Posts by dewman

    so you put your faith in the commie controlled lying WHO and the CDC and doctor fauci.....

    look up his history....and his associations over the years....

    the cure for the vaccine is in the red pill.

    That's the problem, it's not an issue of faith for me. I don't need to "believe" in any of them.

    It's science.

    Science is a repeatable process, something that can be proven independently by others outside of your sphere of influence. In 1989 when cold-fusion, as defined by Pons and Fleischmann, was a thing, the lab across the hall at IBM Research in Yorktown Heights NY dropped everything to reproduce their results. Cold fusion is the Tony Stark Arc Reactor of our time, if it can ever be made to work humankind will have an unlimited supply of energy from an exotic fuel called water (there is more to it, and I am over simplyfing). Anyway, this lab was working on cutting-edge insulators for microchips using diamonds produced using microwaves on semiconductors, etc... Anyway, this lab invested months of precious time, extremely expensive resources, and over a dozen people trying to prove it was possible. Science proved their process was flawed, and not repeatable. The group wrote up their results and returned to their previous research work.

    Covid-19 is one of the known 219 viruses which can infect humans. While we've proven a great many things about these viruses, we clearly don't know everything. We do know that its primary method of transmission is airborne and picked up through our nasal passages, lungs, and eyes. The virus is 70-90 nanometers in size, so you'd need a 1/3,000,000th socket to get a handle on it. That's why you need to wear a mask with several layers to protect your mouth and nose. Glasses or a facemask improves your odds of not catching something. Also, an 80-nanometer particle can remain airborne for some time, much like a small soap bubble riding on air currents.

    It's America you're free to believe and practice whatever you like until you infringe on those same rights granted to others.

    As for science, it's like math, and eventually, everything is provable, A2 + B2 = C2 you can make the triangle.

    this is exactly what Trump ran on to eliminate....draining the swamp means every corrupt democrat, Republican, libertarian, tea party...politician. PEROD....end of story..... like brain dead would say...he’s coming back to finish that campaign promise.... 2.0 shortly...

    Correct candidate Trump said he would drain the swamp, how'd that go?

    Turns out President Trump converted the Trump International Hotel in DC to the largest addition ever to the swamp, all while generating vast sums of revenue from foreign visitors.

    Meanwhile, in November he shopped the hotel for sale for $500M, and the ONLY offers he received were under $250M. Note he invested $200M to renovate it in 2012, now advisors are saying selling it for $150M to $175M is more realistic. Heck of a businessman.

    Both sides have major issues.…t-on-indefinite-hold.html

    Sooooooooo democrats are tried to hold Trump accountable for the violence on the 6th when he told them to peacefully demonstrate... Makes sense. I'm guessing that is why they aren't held accountable for LITERALLY calling for violence...…risings-unrest-harassment

    Nor are they holding Kumallah Harris accountable for encouraging people to donate to the "freedom fund" which bailed out rioters, including a rapist...

    Here is a link to the ACTUAL full transcript of his speech:…ally-transcript-january-6

    Former President Trump used the word "peace" exactly once 18:16 seconds in, here it is in context:

    "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

    While he used the word "fight" 23 times, the last and most important time was within a minute of his finishing:

    "And we fight. We fight like Hell and if you don’t fight like Hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore."

    You really should read or listen to the whole thing from an objective point of view.

    The Constitution to a democrat is what toilet paper is to regular folk...

    Sorry, regular people don't have disdain for toilet paper...

    Wasn't it just last week that the Democrats tried to hold the president accountable for his actions which were a direct violation of his oath and role as spelled out in the constitution? Meanwhile, diehard Republicans ignored the constitution, gave the president a free pass, and now created the January Exemption giving all future presidents a pass to do whatever they want in their last three weeks as a lame duck. Oh, then the stupidest among them flew off to Cancun while the people he represents were literally freezing to death.

    Typical of Gab.

    FYI, for those not familiar with Gab, here are the first two sentences in Wikipedia about it:

    Gab is an American alt-tech social networking service known for its far-right userbase.[8] Widely described as a haven for extremists including neo-Nazis, white supremacists, white nationalists, and the alt-right, it has attracted users and groups who have been banned from other social media and users seeking alternatives to mainstream social media platforms.

    Do a search on the Net for Roger Hodkinson. Sad when you see many articles like this and its all covered up.

    Roger Hodkinson has been proven to have made several false claims by the AP.

    He claimed he was chairman of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, the group said that was false.

    He said he was CEO of a Biotech company MutantDX in Greensboro NC, while the business's license in NC is current the address on file with the state is a condo complex.

    Be careful who you believe.

    The evening new reporting on the outages in Texas said nothing about wind and solar power not working they just said it was because of the old power grid. You can not trust the liberal news anymore.

    The news I've seen and read has addressed that many windmills have frozen up.

    Common sense would dictate that solar panels likely don't work in a blizzard, or when covered in a foot of snow, so that's not really news.

    They've also addressed that the lack of power from these two sources has contributed to the lack of supply as a significant portion of TX power comes from these renewables.

    Come on go for a ride - I will pay for the gas

    I'll test out your seats, as that's my next upgrade, but a Turbo is going to require some serious time behind the wheel before I make that jump. Perhaps after Maggie, we'll see. Thanks though for the offer.

    confirm I am on my third turbo!

    Speed and HP are an addiction - but still cheaper than women

    Agreed, all the more reason I'll look at your ride during Uncorked, but there is no way I'll be going anywhere with you in it. Like you, I'll then feel the need to "invest" in a Turbo.

    I swore I was going to keep mine stock - that was until I met rabtech in Florida. We talked about boosting and I told him no not me. Then he said come on lets go for a ride. Ordered my first Turbo the next day.

    MADDMOE I think the take-away from MACAWS post above is his use of the word "first" as in "first Turbo." Like you, I will not be taking a ride in a boosted machine for some time to come.

    Science Says Healthy People Should Not Wear Masks

    “How can a person be forced by any business or government entity to wear a mask (which affects the respiratory system) without having a physical exam by a licensed doctor who approves such an action?”

    ~ Peggy Hall

    Science says healthy people who don't wear masks in public risk death.

    If you walk into any business or government-run facility shirtless and barefoot you will be refused service, it's a health issue. This wasn't the case in the 1960s when I was a kid, but it is now.

    This is not 2019, MANY people are infected with a deadly highly communicable airborne disease and may not even know it. Corna has killed nearly a half-million of our friends and family, fellow Americans. Do you really want to be next, I know I don't.

    Not wearing a mask in public today is like waving around a handgun in public, and we know how well that will work out.

    Wearing a mask sucks, we get it. NOBODY looks forward to it.

    Wearing a mask protects others from what you may be carrying as well as you from what others may be carrying.

    When someone chooses to go maskless indoors they are displaying a careless disregard for others.

    Nobody is going to force you to wear a mask. If you don't wish to wear a mask or are uncomfortable wearing one then don't, but remain outdoors.

    Respect others and wear a mask. If you have a respiratory issue with them then hop on Amazon and order one of the many other alternative systems available.