Posts by Guardian_Angel

    Id like to add.... since this can be a touchy subject. Everyone has a RIGHT to vote for whom they so choose. I will not interfere, condemn, or ostracize someone publicly for their choices... I try to remain openminded and always TRY to see both sides of the fence objectively, reasonably.. I feel the same way about abortion (to a certain point), and gay marriage... its not for me, its against my personal beliefs values and morals, but just because i disagree, doesnt mean i condemn those that think differently. Everyone has a RIGHT in this nation, to make their own legal choices.

    However, facts are facts. And I will share those facts, in hopes that if someone were to be on the fence.... the facts (not opinions) could help them make a more educated decision. Thats why we still have the "God, or Big Bang Theory" discussion 2000 years later.... there are not enough Undeniable tangible facts to prove either sides case..

    The facts about Hillary is crystal clear. Am I republican, democrat, liberal, conservative, tea party? Im not really sure, they are all in the bed together screwing us. Im for less government, zero amnesty, stop illegals from coming, including muslim refugees from an area of the world that HATES me and you, private insurance, minimum wage for minumum effort (stepping stone for high school grads),I love the Constitution, dont mess with my guns, my insurance, or my religion kind of voter. The government has too much control as it is, with their hands in too much of my business.

    So... if any Hillary voters were to appear on this thread, I would hope that we could listen... objectively... for any FACTUAL evidence, that she indeed is what this nation needs. I believe that once the words free healthcare for everyone, free college for everyone, and a higher minimum wage was uttered, the millenials and new voters fell into her web of deceit.

    If I accidentally "man handle" the tablet or phone, dont think its a problem with the PC and give anyone a dislike.... please forgive my man hands... the only way i would give a dislike is just an all out belligerent posting... to which I would most definitely respond to and in that case youll know for sure... "yep! She meant to give me that dislike!" :D I usually catch it when it happens but sometimes Im reading, liking, and talking to someone...

    I would like to purchase one or the other... the surface pro would definitely be cheaper, but not sure it will do the tasks we need it to do.
    We have 2 gopros, boo coos of memory cards, and batteries in tow when we be trippin.. and upon returning, my husband has the dubious task of sorting memory cards, files, images accumulated over several days. I could simplify my husbands life if I got him a device that he could sit down with at the end of day whenever he was.. and transfer his files in chronological order the day it was recorded. He also has cyberlink power director editing software that would be a nice added bonus if it was capable of running that as well... any suggestions are appreciated... 2 possibilities Im looking at are:
    MSI Gaming i7
    Surface pro 4
    Lets please my husband and get him a new toy :D

    Holy crap there @Guardian_Angel
    Why sugar coat it like that? Stop beating around the bush eh.
    Nicely done IMO.

    I am certain there have been previous subpar presidents... but this nation has went into a downward spiral so fast. Once the most respected, most feared, most guarded... reduced to a court jester of sorts, on display for other nations amusement. Our military is diminishing, and our veterans are lacking. Kids learn common core, so everyone passes and none are pushed to excel, my guns are no longer preserved and protected by the constitution, and the Confederate flag is removed from every museum, and historical site. And now because "gender specifics" are obtrusive and offensive, men can piss in public alongside me. FACEPALM! All in 8 yrs.. we just keep pushing the envelope... push push push. What kind of moral compass, values, and traditions will the babies of today have 25 years from now?? Will they go to a museum to see what a S&W revolver looked like?

    Gladly I say.... I have a 35 year head start on my early termination... I dont want to be apart of this "new frontier" TAKE ME HOME BEFORE THEY TAKE MY FREEDOM!

    7 Undeniable Reasons You CAN NOT Vote Hillary...Yes, this post could have had 100 reasons. That’s not the point..

    1.Hillary Clinton is a liar.I don’t mean this as political conjecture, but a proven, verifiable liar. She lied about the Irish peace process, her vote in favor of the Iraq war, her reason for illegally using a personal email server, that her family was dead broke when they left the White House, about landing under sniper fire in Bosnia, where Chelsea was on 9/11, who she was named after, Benghazi…and the list goes on. We don’t need a liar-in-chief. We tried that for 8yrs
    2.Hillary Clinton was MIA when the 3am phone call came from Benghazi. What difference does it make? The life of four Americans that trusted her to keep watch, dying without assistance is a huge difference. Russia invaded Ukraine on her watch. Again and again...
    3.Hillary Clinton defended a child rapist. And laughed about it. If you don’t know this story, you need to. I repeat. She defended a child rapist… and laughed about it.
    4.Hillary Clinton accepted millions of Dollars from foreign governments. While serving as Secretary of State, The Clinton Foundation illegally accepted boatloads of cash from countries that fund Hamas, harbor terrorists, suppress women, and regularly execute gays and lesbians.
    5.Hillary Clinton is endorsed by Barack Obama. (Although, given his track record, he may not have meant what he said about her being an “excellent choice” for President.) Ask anyone if they’re better off now than they were six years ago. Ask anyone if they like the direction the country is headed. If they answer “yes,” then they might actually legitimately like Hillary (and you should stop visiting the Pysch Ward...) But if they want some serious hope and change, they can’t vote for more of the same.
    6.Hillary Clinton wants women to shut up. At least all of the women who tried to come forward regarding her hubby’s sexual harassment, and labeling them women crying "rape" for ill-gotten gains. She referred to these victims as “trailer trash” and even went so far as to threaten one of the victims in person.
    7.Hillary Clinton is not a champion of the middle class. Despite her campaign slogan, she is definitely not just like you. Hillary Clinton was married to a President, had a personal chef, flies in a environment polluting personal jet, has sent her daughter exclusively to private schools, and makes about $200K for every speaking engagement. That’s so you, right? And – you’ve got a private jet out back?

    The choices I've been given for presidency have never been the ones that I really wanted... but with each presidency I was alive for, I can name good things that came from each of them.. except for the current side show cirrus act.. yes mooch included. I could list alot of his idiocies, but hers are just as bad... banning king size candy bars to fight childhood obesity..(all the while, she gets fatter and fatter) bout her school meal plan of half an apple, 2 saltine crackers, half a ham sandwich and a slice of cheese, with koolaid no less.... the kids dont need milk.... Some of those kids dont have the food at home to nourish them... a school lunch is the best they get all day.. Im utterly disgusted, repulsed, inflamed, flabbergasted, appalled, and in complete abhor to this president, his wife, and anyone who resembles either of their policies, or ideas.


    funinthesun wrote:

    Not yet. Polaris is working on an ecu reflash to reset the electronic steering software. Rumor has it that it should be out in 2 to 4 more weeks

    for those of us that had the ECU reflashed by mefiBob..... We will be SOL if Polaris does a recall for ECU reflash for steering ? We have issue with the power steering "clicking" at top dead center, without giving a light... Then we have the light come on at leisure without any notable changes or reasons. Our dealership has requested from Polaris the parts to correct the "clicking" issue/ loss of power steering, but have yet to hear anything back from them regarding Polaris's response.


    "Mushroom Rock" located Little River Canyon, Fort Payne, Alabama
    Mushroom Rock is a rock formation found in the middle of Highway 176. The rock is shaped like a giant mushroom. It has also been known as Needle Eye Rock due to the slot in its base.
    The story is that several decades ago, a road crew constructing the original scenic drive is credited with saving this canyon landmark. Plans called for the rock formation we now call Mushroom Rock to be removed. Construction staff refused to blast it away. The crew built the road around it instead.