Posts by Edward Neal

    I think you have to be an idiot to lane split going 60-70 mph...on 2 wheels....I watched some videos of people doing’s no brave it’s stupid...

    usually when I encounter people lane splitting its either at lights where they move between cars to get to the front, but mostly its on the freeway when the traffic is backed up and moving fairly slowly . A friend of my son some yeas back tried lane splitting between a bunch of cars and a big rig at about 70mph - - he's dead, got sucked under the big rigs trailer and was crushed - driver of the rig never even knew it happened. Personally I have never lane split except in stopped or almost stopped traffic - never had enough faith that no one would try to get over or stick out a hand without looking

    I said the same thing until I put the top on. I have never taken it off since it was installed.

    and I have done the exact opposite put the top on, tested it for about a month and then took it off and hung it in the garage. So far I have put it back on once when it was raining and then took it right back off - going to put it back on April 5th so that the wife and I can go the slingshot event in Fallbrook, my wife hates the sun and this was bought for her. When we return I will take it back off

    I am not complaining, this is why I bought the sport top and as neat as the sunshade is I suspect it would not give enough protection from the sides to make my wife happy - the way the Sport Top angles down on the sides really does increase its ability to provide shade over other tops

    If you are like me and bought your slingshot for its openness, but there are still times a top would be nice The Sport Top is king - The Top for people who dont want a top - - and it even looks good hanging up in standby mode :thumbsup:


    Loud pipes lose rights.......

    Loud bike go by, People look at it as it gos by...Driver thinks he looks/sounds cool....

    People looking as it gos by , Thinking what an ''A''Hole they should be outlawed...

    As a driver there have been several times where a motorcycle was in my blind spot, usually because they were lane splitting, and the only way I knew they were there was because I heard them - - at those times I personally was very glad they had their "loud pipes"

    having said this The idea of loud pipes so that you can "be seen" seems kind of silly on the Slingshot - - we are just as visible as almost any other car and I sure as heck hope no one is sneaking up on people lane splitting

    please dont get me wrong - if you want a loud exhaust on your sling thats great, just dont tell me its because loud pipes save lives

    My problem has never been driving in the rain - in a car or the sling... my problem is "The Other Guy."

    Living in the SoCal desert for 30 years, I gained a health respect for the idiocy of other drivers. In a place where you have 300 sunny days a year and is sometimes doesn't rain for months - the roads become really slick when the first rain lifts the oil & crud off the surface --- and the drivers have no practice is wet road driving.

    We had two types - the "Granny" who slowed down and wouldn't go over 35 mph - even on the free way. And the Speed Racer types who decided that if they drove extra fast, they would get out of the rain quickly.

    I'm back in the Midwest now - but here in Northwest Arkansas, we get snow only 2-3 times per winter, some winters none at all. Drivers here on snow are mostly like drunk pigs on ice - hilarious from a distance, terrifying up close.

    Long story short - I try not to drive the sling in the rain around here.

    I know what you mean about "The other guy" when driving in the rain in the sling I have found that so long as I am moving I really dont get that wet. The wind screen seems to direct most of the rain over me of into my face shield on the helmet, my jacket gets a bet wet but thats about it - only time I really got soaked was in an intersection that was flooded, A guy in a pickup coming the other way was having a blast going as fast as he could sending his wake over all the other vehicles - - absolutely nailed me, probably made his day

    A lot of great insight as usual here. Can we talk about Springs? Are some or all of these products available with different spring tensions/ compression? Can you order one spring over another? And if so opinions on what may be ideal given the weight of the vehicle. I see some coil overs with the spring from top to bottom and others only 2/3 of the length. Thoughts?

    very good question. I have always wondered how they choose the springs that go on a coil over that has adjustable valving. with pre set shock they know when they make it how the valving is going to be and can select the spring they think is best for that valving and for how the coil over was designed to used. With a coil over where the end user is adjusting the valving I guess they have to give a spring that is less specialized so that it can work well with all of the different valving settings the coil over allows. If this is the case it would be nice if spring options were made available so if the end user wants they can pick a spring more specifically geared for how they want to drive. - - - - - I know the QA1's can be had with different springs and I am sure Dave can tell you if DDM's also have this option

    What I remember most about McCain was how he loved to hog camera time and the first words out of his mouth were "I have constituents to answer to". He wasn't talking about the voters, he was talking about his rich buddy constituents, you know the one's he catered to in return for free lunches, dinner's and champagne fund money. But then that's what all of DC has been about for a long time now. He was basically your standard issue politician.

    well his involvement as one of the Keating 5 pretty much proves he was bought and sold

    All the shady deals Trump is/was involved in, families he's fleeced, lives he has ruined are ok because "he's not a politician" and "gets things done"?

    Just trying to understand the anger ("pretty F 'n bad to me") toward one person and so much acceptance for the other that he will get your vote.:/

    no anger and I never said Trump is or was better - - I just dont see why some seem to think criticism of McCain is off limits - - - as a politician and a person after his military service he was nothing special and some would even say he was a crook

    Heck as a politician some would even say he was a backstabber

    For the record (in my own mind at least) Apha and JRI changed the terminology when talking about coilovers. Single adjustable has one knob for adjusting compression and rebound damping together. Double (or two way) adjustable has two knobs to adjust compression and rebound separately. The so-called height adjustment was probably as a sales scheme. Alpha sold the JRI's set up so the ride height was an inch lower than stock. That setup was for shock travel. It allowed the best travel in either direction before topping or bottoming out. Granted height can be adjusted, but it affects ride quality and it doesn't seem right to be marketed as one of the adjustments.

    Now with all that off my chest, I have the single adjustable QA-1s and change the settings depending on if I have a passenger or not. 3 clicks on the back by myself and 5 clicks with a passenger.

    I don't have any experience with the JRI's that were sold through Alpha, but I was assured by slingmods when I purchased mine that they came pre set at the same ride height as stock and when I measured my slingshot before and after installing them if there was any change I couldn't see it in the measurements

    I also agree that ride height shouldn' really be considered the same as other adjustments if for no other reason than it changes the alignment and should be re aligned if adjusted

    amazing how we never hear anything about

    The Keatink Five

    when people talk about Mr. McCain

    peoples lives ruined by what at the very least was very poor judgement and at the worst was an example of politicians being bought and sold at the expense of the people they are supposed to serve

    McCain a "hero"

    I am sure the peoples whos life savings were lost may not think so

    You are correct. The exhaust package does eliminate the entire factory exhaust including the cat. I'm not sure what this package will make, I do not want to speculate numbers, and I do not know if the number listed by 1320 is crank or wheel hp. However, I will be starting a new thread Monday or Tuesday as we have a stock SS coming in to get our intake, exhaust package, and tune and I will be doing a base line pull and another pull each time we add something so we can see what gains can actually be expected from everything. Stay tuned!!!

    this is great, your exhaust is the other thing other than a cat delete I am thinking about - knowing what these things actually do makes these decisions much easier