Posts by Funinthesun

    Here's the Toyo 345/25/20 on a modified stock Slingshot rear wheel. The inside (right side) of the tire clears the adjusting nut on the QA-1 shock when driven sanely at stock air pressure. When the air pressure drops to 24 psi or so and it's driven to the max in Maggie Valley, you notice the slight rub. Tire clearance to the swing-arm wasn't an issue, but I have no clearer pics to support that statement

    I know better than to be on my soapbox, but the events of the past 3 weeks has to be used to help save someone.

    I just heard from my neighbor, that a friend of his daughter just died today from Covid as well. The two sad issues about this is that she's only in her 40;s and has been vaccinated. Guys this shit is serious. It was bad enough living through what I did and come out the other side, but to hear that a YOUNGER, HEALTHIER young women who also was vaccinated came down with the same illness I had and the results were tragic. I hate to celebrate my fortune when I hear stories like this. Guys, PLEASE take this as a wake-up call and do everything you can to be safe.

    I missed the first line that you're considering new tires over the winter. This might be your best bet for you AND Shtamn since you do live in the snow belt. It does have good traction lol

    Connman, I used a Toyo Proxes T1R 345/25/20 tire on the rear of my Slingshot. If you check the tire specs, this one is the closest tire height to the stock Kenda while getting you the 345 MM tread depth. It never set a code for mismatched tire diameter. They were not cheap, but the are not WICKED Expensive either. You can find them for about $300 each. The way you drive, it should safely get you 6,000 miles per tire. That's like a nickle a mile. Why buy a Chinese made POS just to save yourself a PENNY?

    Glad, you are rid of Covid and feeling better, Phil! Just take it easy!

    Thanks again Anita. You guys all pulled me through another one. You guys need to tell me ENOUGH, so I don't EVER go through another case like this knowing you'll pull me through. There's only so much a brother can ask, and you guys have delivered WAY too much again

    Wicked happy for you AND Judy, that you are improving from this nightmare!!!

    (So, while you were sweating this thing out in bed, me and Uncle BillyBob rolled the Vanderhall out of your garage and lit it on fire. Then we went halves on a Slingshot we found in Jersey, and parked it in it's place. Turns out, it was BONES's old Slingshot! No worries, we put a step stool next to it so you can get in it! Them 22's are taaaaaall!!)



    What is this Vanderhall you guys keep talking about? You did get my new address after we moved when the hurricane took out our roof a few years ago, right? EJ has it

    Phil it is good to hear this news. It is also the best way to put things in the best light possible.

    You fought a great fight and won! Keep on mending, do it slow, and keep on keeping on!
    Glad you still haven’t forgotten your brothers have been praying for your recovery, and prayers to come true. Our sisters were praying also, Anita!

    Yes Boomer. You all had more than anyone cold have asked to pull me through this. And YES, Anita did her share from the West Coast along with Ed and let's toss Tripod in since he's almost on the coast. 100's of OG Slingshot owners may not be abel to move mountains, but they sure can make sure I beat these medical demons to see how pretty those mountains really are to see in person

    Thanks again Marco, Ed, Frank and others. I had the first real night with some quality sleep last night and feel either the same or slightly better today. Sure hope I have in fact turned the corner to this 2 week vacation to Hell

    Sad news

    As much as possible, I want to try to keep this post as much as informative and not political. I also don't want it to become emotional, and keep it to facts.

    While I'm extremely happy have have made it through 2 plus weeks of HELL dealing with the effects of Covid, to say I had had it easy is so tough for me to understand. I did everything possible to get one of the first to claim my shots when I was allowed to try. Getting into the early shots in January gave me some relief knowing (or as it turns out now) THINKING that I was over 95% protected from getting Covid. To me that was a gamble that I'd make every day of my life given those odds. Las vegas would never exist if the house paid off player bets of over 95%. Now fast forward it to 6 1/2 months later and the Delta version of this virus is the new version to watch out for. A new version that all 3 major vaccine companies HOPED would have a similar percentage of coverage from the original vaccine. It looks like their wishful thinking had flaws. So many flaw that they had a new term for those of us who did come down with Covid. They're calling it "break-thru cases. So I was exposed to someone (I'm 99.9% sure who it was that infected me. Both he and his wife NEVER received the vaccine. The choice was theirs and theirs to live with (no pun intended), and neither of them had the integrity to inform me that they were not vaccinated. Especially when the husband spent over 30 minutes riding in my truck with me, maskless and flaunting HIS right to not get the shots. So I spend over 2 weeks in HELL over this guys RIGHT to not protect himself. I ask a simple question. Why is HIS right to NOT be vaccinated more important than MY right to know my life is put at risk by his silence? Isn't it a felony if an HIV criminal spits in the face of a cop while he's being arrested? Isn't it also a felony for a sexual partner who is HIV positive to engage in sex without informing the partner of their situation? But now someone has more rights than me to not be vaccinated and hide that from me knowing full well that I'm being put at risk without the knowledge of the situation. I'll tell you this. My views have changed a LOT over the past 2 plus weeks and even more so now that I know where the source of my infection came from. It's no satisfaction at all knowing that his wife came down sicker than me 2 days later.

    Then as i spent my first day today able to breath a little easier, and get the good news that I past the test and I'm Covid free, I get hit with the following sad news. A friend (neighbor) has also been fighting Covid had it a LOT worse than I had it. He has been in the hospital for 43 days on a ventilator. He's been in an induced coma a couple of times trying to get him to breath on his own. He was an educated family man who had a lot of life left to live. Neither he nor his family had taken the vaccine, and he lost his gamble. He was unable to continue his fight and passed away today. For whatever reason he had to not get the vaccine, his wife is left to put the pieces together of the broken family. He'll never see his daughter and son in law (who built their house next door to his) enjoy and raise their family. He won't see his 2 year old grandson grow up so grandpa can spoil him and teach him how to use their riding lawnmower, learn to drive, and to spoil him with advice and spare money so impress his girlfriend. I'm sure had he had a crystal ball to see the results of his choice, he probably would have chosen differently

    So whatever reason you have (and the choice IS yours to make) a simple swallowing your pride and take the chance to protect yourself and hundreds of others by simply taking the vaccine not only could save your life, but could save your family and friends the hardship of going on without you. RIP Rick. Nobody deserved to go through this HELL from the lab experiment gone wrong. I hope others will learn that life WITH them is a whole lot better than life WITHOUT them

    There's no reason i can think of that would have made this turn-a-round happen other than all you guys praying for good results. A couple of days ago if they had said it was going to be your last, I wouldn't have been able to show them any indication that they were wrong. I spent too many nights without a fever, but feeling like I was burning up, only to have cold feet and hangs. Then waking up a couple hours later in sweat soaked sheets. I haven't had more than 2 hours sleep at a time in over 2 weeks and last night was one of the worst nights this week. It must have been Linda Blair driving the virus out of the system. By 7:30 this morning I was feeling almost human. Enough so that i went to get a covid test since the pulmonary Doctor would NOT see me without a Clean Covid results. I tested negative and I'm out of quarantine. I'm going to try to do a couple things today but I DO know my limits. I'm looking forward to improving daily.

    Thanks so much you guys Bill Martin and Connman for keeping my from going insane dealing with this. I just can't imagine what this would have been had I not been vaccinated. I guess the biggest mistake I made was to be one of the first million people to get the Moderna back in January, so that now whe the Delta version is is full swing, my protection has gone down from 90+% to something in the 50's% or so. The new booster can't get here quick enough

    Thanks again. I need to get a little rest before I head out. This cat is quickly burning his nine lives :P:P:P

    I'd check fuel pressure at the schrader valve when cold first thing in the morning. A leaking fuel injector, fuel fitting weak pump could all be a cause of it. After it restarts and stays good, keep a pressure gauge hooked up and see what the pressure reading is an hour, three hour etc later are. If it drops, you have a leak somewhere. If all looks good, the next time you go to start it COLD, cycle the key to on like you're going to start the engine, but don't. Turn the key off, wait a couple seconds and go through the process again. See if starting it this times keeps it running. It should be very easy to determine the issue.

    Good luck

    Ok so with this logic

    Anyone with Lung Cancer who smoked should not be treated - their choice to smoke

    Anyone with HIV should not be treated if it was they choose a lifestyle that may expose them

    Anyone in a car accident not wearing a seat belt should not be taken to the hospital - it was their choice.

    I'm sorry, there just NO way can I cut any slack to someone who has NEVER had a Corn dog before. But in time that they will see the light on their own