Posts by Bigdog

    in the hearing they are also worried about her repealing ACA Obamacare ....they say 20 million will lose coverage.....(Which democrats rammed through....remember Nancy’s famous words....if you want to know what’s in it you have to vote for it....) and the other famous seek a bill of goods....if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.....flat out lie.

    that’s funny because Their Medicare For all act....will cause 180 million to lose Obamacare and every other healthcare plan...So something doesn’t make sense here.....and it’s democrats....and they will unanimously vote to pass Medicare for all....because they don’t care about the 180 million....they just want everyone to be controlled by the government...

    every democratic Congress person Questioning the judge is using the exact same ploy......using pictures and stories about women and children with severe medical conditions Which are on Obamacare. They are only pandering to the voting public to get them to vote against Trump...who by the way has repeatedly said he will protect preexisting conditions. But they keep saying he won’t.....personally I believe Trump. And he will also protect social security and Medicare....senator Leahy is now badgering her with the Exact same questions repeatedly....trying to play Gotcha....

    they hate the fact that Trump is going to seat his 3rd’s driving them absolutely crazy......more TDS on display.....LOL

    they are just telling you they are scared to vote in person because they collectively are pushing vote by mail. Don’t think for one second there are not illegal ballots in a back room already filled out for democratic candidates... it happened in 2018....they have the evidence. It’s harder to cheat with the machines....because you can’t make them disappear or get lost or thrown away or the results changed....we have all experienced lost letters or making ballots disappear is child’s play...So if you wanted to rig an election forcing paper mail in ballots is a no brained.....and just in PA they have changed the rules and deadlines several times...and for the record....our governor is a democrat...

    Sorry a few Democrats scared the crap out of you. Yes, a few. Much like there are a few Republicans that say crazy things. The majority won't let crazy stuff happen.

    You are proof that scare tactics work. That is why every pundit from every side amplifies crazy statements made by a person(s) on the other side. Be afraid, stay afraid, they control you.:*

    the evidence from their actions shows they are all locked together. Totally voted to impeach. Totally voted on the Russia thing. Totally voted against judge Kavanaugh. They all refuse to dis nancy by voting against her me one vote against Trump that wasn’t 100% behind nancy...I do not want to live in a socialist country....which they all seem to be ok looking at their track record....I have to believe they will all stick together on every stupid far fetched idea they have presented do far. Trump made many far fetched sounding good ideas during his campaign ...and he kept every one that they didn’t Unanimously block.

    I’m watching the confirmation hearing for the new judge. Diane Frankenstein just asked her the same question 25 times worded slightly different each time. She’s badgering the witness to get her to say she would vote against roe vs wade. They are all afraid she will vote against it and they will all vote against Her confirmation. only because nancy wants it.

    why should we think the democrats would want to Cheat in an election?

    They never accepted the results of the last presidential election. For the last 4 years the have done everything they can think of to impeach TRUMP. One hoax investigation after another...If killery would have won all of their corruption would have remained covered up...In the FBI, CIA and the rest of them.

    You surely don’t think people getting the wrong ballots and misprinted ballots and missing ballots is all a big accident or coincidence? Almost every state is reporting these problems.

    Says almost every Republican politician selling you fear so that you vote Republican.:P

    they want to add 2 states, pack the court, eliminate the electoral college, (Those 3 will give them years of domination) delete the second amendment....implement national vote by mail, raise taxes to cover their ridiculous new green deal, healthcare for all, amnesty for 22 million illegal aliens, and give them healthcare and social security....they didn’t pay into...defund police, eliminate ICE, open the borders.....eliminate prisons and bail....just letting everyone walk...... Not to mention control of the country will then be in the hands of the radical socialist left. Any one of those is enough reason to stop them, let alone all of them...Everyone of these has been publicly states by many democrats currently holding office and or running for office. Scares the crap out of me and it should scare every America loving person....

    It's the damage that are causing a problem for the country not the Republicans. Republicans wouldn't be the first ones to want to go and pack the court it's the Dems because they can't win via The Ballot Box. Everybody's tearing down statues of Confederate heroes, what about Robert Bird that has his statue in one of the government. Wasn't he a kkk member? For the life of me I can't understand where the Democrats are coming from.…lacks-context/3456606001/

    got a better idea now?

    I think it just really chaps their hide to think that in only 4 years Trump could appoint 3 Supreme Court Justices - - more than either Obama or Clinton got in 8 years

    Obama could have made 1-2 if RBG wasn’t so brainwashed ....she loved her job...he asked her if she was thinking about retiring while he was president.....she’s not a team player...thank god...

    The Democrats are counting on the American people’s ignorance claiming seating a Justice because people have already started voting an “illegitimate process”. That is an out and out LIE and they know it. It is a shame these idiots are not sworn in prior to making grossly false statements so they could be prosecuted for perjury!! Too bad for the country if we let the Corey Booker’s and Mazie Hirono get any more power than they already have!!

    I was going to put this in a different post but since you mentioned it.....if the democrats can have cancel culture and political correctness....the republicans should have the lie detector culture....anyone that has anything to do with the election and ballots...gets a test....politicians running for office get a test....members of Congress get a test....supreme court gets a test....News media gets a test....Hollywood gets a test....political ad creators get a test...

    If I were a republican on the committee I would love to ask one question on the record of any of the Democrats that are now saying it is wrong to confirm a SCJ in an election year.

    "So sir, for the record, are you saying the Republicans were right when they chose not to confirm Obama's pick in an election year?"

    if you noticed every politician on either side that has made any statements on the subject has had their words replayed back to them on national tv....

    If the Democrats decide to add more Justices and to end the filibuster I guess they can do that, but, and its a big but, I also fully expect that down the road the situation will get turned around and it will bite them in behind real good

    Also If they decide to open that door they won't be able to close it again and I would hope that with the exception of the far left the people will not like it very much and it will show in future elections

    what you maybe don’t realize....if they take control of the senate and keep the could be decades of control for much damage could they do to the country and the constitution in will be the end of our country....

    To be honest if Amy Coney Barrett does manage to get confirmed it would make dealing with a Trump loss much easier - - - in the end just about the most important thing a President can do is to fill vacant seats in the Supreme Court and at age 47 Barrett should have an impact for a long time to come - - add to that the fact that the next 2 youngest Justices are also Trump picks and even if Biden were to win the Trump legacy will be felt for a very long time.


    she can be the deciding vote on any election result conflicts....

    There. Fixed it for ya’... :thumbsup:

    that’s the exact reason the dems have been talking about packing the court.....they want to add 3 more minority, Latino, minority women...Will guarantee they can pass any law they want like taking your guns....reparations, all republicans are Guilty racists...Impeachment of Every republican president.

    Watching the “hearings”. The Dems are all talking about the ACA, not about her qualifications. I wonder if any of these Senators would be able to stand this type of scrutiny? The Dems say that there should not be a SC Judge confirmed during a election year. Yet they were trying to confirm Garland. Such a reversal in concept. Good for me, bad for you. They say let the people vote, they did in 16 and 18. Now do your job.

    they are trying to get the voters scared so they vote democrat....they all sounded like they were campaigning....everything they have done since trump announced he was running was to get rid of him.....

    if I recall correctly....this came up a while ago and there was talk about over steering and under steering that had to do with making it Not return to center.....Something to consider....

    Probably for me it is all of them(people I voted for) that disappointed, to an extent. Presidents: (D)Clinton, (R)Bush Jr., (D)Obama. Governors: (R) Engler, (D)Granholm, (R)Snyder, (D) Whitmer.

    To me they all will do things I won't like and things I do like. It seems the things they do that I don't like stand out more, but that is to be expected. They mostly disappoint because of there unwillingness to work across the isle on big issues. They all have worked across the isle on little things, that just comes with politics. It also allows them to claim they, "worked across the isle on these 25 important issues". The issues usually aren't that important, or they are budget stuff that requires compromise for government to function.

    you obviously don’t do any research....crappy track record....LOL

    mine has Constantly been in the driveway since 2016. I use a plastic tarp over the cabin and a Regular car cover over the entire thing. Making sure air can circulate under the vehicle...