Posts by SoCal

    Any thoughts on the 39 ( yes 39) times the police visited this man prior? And the tips to the FBI? Last time I checked they are supposed to protect us ..... epic fail! THAT exemplifies the phrase “ Cold dead hands “. I pray I never have to unholester in self defense but I will fight for my right to be able to.
    Crazy and evil live among us and they don’t give a shit about laws. Thank God here in America we have a choice about our self defense. Be armed or not- your choice. Sadly there are those that only want the “right” people to have weapons. History is filled with horrific examples with how that worked out.

    "That's why pump gas is more expensive west of the Rockies, and have more limited choices."

    Hummm That AND frickin tax's and "summer formulation" !

    How much is California gas tax per gallon?
    Effective Wednesday,( Oct 26, 2017 ) the statewide excise tax on gasoline will jump by 12 cents per gallon to 41.7 cents. For diesel fuel, the excise tax will jump by 20 cents per gallon to 36 cents, and the sales tax will rise to 13 percent from 9 percent (plus local taxes).Oct 26, 2017


    How do we expect background checks to stop people with mental issues when that info isn't available due to HIPAA?

    I keep hearing that some people may need to give up some rights to make it safer for children.

    What if it's the right to privacy?

    Benjamin Franklin once said: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

    Ouch! Very pretty though! Snow is beautiful mytoy!

    These are from Mt. Laguna in San Diego this past Sunday. 39 degrees - 34 MPH winds and snow in the forecast at the summit 5500 feet. Not sure what Cali Weather man was on duty but not to many clouds around... Then down the hill 30 min later to 59 degrees. Heated seats worth their weight in Gold!

    Anyone out there snug up the stock gas cap at fill up only to have it crazy tight and almost unable to get free at the next fill up? Negative pressure in the tank or just gettin old??

    Ok this may be just for us California boys but how many people have to hold back the damn snorkel just to GET gas IN the tank? Pain in the ass trying not to have the trigger pop off all the time!

    I have a 2016 base model and am I the only one that wishes the gas gauge was more visible? Has anyone put in an aftermarket
    gas gauge and if so elaboration is appreciated :)

    Perhaps we should ask why now? What has changed in our schools in the past 20-30+ years. My wife is a teacher - I can bend your ear on what has changed. It all started when little Johnny said 2+2 = 9 and the school system said " good for you Johnny!" Nice try! Wouldn't want to step on his self esteem now would we? Whatever you want little Johnny - it's all good. Sass the teacher - no problem. Show up late - personal choice. And on and on.... Not trying to be the "old school" guy here but truly, ask yourself, what has changed? A lot.

    When I was in grade school some 50 years ago there were no shortage of guns. They were in the living room or family room in a glass case with ammo in the drawers below - sometimes locked - usually not. No shootings at schools then with plenty of opportunity. We don't have to reinvent the wheel here - the answers are closer than you think.

    And one last thing - there IS evil in the world - always will be. And this was pure evil.

    Rant done......

    .... when I was a child the principal patrolled the hall and made us tuck our shirts in and a paddle hung from the wall in his office- and he used it. And if you got in trouble at school it was nothing compared to what you got when you got home. There was respect for authority and it was backed up with action. Discipline was the rule not the exception. People are asking now what can we do? The answer is simple. Don’t let the inmates run the asylum. Not a single school shooting when I was a kid to my knowledge.

    My general rule of thumb for changing tire sizes is as long as you stay with about 3% of the original circumference you shouldn't affect the nanny controls.

    Awesome reply- thank you! Can you shed some light on the nanny control issues plz?