Posts by billythekidd

    Unfortunately, I did not consider your first response an answer, but a defense of an unnamed ones actions. If you believe that it is ok to influence elections with lies and inuendo, that is not our democracy... that is party politics.. and subjectiveness becomes even more clouded.

    My original thought was that if a foreign country influenced our election to the favor of the party that one wanted to win, the egregiousness of that influence would not be viewed as negative as if it were for the other side. The idea of Democracy has nothing to do with influencing elections, it is only about winning for a party.

    Your assumptions of shocked, dismayed, animosity are all just that assumptions.. Your answer gave no insight other than it is "politics". Thanks for your response.

    if influencing elections were not allowed there would be no campaigning, no commercials or other advertising - nothing. we would simply be told the choices and we would vote. The simple act of campaigning is in and of itself an attempt to influence the voters and impact the outcome of the election. - - heck even sticking a Trump or Biden sign in your front yard is an attempt to influence others.

    We all know that campaigning and commercials "stretch" the truth to the point that most are actually lies.... So splitting hairs between who "influences" elections is like saying "I didn't lie, I mis-spoke".

    Putting a sign in ones yard to me is just saying this is who I am voting for.. I guess we all have different ideas regarding this... Thanks for responding.

    Not sure I get what you are saying... no animosity involved.. just curious how it is ok to influence an election. So, if I am. understanding you correctly, it is ok for a person to influence an election for themself, but it is not ok for another country to influence an election for that same person??

    Campaigning is not influencing in my mind, it for the most part for all candidates is plain lying.

    But, please defend to the end anything that could possibly be wrong with you candidate, as others defend what could possibly be wrong with theirs (I am still writing in Tulsi Gabbard for my vote).

    It is like my neighbor.. he just informed me that when the Donald says whatever he is talking about having done being the best ever, it is New York humor... and if one is not from New York they wouldn't understand... but he does even through he is a Colorado Native and has never been to New York... Yup.. still laughing...

    Please can someone explain this to me... Influencing elections has been a hot topic for some time... with all the Russian/Chinese trying to influence elections...

    Trumps lawyers said this today... “There’s nothing wrong with trying to influence an election,” Todd Blanche, one of Trump’s lawyers, countered in his. “It’s called democracy.”

    So it is ok now...??

    I’m sure OUR veterans got a big chunk of that… right??🤯🤬

    So when do THEY (us) run out of money?? Asking for my great grandchildren….

    I would. say technically we run out of money when we reach the debt ceiling and the govt actually shuts down.. At that point the Treasury is no longer able to pay the nations bills... if I understand this correctly...

    I thought this was interesting....

    Since 1960, Congress has increased the ceiling seventy-eight times, most recently in 2021 (in 2023 they didn't increase it they suspended it until 2025). Forty-nine of these increases were implemented under Republican presidents, and twenty-nine were under Democratic presidents.

    I guess the best way to answer whether it is an “actual crime” is in my school of thought is prosecutorial discretion. Let’s say you’re walking past a market with fruit on display in front. You see an apple laying on the ground. You pick it up and start eating it. Now a prosecutor could choose to charge you with theft but it would be incumbent upon him to prove that you had intent to steal that apple which could be a high bar to reach. IMO Trump’s intent is what on trial here with far better prosecutors than Bragg passing this up.

    Thank you.

    Trump should have the presumption of innocence. Do you or anybody believe Carroll would have brought this case so many years after the fact had not Trump been President of the United States ?? I would imagine he believes he is innocent. If I were innocent I wouldn’t pay what comes down to extortion money either. Alvin Bragg is using falsifying records to prosecute Trump - which many other prosecutors have already looked at and declined to take the case. This is so blatantly political even a liberal should see it - if they take off their blinders !!

    Thanks for replying... I only mentioned Carroll and a settlement at the end of my post because after 4.5 years of legal wrangling Clinton settled...

    My original question was about the meme and the "Hush" money trial and payments made on the sly as it were, compared to Clinton settling legally through the court system and being compared to as the same thing.

    As far as women bringing charges so long after the fact, I have always wondered why the wait... not only tor the Donald, but many other cases as well. Is it because he was president? I do not think so.. I think that quite possibly after a time some people can then face the "trauma" they were subjected to and act on it... I honestly don't know why so many wait so long... PTSS or PTSD is a beast of a problem and everyone handles it differently..

    Also, the second question; Is what he is accused of an actual crime?

    Thanks again for your input.

    May be an image of 2 people, money and text that says 'Bill, Remind me again how hush money works? Asking for a friend.'

    Hey Bill Martin, can you answer a question regarding this comparison?

    Legally, (not opinion) is this settlement through the courts, the same as paying money out of court to end a problem? The act from 2007-2008 is not the issue and neither is the NDA if I understand this correctly..

    I have one other question also... Is what The Donald is charged with really a crime, or is it something else... again Legally...

    I thought this was interesting... Clinton settled with Jones for 850,000. she ended up with 200,000 before taxes... no admission of guilt by either party, and no apology... after 4 years of legal "wrangling"... Had the Donald just settled with E. Jean Carroll that would have been behind him... as it is now there will be more legal fees and "wrangling" involved and anyone's guess as to the outcome. , To me a great display of Ego and ignorance...