Posts by Bigdog

    considering we spent around 8 trillion in the Afghanistan war....then add in all the gulf wars and others....the money lost to bad trade deals, the money given to Iran, money stolen by crooked politicians....the 2.6 trillion stolen from social security, money hidden in secret black money hidden off shore by big given to shit hole countries...Trying to buy their given to the United Nations and the WHO, NATO, WTO...Pandemic industry bailouts, steel industry bailouts ..Trump is trying to bring back billions/trillions with tariffs, renegotiating trade deals, tax incentives to bring back off shore money...forcing NATO countries to pay their fair share...his America first agenda...stop trying to help counties that won’t help themselves....bringing home troops...the national debt could start to come down..

    I don’t believe any of the virus death numbers....way to many conflicting messages from so called experts. I do believe there is a scam on the death certificates to help hospitals to collect extra insurance money for treating virus every death is being labeled virus related.....artificial numbers being propagated by democrats to make Trump look bad....posting phony numbers for whatever the reason should be illegal. They are spreading fear....I would call it a form of terrorism...It’s despicable.....inciting unnecessary fear in all age groups for a political push vote by mail, to keep business closed, to keep unemployment numbers high..

    anyone taking bets on the new phony investigations when trump wins again?

    Impeach 46......LOL
    how many more porn stars do we have to go through?

    Which country will it be next.....they used up Russia..

    How many more whistle blowers.....
    how many more crooked FBI agents....

    How many more wasted Tax payer millions....
    how many more congressional hearings....

    didnt you hear? - - they traced the origins of the virus back to bats - - - - - personally I think they might have escaped from Pelosi's Belfry


    from bats

    they used a (BS) bat Shit story....virologists are now saying it was MANUFACTURED in the Wuhan lab....They made it able to infect humans....and unleashed it on the world.....they wanted to destroy Trump and America....Because of the New trade deal....Which is killing their economy...they also want China joe to be president...they’ve already invested in him and his kid......the millions in payments were made....just like They did for Hilary....since she didn’t win....they want their money back....they will want joes money back when he loses.....they were paid to buy political Influence. since they lost the “contract“ can’t be they want Trump to lose......killing the economy was their plan.

    the stock market historically Has increased Over the years.....

    that doesn’t negate the fact that 401ks for most people is going to be a pipe dream...besides people that were already rich....can anyone show me anybody that after 40 years became a 401k millionaire? I’ll wait....I’m talking about the average working joe making -40-60,000 a year...I read years ago to live the lifestyle you currently have, realistically need to save 50% of your income.....the majority of people are living above their income/paycheck to paycheck Now ....they can’t even live on 100% of their income now so how are they ever going to live on 50% and save 50?
    I also read you should never invest money you can’t afford to lose. You don’t want to invest money you need to buy bread...disposable income you can afford to lose.....not many people fall into that category...

    and there is still the 401k corporate greed cycle involved if you participate...

    yep, but still invested in that stock market that Bigdog says is so evil

    The stock market is a double edged sword......great if you’re making money sucks when you lose.....kinda like gambling......casinos are set up to sucker people by allowing a percentage of players to win to keep everyone coming back....but they always make a profit....stock brokers are the same....they don’t care who’s stock you own Or whether you win or lose...they just want you to keep buying and selling.....

    if I count up the times I was screwed by the international and the times I got screwed by the’s probably also need to understand the international is really only concerned with keeping their order to do that that have to throw the dues payers a bone once in a while....workers have the option to be represented by any union.....Also the international always donated that dues money to democrats....which signed NAFTA.....they Also still told everyone to vote for Killery .....,and when they started losing their jobs because of corporate greed they went crying to Trump to try to save their asses.....The union is a double edged sword.....just like your premium but we can still deny your claim...

    The government doesn’t care if your 401k loses money or makes money....either way they are going to collect the tax money...So the more people they can suck into it the more money they will make.....they can manipulate the stock market let you make money or they can take it back.....just when you think you’re ahead the stock market drops...and money flows from your 401k.....I guess you think it’s an accident....Just like the casinos....let them win once in a

    while...they'll keep adding their hard earned money and we’ll Just keep taking it...and they think they will be able to a millionaire ....LOL....they will have to work until they die....LOL ....and we’ll still get what’s left....LOL

    Wrong , that is called planning ahead instead of waiting for some sort of hand out from the government.

    No, if you have a 401k based on the stock market and owning stock you are now part of the corporate greed cycle. They succeeded in trapping everyone into their have to root for companies shipping manufacturing to other countries killing our jobs by using low paid Worker slaves to have a slightly bigger bottom line......are you going to protest the companies and tell them you want them to make less profit? So your stock goes down or it lowers your 401k’re in the corporate greed cycle....part of the american job killing business killing corporate greed.....screw The american worker in favor of higher profits...While having other American workers cheer for it because they own The stock. You can try to deny it but it won't work...If you own stock and that company fires workers and ships manufacturing off’re a corporate greed supporter.... Can’t have my stock lose money....sorry about losing your job ....but my stock went up...

    the government is the one that started Pushing the 401k as a retirement/pension option. The biggest problem with that is.....first the “ government “ wanted you to do it.. telling you it will defer your taxes.......when have they ever wanted to help anyone? And they changed the rules in the very next year after it started, with many more years (changes) until you can even begin taking “Your” my opinion the entire thing is a ponzi scheme promising everyone they will be millionaires in 40 years...does that sound “to good to be true“. Now ...Nancy pelosi is pushing the idea to add new taxes on the 401ks and all capital gains.....second, financial investors and planners go to 4 years of college to become financial planners and investors.....thats their full time much financial investing and planning has the average American worker, working their real full time jobs, have with financial investing and planning......Little to none......third, this retirement planning has become a lot more critical and complicated Over the years requiring even more education.....So you are forced to pay out thousands of dollars to a fund manager and hope he’s not screwing you......forth, if the democrats didn’t raid the social security fund of trillions of dollars, of money we were forced to pay into......retirement Investing wouldn’t be As critical now. Because of that As far as I’m concerned the government Has a real obligation to make it up to All the working Americans that paid into it with a promise of future monthly payments...Fifth, social security money was supposed to be tax free.....they lied and ruined that if you believe your government advised And promised 401k Is going to be off limits from other changes/taxes, good luck. And I have a really nice slightly used bridge for

    I was Lucky because our union and company had us pay so much money into our pension fund for ever hour worked.....Instead of having more take home pay.....that still doesn’t mean the company isn’t trying to figure out a way to screw me out of that money...

    only problem now is we have everything to fear starting with Biden ...

    In other news the CDC head doctor was asked about when we would have a virus vaccine. He said on tv the best virus protection is a mask. They are Now working on a way to get them into hypodermic needles....

    I just wrote that....