Posts by Edward Neal

    Its a rather interesting thing - - here in the U.S. we are very fortunate to only share borders with two countries and both of those countries are militarily aligned with us which gives us a great deal of perceived security compared other countries that share their land borders with many more countries that often times may not be politically/militarily aligned with them.

    Being that age that I am I remember how the U.S. totally freaked out when Cuba was basically becoming a military base for Russia - - the thought of "the enemy" being that close to our doorstep was deemed totally unacceptable and put us on the brink of war - people in the neighborhood where I lived were constructing concrete bomb shelters in their yards in the fear that Russian nukes from Cuba could be launched at a moments notice.

    Remembering this, and the tension that went along with the idea of "the enemy' being that close I find that I can understand why Russia might feel a similar level of anxiety at the idea of a NATO aligned country, along with the military and bases that might go along with that, sitting right on their door step

    I think it is interesting how we, the U.S., often seem surprised when other countries do the same things or react the same way as we have historically - - its like when we do it we think its totally normal and acceptable, but when "they" do it we act shocked like its some kind of horrible unacceptable thing

    Seriously - - think about it - - your some small country and you want weapons comparable to what the U.S. has, and what do we do, we threaten, and we impose sanctions and might even intervene militarily telling you - NO! - you can't have what we have! - - I have to imagine that to much of the population of this world we must look like incredible hypocrites.

    so anyway to my point - I can understand why Putin wants the Ukraine to be more aligned with Russia and not aligned with NATO - just like we didn't want Cuba militarily aligned with Russia - - its totally understandable

    Just pulled up a page that shows prices... Still get into a base model for under $20,000.00
    Compare 2022 Slingshot SL (

    yes - that's what they say, but are they actually selling for that? - - my local dealer Malcolm Smith used to have their inventory on line with the prices - when I looked just now they no longer show prices - they want to to "request a quote"

    I belong to several Facebook slingshot groups and it seems that some people are having a hard time finding what they want in stock and are getting the prices all jacked up by many of the dealers and many are also paying petty good prices (for the seller) for used

    on the bright side - the more they jack up the price for buying new the more value they add for those selling used - - seems to me that right now used 1015's and 2016's are selling for more than they were in 2017 and 2018.

    And it's not supercharged!! :)

    At this point if you want boosted it would seem you will need a Slingshot with the good old Ecotec engine. Not sure what the future holds and I am sure Dave@DDMWorks has much more insight than I do, but I haven't heard of anyone offering a boosted setup for the new Polaris motor yet or even if anyone is working on it.

    In my opinion all the world bad actors (Russia is just one) are going to take advantage of a weak, feckless President. I’ve always said the correlation between the fall of the Roman Empire and the USA is stunning. Nero played the fiddle while Rome burned — Biden will do the same….only he will eat an ice cream cone 😂

    If you look at history every single nation that was once considered great and at the top of the heap, so to speak, eventually fell from that precipice - - - I guess its just human nature to fuck it up

    I guess the only real question left isn't if the U.S. will fall from her place it the top but rather is how far will she fall?

    fortunately for me I probabally won't be around long enough to see the bottom - - =O

    Changing the subject, a little! How many of you are believing the $hit the White House is putting out about Russia?

    This is a good question - - personally I think most of everything coming out of the White House right now is intended to get people to change what we are paying attention to - - its misdirection intended to take our focus off of the terrible job the administration is doing. On top of this I also suspect that the administration and military industrial complex would find another military conflict economically beneficial and what we are being told is intended to get us in a more accepting frame of mind for the conflict that they are actually pushing to get us into. Unfortunately it seems as if this countries leaders find international conflict to be very personally rewarding

    In my younger days I felt there was a choice in our political system - a choice where the voters could pick actual people who cared about the people or pick those who only said they cared about the people - - unfortunately these days I have come to believe that its all smoke & mirrors. Every damn one of them is a self serving elitist and everything that any of them tell us needs to looked at with a great deal of skepticism

    instead of "are they BS'ing us a better question might be "why" are they BS'ing us? what do they have to gain?

    The difference is Jimmy Carter was a good person that was in well over his head at the job. Can't say the same for Biden

    I disagree - I dont think Biden is a bad person, in fact I think he is probabally a very nice guy - - he's just totally incompetent and/or suffering from onset dementia - - - - - - I think the current situation is pretty much history repeating itself - - mean nasty man - Nixon is president so first chance people get to vote and they go for the incompetent "nice guy" - - now mean nasty Trump comes along and given the chance once again idiots vote for incompetent "nice guy" - - its the knee jerk reaction of the uneducated voter - - thinking "nice" makes a better president when in reality "nice" almost never gets the job done

    Tough question - - Yes Biden has been horrible, but when Jimmy Carter took office in 1977 and unemployment was at a bit over 7% He went on a liberal spending spree and called on the Fed print more money which caused inflation to climb to 13.3 percent - - - add to this his complete failure in dealing with the Iran hostage crisis and at this point I would have to say its pretty close to a toss up as to who is the number one biggest failure.

    of course Biden still has more time to get to a solid number one and it does seem as if he has a good shot at it :thumbsup:

    Edit - - on the bright side Jimmy Carter did open peoples eyes which led directly to Ronald Reagan - - so perhaps we might get something similar once Biden is through screwing things up - - - - I can hope

    yesterday - today, & a bit more tomorrow


    wash and decontaminate

    Clay bar

    Hand polish with Meguiars 205 ultra finishing polish

    machine polish and clean with Klasse All in One

    hand seal with Klasse High gloss sealant glaze


    quick clean with ONR

    apply second layer Klasse High gloss sealant glaze


    quick clean with ONR

    apply top layer of Natty's blue carnauba paste wax

    clean and shine all black panels with Lucas Slick Mist Interior detailer

    after this Cage Free should be good to go for summer with just the occasional ONR cleaning and perhaps a coat of the Natty's

    damn! this retirement stuff makes my arm hurt - - but boy does my pearl red look Purdy

    4:45 in the morning here, getting ready to ride to the Farmers Market to help my wife set up for the day. just a couple of weeks ago when I did this it was in the 40's and pretty chilly - right now even though the sun isn't even up yet it is already 73 - - - they say our high will be 86, but I wont be surprised if we beat that and get to 90+

    Could be... but no problems with my Ford.... Just saying I have never heard of an online subscription being out of stock online.

    I agree I haven't heard of it either, but if you think about it, this is more than just a simple subscription - its actually a subscription to an annual collection of information services - services that require people to be there and work to constantly update the information on a minute by minute basis.

    actually the only reason I can think of for something like this to be "out of stock" would be a companies lack of personal to provide these constant updates

    oh well - hopefully this will work out for you and they will get things back "in stock":thumbsup:

    So subscriptions are also suffering from "supply issues"? How can a subscription for online services be out of stock?…onics/2830620/?pfm=Browse

    perhaps they are having a shortage of the personal needed to keep the live traffic and live weather current or are planning on eliminating these offerings after all current subscribers subscriptions have ended because they are not profitable - - - - wouldn't be the first time a company that provided these types of services left people hanging

    anyway - perhaps its just another one of the many things that is suffering from a lack available people to do the job

    I talked to the stereo guy today and was advised he needed to know what model the amp was. I called Rockford Fosgate and spoke to the tech guy.He told me the amp on the 2021 R L E was made for Polaris and you had to use the stage 3 speakers. Lesson learned if you want to use the factory amp buy the Stage 3 speakers and be done with it. Hope this helps.

    what are "stage 3 speakers"? - - are we talking 3 way speakers with a separate tweeter, midrange and woofer or is this some special Rockford Fosgate type of speaker? - dont want to sound ignorant but I haven't heard the term "stage 3 speaker? before