Posts by Orangeman


    I live by the Ocean and just with the salt air it is a constant battle keeping corrosion in check at the weld points on the frame. Between the Slingshot, bikes, and Jeep I literally buy ACF-50 by the gallon.

    I have ridden almost year round in northern climes, but with the SLingshot would do everything I could to avoid road salt and if your jurisdiction uses that other potassium based stuff stay off the road until its gone if you plan to keep it more than a couple years.



    You are right, this one only lists the 3, but under "Sourcing" it states "body of reporting from multiple sources" (the other 13?)

    Of our 16 (I don't count the DNI since it is an overseer of the 16 who actually do the work) Intelligence agencies only three have gone on record as reaching this conclusion with "great confidence" ....

    So using your standard ......

    if 100 mathmaticians tell me 1+1=2 and one guy calls them liars and says it's 3, I'm siding with the 100

    I would say no ....... I would not be able to support that conclusion with any confidence .... wink-squared


    If I recall correctly, that wasn't every single agency.

    You have .......

    I hope you also understand the recent report on "Russian Hacking" was also only signed off on by three of the reported 17 agencies and none of those signatures where by career agency employees .....

    I firmly believe no one should be above or afraid of being questioned ...

    That questioning our government is not a crime or sign being unpatriotic but rather a right and responsibility ....

    That no evidence should be taken as gospel and used to form a response without conflicting opinions being presented ....

    And the Russian proverb "Доверяй, но проверяй" ......



    Federal law requires licensing and tag requirements to be reciprocal across all 50 states ...

    In other words whatever your state requires must be accepted in all others as far as your SS being tagged as a MC, Car (not yet but IMO soon), or Autocycle as well as the required license, training, and endorsements to operate ..

    Same as needing a special tag for pick ups in some states but not in others doesn't mean I cannot drive my FL car tagged light truck in PA ..... also some states do no require a MC license but issue MC tags ...

    This does not cover helmet use ... with that you must comply with the state requirement in which you are riding since they are state laws dictated by each jurisdiction without a Federal blanket .....


    Hmmm. Is it fake news or information the intelligence agencies collected that "leaked"?

    It was part of a classified intelligence agency report given months ago to Obama and Trump of possible conflicts, "fake news" or allegations that may present themselves ... all of which could not be verified by them or any of the "news" agencies reporting it ... the New York Times researched it and showed it was started by a British guy hired by opposition early in 2015 who was later hired and paid by the Clinton campaign ...

    Its not new "news"....just takes a little bit of research to hash out .....

    The timing of re-release doesn't take a genius to figure out either .....

    The scandal here that most are missing is how this as well as the classified report on "hacking" where released to the press and by whom ....


    the 300 more emails that showed her emails to and from others in the DNC were hacked by the bad guys??? Like we hadn't already figured that out........

    Let us know what we missed - so much crap out there ya can't keep up with it all

    Along with the new e-mails released last night the FBI confirmed that at least one recipient of classified information sent from her private server was in fact hacked by at least two unfriendly actors as well as at least one friendly.

    This elevates the investigation to a whole new level that by law must be pursued .......

    The only out would be a presidential pardon in the next 11 days ......

    So either way...... in the words of Vice President Biden...."its over"......



    Unfortunately this has been in the works for some time ....

    My dealer (one of the oldest Victory dealers) changed his website to minimize Victory over a month ago and has restructured so his dealership name no longer reflects the Victory brand ...

    With his main focus having been Victory for a looong time, only having Motus as a secondary MC line, and there already being an Indian dealer in town, hopefully his Polaris products can keep his doors open .... its going to be tough ....


    What's the airport shooting called?? Someone enlighten me?

    IMO the Fort Lauderdale airport shooting is not a "hate crime" or terrorism .......

    Estaban Santiago (26) was a member of the Puerto Rico National Guard for six years and served in Iraq as a combat engineer clearing roadsides for over a year. Several members of his unit where killed, others severely wounded. When he returned he was Army Reserve then moved to Alaska and joined the Alaskan national guard where records and family reports show clearly he was "not right" after his return from combat. He was discharged four months ago (While some reports state "Honorably Discharged" I believe it was a disciplinary separation due to instability, poor performance, and having gone off reservation a few times) After his discharge he had several problems with civilian life including arrests as well as domestic problems at home and family separation.

    Then in November 2016, he walked into the Anchorage FBI Field Office to report that his mind was being controlled by a U.S. intelligence agency,” A senior federal law enforcement official said, “During the interview, Santiago appeared agitated and incoherent, and made disjointed statements. Although Santiago stated that he did not wish to harm anyone, as a result of his erratic behavior, interviewing agents contacted local authorities who took custody of Santiago and transported him to a local medical facility for evaluation. The FBI closed its assessment of Santiago after conducting database reviews, interagency checks, and interviews of his family members,” the official added.

    Santiago's brother, Bryan Santiago, spoke with NBC News over the phone from Puerto Rico Friday afternoon
    He said Esteban was born in March 1990 in New Jersey but moved to Penuela, Puerto Rico, where Bryan and their mother still live. Esteban served in the National Guard in Puerto Rico for six years, and went to Iraq for about a year, Bryan said.
    "He was pro-America," Bryan said.
    Esteban has five siblings and he's the youngest, according to Santiago's aunt, Maria Luisa Ruiz, who spoke to NBC 4 sister station Telemundo-47 from her Union City home in New Jersey Friday evening. Two of Esteban's siblings are in Florida and another two are in Puerto Rico, Ruiz said. One of his brothers, who was in Naples on vacation at the time of the shooting, had been a police officer in Puerto Rico for about 20 years. Ruiz said she was able to reach him quickly over the phone on Friday
    "He is in a state of desperation," Ruiz said of the brother in Naples. "We've been trying to communicate with what we have back and forth, and he said, 'Ti-ti, I will call you at night because I think I may need to go over there."
    Ruiz said that Esteban's father died while he was in Iraq. When he returned to Puerto Rico, he studied but struggled to find a job. He then moved to Alaska for work opportunities.
    "I know that right now he was working in security [in Alaska]," she said in Spanish. "But about two months ago, he was in the hospital." "Something got to him," she said. "It looks like he lost his mind. He would say that he would see things. I don't know. So he went to the hospital. That's what I know. That's what the mother told me, who lives in Puerto Rico.
    The aunt -- the sister of Esteban's mother -- said Esteban was in the hospital for about two weeks.
    "Before that, he met a girl. He has a recently born baby with her," she said, adding the baby was born in September, and that's when she last heard from him.

    Source: Esteban Santiago Identified as Fort Lauderdale Airport Shooter | NBC New York…914655.html#ixzz4VC8Hawdt

    So from that draw your own conclusions, I have mine .......... I also believe this could have been prevented, IMO the signs where all there .........
