Posts by gooseman

    That is the best shot I have ever seen of 2 people completely enjoying their ride in a Slingshot!Fantastic!

    The smiles on shatneyman and his wife's face really tell the story about the fun we had that day on the dragon during SSITS 17 can't wait for SSITS 18.
    Also. The picture doesn't do justice to what he has done to his slingshot, wow what a nice looking ride. He has done a fantastic job making it his own.

    Why is it that other manufactures(Mercedes, Honda, Toyota, Nissan, Hyundai) can build vehicles cheaper here in the U.S.of A. than Ford, Chevy, Dodge, Chrysler, GMC?

    I know here in Ontario Canada they are able to build them cheaper due to the fact they use a lot of the same parts on all models. They use the same door handles, locks, radios, seat belts etc etc on multiple models. The big 3 have different parts for every model which means inventory and tooling costs.

    A little off subject on original post but a few years ago I pulled into a parking lot in Michigan and parked next to a truck like mine. Dodge Ram Diesel, on the back window was a huge sticker with the saying about being out of work then keep driving your non USA made vehicle or something along those lines. Anyways we both were getting out of our trucks at the same time and I just had to ask him where he thought his truck was assembled. He put his chest out and proudly said the good old USA. I had to correct him and tell him that all Dodge Ram with the Diesel engines are assembled in Mexico. Talk about deflating his day. He was not aware of that. The manufacturers assemble vehicles where ever they can do it cheaper with everything counted into the equation of labor and logistics for parts and delivery. Having worked in the auto parts manufacturing for years, the bean counters look at every penny and really don't care who it affects when they save that penny. People are just another number in the equation.

    We just bought a new 2018 f150 quad 4x4 at work and I can't say anything good about it except it's not mine. We have 2 2008 f150 extended cab 4x4 that ride so much better. The interior layout sucks and the ride is terrible it bounces all over the road and has so many squeaks. Unless they changed something in the frame work of this truck I am sorry but you can keep it. I am a Dodge man but really feel that all brands have good and bad but the new Ford we have at work is not something I would ever own.

    I hope the 9000 is good for the dually. I have a 10,000 and I have a 3/4 diesel with the quad and 8' box and it scares me when I lift it. Get yourself some high jack stands to put under for safety. I love being able to lift the sling up to work on it. Even cleaning it up I lift it up so much easier on the back.

    I am just waiting for the dog sled to bring mine. I would imagine that the storm we are getting now will add a day or two. I would imagine looking at the radar weather map that @kev is getting it a lot worse than I am so he might even be a little longer in the wait time. Ohh the waiting game. :whistling:

    Jim aka painter my friend. No apologies needed. The final product is totally awesome and i feel privileged to be able to own a painter masterpiece. Now for warmer weather to get here so we can enjoy it.

    Well I went for a visit to @Painter s yesterday to pickup my sling. I only have a few photos as they don't do it justice without the sun. The colour really shines and has great depth when the sun hits it. Unfortunately today was cloudy and snowy to take any pictures. So here is a a few shots to show painters great work. Thanks Jim for everything you did.

    Ross. Quiet man X/ Your giving away us Canadians secret on going fast. Hell when you guys were talking 140 I was giggling to myself and saying that is nothing, I have hit 160 plus :thumbsup: