Posts by Frankie55

    I've always lived below my income level realizing the necessity of preparation in life. I could have bought a nicer house. Just recently bought my first new vehicle to include the slingshot. Point is it took decades to reach the point I am at and I sacrificed a lot to get to where I am.

    This is what I get frustrated about and I suppose it guides my political views. I'm approaching 57, but I have been working since age 14 and even at that age I was registered and paying into Social Security (I don't think you can do that today). 42 years paying into Social Security, Medicare, retirement fund, etc. None of these programs were ever entitlements. I can't get them. I still cant get them. When I looked them up the Government tells me I am not entitled to them till I reach 62 and even then at a reduced amount.

    So... after 42 years of saving, scratching and sacrificing politicians are buying votes on my back. Running for office promising free Medicare. Hay, I just spent 42 years paying for a product you are using as a tool to land a job. Social Security is going to be insolvent in a few years and most likely will need to reduce benefits! Reduce who's benefits? The people who paid into the systems their whole life and depend on it!

    Now for the double slap to my face. You want to force me to pay more taxes to pay for the increased demand on the system by the people getting this product for free! You gotta be kidding me!

    Its a complete circle that will destroy the country. Generations that are looking for entitlements. Politicians realizing the capability of getting into office running on a platform promising those entitlements (to everyone) if voted into office.

    I used Malcolm Smith for my motorcycle and a few times for the Slingshot as well. I like their service and they always got it right the first time however it usually took a week or two with my vehicle. I have since switched to Delamo motorsports off of the 55 freeway. I set up an appointment I tell them I am a waiter and I have always been out within an hour or two. You can’t beat that!

    I'm waiting on a notice and will take it from there. I like to do an end-of-year service so hoping to knock it out then. Wow, guessing It's the same Malcom Smith that was a legend Enduro rider way back when. I don't have any extra electrical accessories to draw a larger amperage.

    Hoping all is well for the California community and those fires! Stay safe out there!

    yea - freakin lawyers gotta put on the dog - but it really ain’t their fault but then again judges are lawyers🤔. I once went into a courtroom in Texas many years ago and had a nice western style suit on, cowboy boots, hat, and a cowboy bolo tie (member the Urban Cowboy craze?). I went up to plead my case and the judge stopped me dead in my tracks and his exact words were (I still remember em) “Son - did you somehow confuse my courtroom with Gilleys” (Gilleys was the largest honkytonk in the world till it burned down). Before I could come up with an answer (one of the few times I was ever speechless) the judge chimed in again and said “Get put and put a “real” tie on and get back in here before I find you in contempt, slap you in jail for 24 hours, and fine you $500 and don’t ever appear in my court again not dressed accordingly. Needless to say I went out in the hall and paid $50 for a $10 tie and hustled back in. You can wear an ugly, cheap, suit and tie but ya better wear one. Moral of story - cut lawyers some slack on the suit - some judges can be freakin crazy !!!😂😂

    My brother is a lawyer for the state of XX. He's down to earth as you are. We don't talk shop much. When we get together we drink some beers and enjoy a cigar. One thing he did say was lawyers don't make the laws and they may not agree with the laws, but they are sworn to uphold those laws weather they agree or disagree. It's there job.

    Perhaps the judicial branch needs to uphold the laws in place or the legislative branch needs to update/change some laws?

    Are you sure you are not talking about "My cousin Vinny"? :)

    I'm not "on the left", and argue with Democrats the same as I argue with conservatives. Heck, by the criteria set forth in this thread, I'm a conservative. Gun owning Veteran that votes for Republicans and wears these shoes daily.

    And has this as his license plate. Luckily, I don't fear anyone and nobody has messed with me for my shoes or keyed my truck.;)

    Nice, I live outside Philly. I don't think in my area there is a problem displaying a flag. I hope it never gets to that point. Different story displaying political affiliation. I've been to Alpena Michigan a few times. Nice area, lots of wildlife.

    Agreed, it can go both ways. But by far I would walk around in public all day with a shirt supporting a democratic and have a relaxed and safe feeling. Its a given with no question it will happen, my yard would be full of discarded cups, bags & bottles and yes a keyed vehicle should I put out a slogan supporting the republican party. I wouldn't dare show public support for a republican. The monetary costs and time spent picking up garbage would be to much.

    But yes in general you are correct. Wouldn't it be great if everyone could feel free to express there views! Kinda like anti fascism!

    As a Republican I do not post support for the party in any way for fear of vandalism. Sad, I have to worry about trash on my lawn or vandalized vehicle/home. I was in downtown Philadelphia last year to catch a Phillies game with my brother and nice. Only to be verbally assaulted by antifa simply for wearing an Air Force hat (guess antifa didn't agree with that). I found out the next day they were there because Candace Owens was in town. antifa was there to suppress free speech from Candace.

    I thought antifa was against fascism? People in Philadelphia have had their vehicles kicked in and set on fire for republican bumper stickers. But then again it's celebrated for democratic politicians like Maxine Waters encouraging bad behavior stating trump supporters "are not welcome" Think what would happen if it was reversed?

    As a note I would have no fear whatsoever wearing or posting anything displaying Byrnie, Hilleary or Joe Biden etc. 100% heartfelt on that. Strange as I see yard signs posting "hate has no home here"? Really!

    I just ran across this - thank God this idiot is ruining any chance he has of ever holding office again.. with all the problems we have - Beto thinks this.....


    It's a race to come up with new ways to buy votes on the back of working taxpayers. These programs all cost money. When was the last time you heard of any county, state, or federal facility proclaim money is not an issue.

    Yet I hear all these free things being promised with no conditions/issues? What a great idea shurly this will fix the problem!

    I just ran across this - thank God this idiot is ruining any chance he has of ever holding office again.. with all the problems we have - Beto thinks this.....


    ...and all while millions of men needlessly suffer in silence from the devastating effects of jock itch. Not me just other guys but I'll be happy to stand in solidarity for free government aid calling for gold bond anti itch medication! :D