Posts by Edward Neal

    I do suspect Facebook and Twitter are working on comprehensive lists right now. They have incentive to release a list of all the times they blocked un-verified stories about Trump.

    Though they may just argue that, "That was then. Now after many trips to Washington things are different and moving forward we will be critical of all un-verified stories".

    in other words your searching failed to turn up anything 8o

    but don't you think there is a difference between some guy on a slingshot forum doing this VS high up political and public figures?

    Seriously - If I come on here and preach violence against the Green party is that even close to being the same as if Joe Biden or Obama publically call for violence against the right?

    your point may be true, but the impact isnt even close to being equal - - is it?

    Quoting both of you, "WERE".;)

    frankly I think as a whole the Democrat party in its actions is far more racist than the Republican party - - they manipulate and use Blacks and others to gain power often making promises they have no intention of delivering - - they talk about helping minority communities to rise up, but their actions seem to only serve to keep them down and controlled

    Trump on the other hand talks crap and says stupid things, but his actions have actually helped raise Black and other minority communities up

    words vs deeds - - - - - - - - which matter most?

    In my view talking a good game is worthless if you do not follow through, and if the opposite is true and you constantly say stupid things, but are doing good - - - well I can overlook the talk and recognize that in the end it is the deeds that create positive change not the words


    Its an interesting to me - - - I see all of these posts here and on other forums where people talk politics where some people keep trying to say that the push for mail in voting is all being done so that the left can rig the election by enabling voter fraud

    well I have wondered as I have read these post why the people making them assume that Democrats are more likely to take advantage of the situation and commit fraud than Republicans / conservatives

    I mean as a conservative Libertarian I have never assumed that just because others might have the same political leanings as myself that somehow makes them more honest or less likely to cheat than people who disagree with me politically - - seriously I would like to believe that overall most people are honest and want a fair and honest election - and I believe this is equally true regardless of your political leanings

    Anyway I bring this up because just now on my local news there was just a story of what might be the first major fraud attempt here in California related to the 100% mail in voting

    Seems a group has been putting out unofficial and unapproved large metal boxes with signs on them saying they are "official" ballot drop off boxes - - - - - the really funny part is that is seems most of them have been put out by the California GOP and the one that was first reported was out in front of a church

    Anyway just thought I would share - - - I found it funny - - - - California GOP - - - I guess desperation can make people do things I wouldn't have expected =O

    that’s the exact reason the dems have been talking about packing the court.....they want to add 3 more minority, Latino, minority women...Will guarantee they can pass any law they want like taking your guns....reparations, all republicans are Guilty racists...Impeachment of Every republican president.

    problem with that is that if they go forward and open that door then there would be nothing to stop future republican administrations from adding a few more seats and filling them with conservative justices

    its easy for idiots on the left to bloviate about doing such things, but its a whole different thing with really big consequences to actually do it - - - - could really piss off future voters

    What a about packing the court?

    If the Democrats decide to add more Justices and to end the filibuster I guess they can do that, but, and its a big but, I also fully expect that down the road the situation will get turned around and it will bite them in behind real good

    Also If they decide to open that door they won't be able to close it again and I would hope that with the exception of the far left the people will not like it very much and it will show in future elections

    To be honest if Amy Coney Barrett does manage to get confirmed it would make dealing with a Trump loss much easier - - - in the end just about the most important thing a President can do is to fill vacant seats in the Supreme Court and at age 47 Barrett should have an impact for a long time to come - - add to that the fact that the next 2 youngest Justices are also Trump picks and even if Biden were to win the Trump legacy will be felt for a very long time.


    Watching the “hearings”. The Dems are all talking about the ACA, not about her qualifications. I wonder if any of these Senators would be able to stand this type of scrutiny? The Dems say that there should not be a SC Judge confirmed during a election year. Yet they were trying to confirm Garrett. Such a reversal in concept. Good for me, bad for you. They say let the people vote, they did in 16 and 18. Now do your job.

    If I were a republican on the committee I would love to ask one question on the record of any of the Democrats that are now saying it is wrong to confirm a SCJ in an election year.

    "So sir, for the record, are you saying the Republicans were right when they chose not to confirm Obama's pick in an election year?"

    Not a Ham myself, but back in the day my father was a Ham, WA6WOY ran a Collins S-line out of Arcadia ca. Had a huge tower with a three element beam on the side of the house and a vertical on top of the second story of the house. He never ran any mobil gear. Most of my friends and I ran CB and had some rather large not so legal amplifiers and many moved up and are Hams now, but I never had the desire to deal with the morse code requirements they had back then.

    As to installing a rig in the sling that would be interesting, I will have to see what if any ideas come up in this thread :/