Posts by Bigdog

    Sorry son, based on all your posts, America needs me. America needs me more than it needs you and those that "think" like you. Those that "think" like you are a cancer to truth, democracy, the planet, reality and sanity.

    Tin hat up Buttercup!!

    I look forward to hearing the reasons all your predictions failed, come Febuary.:*

    here is what happened while you weren’t paying attention.....…dYo4GNDj_ApCkF8vyLyN7HZAU

    and the predictions should all be proved in short order....deception was built into the plan to expose all the swamp rats....they needed enough rope to hang themselves......10 days of darkness will provide all the answers.......back up everything you want to save from the internet....quickly.....everything in the cloud, drop box....etc...

    I have my wolf protection hat on...:P8|

    their main mission now is to get Biden to sign everything he can.... he is the sacrificial lamb....he is dr evil and everything will be blamed on him so kamalazoos hands stay clean.....always will be pointing the finger at biden when she is the president...that way she’ll be good to go for the next election. She will continue the 16 year plan Hilary was supposed to finish....

    Right or wrong, can be disputed but it's apparent this is the direction the democratic party is intent of pursuing and quickly! Didn't see that coming! Hah!

    ‘Justice’ bill would transfer up to 32 million acres to Black farmers | Successful Farming (

    what if no privileged white farm owners want to sell 32 million acres? Here’s a hint..... It starts with “eminent” and ends with “domain”....

    I only know one thing for sure. These hurricanes are getting bigger and badder and more frequent every year. They have killed my desire to live on the Gulf Coast any longer. You can argue whether it is caused by mankind or just Mother Nature changes but it cannot be disputed it’s getting hotter fueling these monster storms. Do I think rejoining the Paris Climate Accord is going to help...

    this is why you need to look into the capabilities of their weather modification program. They can make hurricanes doesn’t take as much as you would think. They can make hurricanes change direction......I believe they proved that by making those two back to back cat 5 hurricanes hit New Orleans.....about 12 years ago..the tracks and strength were identical....remember how surprising it was they strengthened so fast and how they both suddenly changed was no coincidence.....

    Eminent domain would be a far stretch - the government can condemn and seize property under this law but for PUBLIC GOOD. Under no stretch of the law could the government seize property from one private citizen to convey to another private citizen - reparations or not.

    the law can be suit the new need......PUBLIC GOOD is making them happy....

    their excuse is to grow food for urbanites......who lack access to fresh produce....that sure sounds like public use to me...

    Eminent domain refers to the power of the government to take private property and convert it into public use. The Fifth Amendment provides that the government may only exercise this power if they provide just compensation to the property owners.

    so they give the
    privileged white property owners a few bucks an acre and everything is good...

    let’s not forget that Cory booker is a Rhodes scholar and a lawyer......need I say more?

    I’m not saying it is caused by mankind. But think about this - when I was born the world population was estimated to be 2.8 billion. 2020 estimates are 7.8 billion people. With an increase of 5 billion people occupying a finite space I have to believe that it could be in the realm of possibilities that we are contributing to global warming. What if 7.8 billion people opened their refrigerator and left em open - WHO KNOWS?? 😂😂. Sad thing is many (Al Gore/John Kerry) state it as fact we are causing it without the facts (IMO) to back up their claims. I am not a climate change denier - it’s changing but I just plain haven’t been convinced one way or the other as to why.

    the price we are going to pay for this is unsustainable.....your wages aren’t going to increase that much.....if they stop all fossil fuels, stop cows from I guess they kill all cows....and pigs and far as I know carrots don’t fart....higher utility bills, forced ownership of electric vehicles.....retro fitting your house green deal....$$$$ trillions....

    I ran across this and my jaw dropped...…rection/story?id=74394647

    This appears to be reparations on steroids. The claim is black farmers lost land a 100 years ago and the government is going to allot 160 acre tracts to new black farmers. Doesn’t say how the government is going to acquire these lands to give these lands back or how they determine who would be eligible. I’m pretty sure they don’t have much farmland to give away in New Jersey - so if Spartacus wants to start a civil war again just try and take away some land from the generational farmers in the Deep South. I know a bunch of em you would literally have to kill them before they gave up an acre - let alone 160 acres !!

    the government owns lots of’s called national parks......and it’s only right that privileged whites give up their homes....which is part of their plan anyway....they don’t like you living in your own home in the burbs.....they want to spread the wealth....

    Eminent domain...(reparations)

    great idea except for the fact you would need to establish a strong record of successful fights before you would ever be offered the kind of money you are talking about

    back in his prime Tyson could have killed a person with his punching power - - - you really willing to take that kind of blow and hope you dont end up a vegetable for some money?

    and you think every opponent he ever fought was the best they could get? They were punch make him look better....

    if you are worried about the mafia then why did you belong to a union that was run by them? - - your union dues supported big labor and they are the mafia

    I never said I liked them giving my dues money to the democrats.....I considered the union an insurance policy to keep my job, to secure my pension and benefits....necessary evil as far as I was concerned....I hate the leaders of the international....they just told everyone to vote for Biden after trump secured 25% tariffs to save their jobs......that was criminal...and if any union members voted for Biden....they cut their own throat...why? Why would you vote against a guy that implemented tariffs to save your job? Lowered your taxes, increased your 401k...the international told them to, the international did what they were ordered to do to keep their jobs.....even if there is only one union member left...the international will still have their job. It’s corruption...the voted for Clinton after he signed NAFTA which killed jobs, they voted for Obama....that didn’t help, they voted for Hilary....luckily she lost and they voted for Biden, I’m going to raise your taxes...

    as far as boxing goes....I’ll get In the ring to lose.... for a million me anyone that wouldn’t....every boxer knows how to pull a punch......the best example is studio’s choreographed.....just like a dance step here I do throw a punch and I’ll duck....then I get you in a head lock and you flip’s simply too easy to throw any sport.....and it only takes maybe one little phony flub to carry it off...oh I feel so bad missing that catch......but my wallet loves it....

    I’m sure they can pick their winnings....I’m talking about the mafia. Sure casinos have to pay out once in awhile or nobody would go there...but if they have two guys betting on a game and one is going to win a million and one is going to win $10.....I’m sure the million dollar guy is going to lose even if they have to flip a player or a ref or a coach.....someone is going to get paid off. And they aren’t going to lose a million if they can help it....I’m sure their buddies can win a big bet....for a percentage’s corruption... it’s money laundering...its conspiracy...

    and since they are manipulating the made climate change can be reversed....but they don’t want to ....that’s the taxing everyone into poverty they have us by the balls...which is where they want us....under their control. It has nothing to actually do with the climate....the climate is the excuse....trying to fix something that they control is the tool......that makes us the fools...

    If I’m your car mechanic and I keep deliberately breaking stuff on your car so I have to fix it....and you don’t realize what I’m doing it looks like you’re just having bad luck...but I’m manipulating you while I'm sucking your wallet dry.....that’s man made climate change....I’m creating a money drought in your wallet...

    people that think like you are going to cause us to be a socialist country very soon...and believing in climate change is going to cause us all to become very poor....stop already and just move to Venezuela...they already have everything you want...everyone’s poor and there are no jobs, wrecked economy and’s the garden of Eden....I’ll buy your one way ticket....

    why do you think the storms are more violent? It’s them manipulating the weather....they can make it flood, they can make a drought, the can make the weather do anything Mother Nature can do anything they’s a weapon.....they can bog down an enemy with flooding rains, they can starve them with no rain......their are rumors of earthquake the Three rivers Gorge dam....which is about to collapse.....they can make it look like CLIMATE going to kill us all in 12 years....listen to the bartender.....she knows....all about climate change ...just like the 16 year old Greta.....she’s a freakin climate genius....let me know when she graduates high school...

    one of the things you haven’t taken into account is the governments weather modification program. They can control the weather around the really need to do some serious research into this....

    think about this for one’s all about the money...and that money to fight climate change is coming out of your pocket......if climate change is a hoax with phony numbers on phony scare everyone....oh no we only have 12 more years to should have smelled’s a ploy to make everyone poorer....and them richer....sound familiar? Your utility bills will have to increase by large amounts....$$$$$$ taxes will be added to everything that uses energy of any kind....$$$$$ you will be forced to buy electric vehicles $$$$$$ to upgrade your house to be more energy efficient $$$$$$ much is your income going to increase to pay for all of this? you will be become energy efficiently POOR.....and remember this if you think they can’t control you.....they put a smart meter on your tells them what appliances you have’s connected to the entire neighborhoods smart meters......they can “talk” to each other...... they can control your electricity usage by simply turning off your power without leaving their if you think I’m going to run my furnace or A/C more than they tell me.....think again......they have complete control of your house now.....not you.

    There are scientists on both sides of this argument......some say it’s real, some say it’s are scientists government do you keep your job and income? Write what they want you to write......

    and about the electricity they control......turn off every circuit in you house right now except the main go outside and tell me if the little dials are still moving......