Posts by Edward Neal

    I have to admit the one thing that has kept me from even considering changing seats is just how comfortable I find the stock ugly plastic seats - - Seriously these things fit me as well if not better than just about any car seat I have ever experienced - - for me comfort trumps looks by a large amount

    Even before I went with. 4 wheel mod, I got in habit of turning off traction control every time I start mine, I did not like how system works when a wheel slipped on wet road, it always seemed to override my driving..... I just hold down switch after starting it up as a habit, even when nice conditions to just turn all that stuff off.

    I think there are many people who don't like the nannies and turn them off - - - I must admit I would prefer a system where the default was to have them off and you were asked if you wanted them on when the car was started

    I think that in the world of slingshot drivers the percentage of drivers who have better driving skills is probably higher than in the general driving population and as such would rather not have computers making decisions

    according to Troy TrakHamr his kit maintains the traction control. he had it wired up all i had to was plug it in when I installed the kit.

    I do know that the kits are supposed to maintain the traction control, I just wonder if the system knows there is an additional wheel, or does it just think the back is still a single wheel? - - - more to the point does it always apply the back brakes to both wheels or can it control them separately?

    does the TrackHamr have speed sensors at each rear wheel?

    Ok I couldn't stand it any longer Got the brakes bled and drive shaft in, and put some of the exhaust on. still on jack stands. just had to crank it up and see how it done. while running it my traction control light came on around 2000 RPMs and then my ABS and BRAKE FAILURE light came on. I am hoping this is due to still being on jack stands and no weight on the wheels and actual drive time on the road. anybody have issues like this?

    I must admit this is one thing about the quad conversions that has puzzled me - the stock traction control / stability control system is designed to work with only one wheel in the back - applying the brakes to this one wheel as the computer deems necessary to maintain traction and stability

    So when a quad conversion is done how does the computer know they're now two wheels in the back that may need to be braked individually to best maintain traction / stability? - - - is the ECU reprogramed or does the brain of the traction control system still think there is only one wheel in the back?

    I know this doesn't address your question, but this seemed like a good place where others who will answer you might also be able to enlighten me :/

    Mine coming up on 3/11. Procedure is nothing, prep sucks big time!

    I learned when I got my second one that applying a little vaseline after each trip to the bathroom when doing the prep cleanse can really help to avoid the discomfort that can normally result from being a human volcano 8|

    I had to open the evaporative cooler back up this last weekend - was in the 80's and got up to 88 yesterday. only in the low 70's today but then will bounce back up tomorrow.

    average this time of year is usually mid 70s but it bounces around

    my only concern with either of these would be that something could possibly cause issues with availability when it comes time for the second shot - - - I know that some of the second shot clinics here were delayed because of the recent weather issues across the country. Hopefully with supplies picking up this won't happen again

    you might have to directly

    Does the ride command system permit a USB wired hookup?

    If so, then simply delete the slingshot from your phone's bluetooth listing. Hopefully that'll work.

    or could you skip the ride command and bluetooth the the phone directly to the helmet speakers?

    From what I have read a person doesn’t even start to build immunity until all least 10 days after the first shot and then it builds slowly until 3 or 4 weeks which is when you get he booster to get it to build fully and to make it last longer

    Sent from my iPhone using Polaris Slingshot Info

    I guess you watch and believe main stream media fake news’s full of radical liberal left snowflake commie propaganda 24/7...from well educated BLM, Antifa, peaceful rioters and looters, planned parenthood.....and the worst part is what they are doing to your kids brain in grade school, high school and college everyday....think about it......and don’t forget I’m a racist, misogamist, and all the other “ists”

    Every other lefty social platform is practicing censorship of everyone with a normal right brain....

    The end is near....2.0 is incoming

    you write people off because you say their sources are nothing but propaganda, but how do you know that your sources are any better?

    Just because you want to believe what they tell you does not make it true

    remember both sides thrive when they can divide the people and judging from what you post it certainly does not seem like the people you listen too are trying to bring Americans together

    Think about it

    I know there are many better looking seats out there, but to be honest I like the ugly plastic seat that came in my 2016 just fine - - I like that its truly waterproof and I find it fits my a$$ just fine and I also like that the valley down the center of the bottom helps to keep the water away when it does rain.

    In the end 99% of all politicians on both sides are self serving elitists' that only care about the people when they think it will get them votes.

    It is wishful thinking to believe one side is really any different than the other.

    the only true difference is which special interest they suck up to - - - and I can pretty much guarantee its never been me or any normal working person I have ever known - including my friends here

    when we argue about one side vs the other it only serves to divide us which is exactly what they want

    Divide and Conquer - - that is the goal of the elite political class and the choice is ours to either play into their game or to step back choose to not take part

    I choose the latter - Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians - - - labels that divide - - Instead of worrying about which of these labels may or may not fit my friends here I am going to go with the label "Slingshot Family Member" - - a label that fits everyone here and a label that promotes friendship and love
