Posts by Red

    Allowing his ship to be infected with a port call in march is his responsibility. As a ship's captain he knows the rules for using the chain of command. What action would he take if one of his sailors violated OPSEC and degraded the status of his ship? He knew the rules, he knowingly violated the rules and he was removed. At sea he is judge, jury and executioner he has total say. You can't leave someone with that level of power and responsibility in place if they knowingly violate the rules.

    I can't answer that. I'm an IT guy, not a DVM or and MD. I have no clue what would be required to get an animal testing lab setup to be able, and permitted, to do human sample testing.

    In a state of emergency that could be waved or fast tracked just like Ford making medical equipment in a car plant.

    One of the other things they could borrow from veterinary medicine is batch testing. It's common to test groups of animals instead of single testing. You could take 10 samples from people with no symptoms commingle the samples and use one test. If it's negative they are all negative, if positive test individually. This has been done in farm animals for decades.

    The article says "The Covid-19 testing that was performed on Nadia was performed in a veterinary school laboratory and is not the same test used for people"

    So why hasn't the lab been repurposed to process human tests? Interesting that a test for animals has been developed and produced when human testing is lagging.

    I keep hearing about rapid testing supposedly coming any day now. My 86 year old father went to the ER yesterday and they gave him the covid test. Said it would be 5 days. :(

    One of the issues is money. Free testing is often sent to a state lab, they are overloaded. Private labs charge for the service but return the results faster.

    Bigdog serious question reference ventilators. How does a hospital care for critical patients who need a vent if they send them to another hospital? Vents are part if trama care for spinal injuries most of which are not scheduled. Should victims of trama in upstate NY take a back seat to covid patients in NYC?

    You didn't answer the questions. Your lawsuit would be bounced immediately, if you haven't noticed people are dying on ventilators, it's not a cure.

    BTW how is a hospital preparing for the virus by staging equipment different than what NYC hospitals did?

    not private property these are things that were shipped to other hospitals and they aren’t using they are being redistributed to facilities that need them...

    why does everyone keep forgetting this an emergency situation and It’s life and death for many...If your mother needed a ventilator and there was one that wasn’t being used in another hospital would you want them to get it or tell You to say goodbye..

    it’s not like the governor said let’s go grab some stuff..just because...We’re the government...

    He issued an executive order (we're the government) to seize ventilators (private property) from private hospitals and medical facilities who aren't currently using them. Emergency or not it is the government seizing private property without due process. So if they need them are they going to unplug the person on them and send them back? What happens if someone refuses to give them up?

    It seems you misunderstood my original statement.

    "Perception IS NOT NECESSARILY reality, but ones perception is their reality".

    Perception can be in line with reality. It can also be complete opposite of reality. It can also fall anywhere in between fantasy and reality.

    Sometimes your perception is not reality by design. They show you what they want you to see.

    Actually, it depends on how the manufacturer of that number makes his numbers. If the manufacturer makes one number that can be used as a 6 or a 9, they would both be wrong if they think it is only one number or the other.

    When I type 6 or 9 , on my phone it is clearly the same number just flipped, so in this example it is both a 6 and a 9. Perception of it's orientation matches reality.;)

    Perception vs reality :/

    January: We can't discriminate against people with preexisting health conditions.
    April: People with preexisting health conditions and the elderly will be moved to the bottom of the list for ventilators.

    Where are all the activists for preexisting conditions and the elderly? Remember the commercial with the bad Republican pushing granny over the cliff? Apparently it's ok to push granny in the corner and let her die now.

    There is a difference in perception or guessing or ignoring or denying and reality. My mind is clear not clouded by smoke or alcohol. I don’t try to escape the real world in meaningless brainwashing crap fed to masses in the form of “entertainment “ I give every thing the benefit of doubt until I can prove otherwise. If it’s BS I trash it if it’s real I’ll deal with it. I don’t bury my head and pretend everything is wonderful.

    I really hate much of the things I’ve uncovered. But I don’t pretend everything will be ok. Or pretend it out of existence. There is much evil all around us. In many forms, much in religion and politics. Many deceivers. Many liars. Many that want to hurt us.

    I base my reality from thousands of articles and videos on a multitude of topics. Over many years. I try to gather as much information on Many different things. I try to weed out the truth from fiction, the BS from lies and deception.

    Maybe a shot of bourbon and some music would help you relax a little.

    If the hospitals get overcrowded, who gets care and who does not?

    These decisions, known as ethical triage, have been only in the realm of academic ethics classes and speculation before now. But the realities of the Covid-19 emergency - especially in places like New York - mean that some doctors and nurses may have to make the life saving, and treatment denial decisions sometime soon. As the article says, "No one who participates on a triage team emerges undamaged."

    Here's the link, its about a 10 minute read.…19-shortages-health-care/

    Unfortunately the young dipshits that went on vacation and spring break will get respirators and their grandparents that stayed home won't.

    I picked up my survival kit today. We all have to wear mask or something to cover mouth and nose if entering a public building. We are in seclusion for another month. So I have TP and now this

    Think I can make it ok , my wife, Norma doesn’t like bourbon, so all for me!

    Just Sayin

    In a world full of people hoarding toilet paper it's nice to see someone wh knows how to prioritize . Bourbon and coffee are required purchases I can wipe my ass with an old sock.