Posts by Edward Neal

    I do want to ask and this is not to criticize or debate at all, just want to understand your reasoning for the statement about your granddaughters. If there are so many breakthrough cases and it seems to be your just as likely to catch and spread this as before then how do you think the vaccine helps them? It seems the stance has changed from you can't catch and spread this to well, you can but your symptoms may not be as severe. Not sure how this helps anyone but you? Again, not an attack just a question as I do value most(not all) opinions here, yours being towards the top of the list. I'm in a very pivotal point in my life with all this and just looking at views from all sides. That being said, I do wish you, the wife, and your granddaughters absolutely make it through to the other side of this in the best of health regardless of the choices made, didn't want that part mistaken.

    Yes, there are breakthrough cases, but it still remains true that vaccinated people are still much less likely to catch covid, it also seems to be believed that people with asymptomatic cases, which a breakthrough case in a vaccinated person is more likely to be, are less likely to spread the virus than people who are symptomatic.

    yes its not a 100% guarantee which is why I will get a booster as soon as its available, but even if it only reduces the chance I could unintentionally harm my grandkids by 10 or 20% I would still do it - - - yes my grandkids are that important and if I ever got them sick and caused them harm and there had been something I could have done that I didn't do that might have prevented that - - - - seriously??? That would devastate me beyond anything I could ever imagine - - - - - If I were alone in this world without anyone I cared about in my life I might feel differently about being vaccinated, but thankfully that's not the case, I am blessed to have the family I have and protecting them is the most important thing I can think of that I will ever do.

    a link for you

    New data was released by the CDC last week showing that vaccinated people infected with the delta variant carry viral loads similar to those of people who are unvaccinated.

    While this sounds discouraging, it’s important to keep three things in mind:

    Vaccines remain highly effective at preventing severe disease.

    Breakthrough infections among vaccinated individuals remain uncommon.

    The majority of new COVID-19 infections in the US are among unvaccinated people.

    Thanks for the info and really good point about the polio vaccine.

    A friend of mine was vaccinated recently (a bit due to me prodding; she is a dear friend and I was concerned) when I looked at the website (Publix where I got my vaccine) it said the booster was for people who were "immune compromised".

    I have heard that they are planning on recommending the boosters to everyone at 8 months after the second shot was received - - unfortunately the very large number of unvaccinated people have provided a fertile field of people in which the virus can keep growing and mutate and unless these people do get vaccinated covid could continue to change (as the flu does) which could make ongoing boosters a needed thing

    Like I pointed out - Polio was only stopped because so many people got vaccinated that it no longer had that fertile field of people to grow in

    check this out - - Polio Vaccine problems - - 100's of thousands of kids actually got defective Polio vaccines and many ended up with the disease and paralyzed - and this is isn't all. Imagine this information had been open to public - - - - yep people would have avoided the vaccine and today we would have kids still getting paralyzed and dying

    Edit - the oral vaccine for polio actually contained live virus and over the years caused actual polio in enough people that today its no longer even offered - - my parents lined us up in line that took hours to get us this oral vaccine - - - glad they did - - worth it to not have polio still an issue for my kids and grandkids

    I wonder if; or how much, they investigate possible issues with the unborn?

    If it is approved by the FDA does this mean that Pfizer CAN be held legally liable if the poke harms someone?

    What of the heart issues with young people?

    from what I have read these vaccines have actually been tested in a far greater number of people than most other new vaccines. Apparently one of the primary reasons that normal trials take as long as they do is because the groups of volunteers are very small and this means they need to do a large number of such trials. In the case of these vaccines they have been able to observe and study huge numbers of people and this has enabled them to get the answers they feel they need to insure they are safe in a much shorter time frame

    as to legal liability I would imagine that it will be the same as with any other drug or vaccine - if there is a provable cause and effect they would be held liable and if it were to rise to a point where it were wide spread the approval would be withdrawn

    As an side thought I have to wonder if polio would have ever been eradicated in the U.S. if social media had existed in the 50's and 60's like it is today - - would they have been able to get the numbers of people vaccinated like they did if every bad possible side effect had been broadcast to everyones news feed and would we still be having people routinely crippled today????

    just food for thought - - these things are always a balancing act of risk vs reward

    personally I will get the third shot booster as soon as it is made available to me - - my granddaughters, who are too young to be vaccinated, health is far more important to me than any potential risk to myself

    FDA grants Pfizer covid 19 vaccine full approval

    "The FDA’s approval of this vaccine is a milestone as we continue to battle the COVID-19 pandemic," Acting FDA Commissioner Janet Woodcock said in a statement issued Monday. "While this and other vaccines have met the FDA’s rigorous, scientific standards for emergency use authorization, as the first FDA-approved COVID-19 vaccine, the public can be very confident that this vaccine meets the high standards for safety, effectiveness, and manufacturing quality the FDA requires of an approved product."

    next time do a little more research on your candidate.....don’t ignore his obvious brain farts....and don’t vote for someone that tells you I’m going to raise your taxes....kill big the border....and kill the economy.....just because you hated trump...and please give us a valid reason for your hatred.....wasn’t your 401k doing better? Wasn’t your gasoline cheap enough? Was your income taxes low enough? What was it?

    Unfortunately elections in this country have become more about popularity and likability than they are about capability to actually do the job - - - Joe Biden is a very likable, perhaps even lovable fool - - - Donald Trump is pretty much the exact opposite a very unlikable cunning, conniving and ruthless business man who gets the job done.

    unfortunately these days American elections have become popularity contests much like high school prom king & queen elections and the only way someone like Trump ever even had a shot the first time around was because he was fortunate enough to run against perhaps the most unlikable person to ever in Hillary Clinton

    Seriously do you really think Trump won the first time because people thought he would do a great job, or did he win simply because no one likes Hillary?

    This is not new - - elections in this country have been nothing but popularity contests for a very long time, only thing that makes the last election any different is the fact that the more popular personality also happened to be suffering from extreme ineptitude and dementia to an extent far beyond anyone to ever run for the office - - - - but he is likable :rolleyes:

    Oh come on - - if we work it just right and show him all of the possible conspiracies we might be able to get him to unplug and go into hiding - - after all even logging in here could possibly lead to government monitoring - right?

    100% self isolation, completely off the grid, no power, no internet, no phone and dont tell anyone where you are going and never contact anyone ever again - - - its the only way!


    plus, sometimes its fun to poke the trolls with a stick just to hear them yell

    Sometimes he strays from the script, those can be awesome.

    I did like that the three stooges were standing behind him with their muzzles on.

    well - I guess I missed the stooges - - it might be funny to watch it when he steps in it, but in the end its not worth it to me - - just gets me frustrated.

    as a side note I had a bit of a laugh today - - posted up a post on facebook almost a year ago that said "At Least its not Hillary" - - - today that post popped up asking me if I wanted to share it again, My first thought when I saw it was we would probably be much better off today if we did have Hillary. As much as I dislike her that old battle axe would probably have bombed the heck out of the Taliban, might be the biggest bitch ever, but I don't think she would cave to the far left like we are seeing now

    I cant believe that anyone would even waste their time watching a Biden press conference - - its not like he actually came up with anything he says on his own

    seriously might as well listen to a press conference by Walter at a Jeff Dunham show except Walter would make more sense

    95% of all statistics are made up by the person talking about the numbers. Don't believe me? Then make up your own numbers like I just did

    94.37% of voters blindly vote along Party lines without ever actually doing any research AND 96.37% of voters vote for the Party their parents or teachers told them was the best without ever doing any research AND although I personally believe this is probably close to being correct it is 100% guaranteed that I did in fact make up the above numbers

    Very odd August day today - only 73 this morning for my ride into work and still only 97 now for my ride home

    I heard this morning on the radio that today was some kind of record low for this for this date in history

    calling for 100 as the high for Friday through Sunday before it is expected to go back up and hit 113 by a week from today

    Will she ship? I'd be glad to pay once the weather cools down.

    I will let Sara know, in the past she has often shipped her brittle as gifts, Now that she has the permit for the home kitchen she is supposed to deliver everything in person, but if I understand things correctly shipping directly qualifies

    of course if she cant ship it, I could buy it from her and then I could ship it - - - hehehe

    For years now my wife, Sara, has talked about wanting to make things to sell at local farmers markets and street fairs. In the past this has been something that would have been almost impossible for her to do because she was still working full time at night as a table games dealer in the casino. Well earlier this year Sara retired and as such things changed so we started working on getting her a Cottage Foods permit that would allow her to make & sell the various brittles, peanut, almond, pecan & cashew, that she wants to sell and just over a week ago she was given the permit. Being summer here most of the farmers markets are not running due to the extreme heat, but there is one that has moved inside in an old Ralph Market building so we figured that would be a good place to start

    Well today is her first day and just seeing that smile on her face tells me it was a good idea - - dont care if she makes a dime just so long as it makes her happy

    Anyway just wanted to share - - As they say - Happy wife - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    the new green deal is building back Beijing.

    so now biden is going to have a new, new green electric cars....

    Yes it it true that Afghanistan has huge deposits of precious metals and lithium, but so far no one has had much luck accessing them. And it is possible that you are correct and that China will try to make some deals with Afghanistan to be allowed to come in and set up mining operations - I guess the real question will be if China can have any better luck than Russia or the U.S. did in dealing with the ultra religious ideology of the Taliban - It would seem very likely to me that China with their anti religion views would be seen as a huge affront and not particularly welcome in a country trying to be a Islamic Caliphate

    Perhaps in 10 or 20 years we will be laughing at Chinas failures in Afghanistan just like I am sure Russia is laughing at us right now :/

    Anything that cools the air going across the unit makes a large difference

    the units with pre cooling I saw at the home show many years back actually used water to pre cool the return air - not the outside compressor unit - - I don't know exactly how it worked, but I suspect it had the water going through a coil system that the air passed over before the AC coils - - - At the time I thought it was an interesting idea, but also seemed like it created more opportunity for things to go wrong - - - anyway at this point it doesn't really matter - - haven't seen these systems in over 15 years and never known anyone who actually bought one so I suspect it was an idea that didn't take off

    Just like Obama Biden wants to be the man of the hour and take credit when he thinks something has gone well, and, just like Obama Biden wants to blame the prior administration and everyone else when anything goes wrong

    As a side note I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if the downfall of Afghanistan isn't used by the progressives as their excuse to remove Biden from office - - - - I am pretty sure they have been looking for the right moment since the day Biden was sworn in. - -who knows perhaps this is why the liberal media has started to turn against Biden :/