Posts by Skapoor

    One more big thing! Whats the difference between the sl and slr? Anything major such as steering or braking or anything that influences the driving?

    Ive got enough to buy it without financing but i want to finance to build a good credit score, especially since if i cosign the contract the rates going to be crazy low. And i called the nj mcv and local dealers its classified as an auto cycle in jersey, i only need a basic automobile license

    Well sir even a young person can install mods - I am old now but started working go carts when I was 12.yes we drive them on the highway for long distances. It drives very much like a car. You should be very proud of yourself working so hard to get something you want. When you get one this is the place to come for help of with questions.

    any suggestion on what to modify? So pretty much im just going to get the polaris for 20k the base one, what should i buy to upgrade

    I have 25000 miles on mine and 22000 of them are turbo'ed. So ignore the bs. Do not buy an slr unless you plan to leave it completely stock, which is absurd. You're going to mod and potentially mod heavy. The sound system it comes with is crap. Don't waste the money on the sound or wheels. Buy a base unit. You'll be far happier in the long run. Heck an slr is what 8k more than a base? Imagine what you could do to your ride with 8k. Turbo/super and wheels? Not even up for debate.

    Im 16 And ive been working my ass off with 3 jobs for the last 2 years to afford it so i dont have any experience with cars. For mods, is it stuff any old person can figure out how to install or does polaris install it for you? Have you ever drove this on the highway or long distance? Sorry just want to be sure I apologize for all the questions

    Not to sound stupid, but I have been researching and debating on whether or not to purchase a slingshot slr. Im on the fence really and im concerned about the safety since I've read alot about problems with breaking and slingshots catching fire, even though im pretty sure its just bs. Any thoughts from any owners? Sorry if i sound inexperienced just wanted some advice especially since ive heard theyve been recalled a few times.
    Edit: dont want any regrets so can i make this my primary mode of transport, such as driving it long distance or on the highway