
