Posts by Sling Beast

    I totally agree on this one as well! Also I think we should not let that many refugees enter this country as well. I do disagree with some policies that Hellary is for but many I agree with or partial to. As long as Trump never see's the light of day as our president in the white house I will be just fine.

    Sadly I think America needs to pull back on Syria. It seems to me, over the last few years all these dictator states, Russia, Iran, Syria, China, North Korea have been gearing up for war. They have also been doing their best to get us to start it. I say we flip them the bird and don't entertain their BS. Build up our own military and strategically place forces. We don't want it to look like we are preparing. We also need to secretly come up with an offensive plan with our allies.

    They want us to start shit in Syria. They want us to start shit in North Korea. They want our boots on the ground, so they can take out our best while we think everyone is working to get rid of ISIS. I am pretty good at reading people and their intentions, and this is what I seeI

    Looks like Paul Ryan and some of the Republican party feels the Donald has gone bat crazy! So what does this mean for Donald Trump? He will say all the crazy shit he has held inside of that tiny brain of his. All Hillary needs to do is just let him talk and his loose lips will final sink his ship.

    It is going to get absolutely crazy before November 8th. The allegations against both these flawed candidates does nothing but make us hate them even more.IMG_2274.JPG
    Hillary is allegedly especially concerned about emails to her beloved aide Huma Abedin, wife of disgraced former congressman Anthony Weiner. Abedin has long been rumored to be Hillary's lesbian lover, and the deleted emails would reportedly confirm this.

    PS...Not because she may be gay but yet another coverup if she is....

    Now that's funny! :huh:

    @WOLF - good one - ya got me. I agree with 95% of what you said. I really could care less who is elected President save and except one reason because neither will do anything to unite the country. That reason is the Supreme Court. I hope that within that four years that you and @Sling Beast don't have buyers remorse after she appoints left wing Supreme Court Justices tilting the balance of power. TRUST ME - the Supreme Court has much more power over our day to day lives than the President. I understand why Trump is so distasteful to many but have you considered this. You both have claimed to fully support the 2nd Amendment. Hillary alone as President can do little. On the other hand with her hand picked Justices you mark my word - that will be the beginning of the end of your gun rights in the USA!! @WOLF & @Sling Beast leave Trump and Clinton off the table - would you want say Bernie Sanders or God forbid Obama on the Supreme Court. If you want to completely change what America looks like then I suppose you are truly liberal. I DO NOT - Respectfully Sorry....

    Bill I have heard the hype for 8 years that Obama was going to take our guns, that did not happen. My assault rifles and handguns are by my side standing proud.I do not scare easily with all this loose scuttlebutt that your party has claimed. If the Republicans just voted on Obamas pick to serve on the Supreme Court you all would not be so much in a uproar. Hillary may nominate someone very extreme than Obama's choice for the seat. You all had your chance and put up every obstacle possible so that Merrick Garland would not get seated on the courts. They refused to hold hearing on the nomination, arguing that the next president should choose. Well the next president will be Hillary Clinton. When I hear Trumps name my stomach cringes with disgust. Just remember you all had a chance to vote for one helluva guy in Garland Merrick, but did not. So whomever she picks we all will have to deal with it!

    For the record I was just playing. I would never and could never vote for Trump. I'm a good person who was raised to respect others, look for the best in others, not pre-judge others based on race, religion, gender, political party.....I believe strongly that both parties have people that can do great things for our country. I have proven that through my voting record. I admit the person I help put in doesn't always perform as expected. I don't automatically write them or their party off, but look for the good They did accomplish. My guys... (R) Bush Jr. : Iraq War, (R) Snyder(Michigan's Governor) : Flint Water, (D) Obama : Affordable Care Act.

    I couldn't tell you if my parents were Democrats or Republicans. The only thing they impressed upon me was to live Christ like. Even with that, they never forced us to do anything except attend church and hangout with the family on Sunday. I was allowed to form my own opinion on all things without them telling me how wrong or right I am.

    I've said it before, there are very few things that Trump has done or said that I can align my core beliefs with. Hillary is not a very good person. Trump is a horrible person and knows very little on world matters. Sorry @Bill Martin for playing with your emotions . I will full heartedly support a Republican in 4 yrs. if you guys put the better person in. ;)

    I was very worried about you! I thought maybe Bones or Tripod slipped some Trump serum in your drink when you had your back turned! I know Hillary has too much baggage for anyone to carry but Trump is not of stable mind and we cannot afford to have him in the high office. I truly hope if she cannot be productive in 4 years that she should be booted out of office. Maybe we can be on the ticket in 2020? :S

    Everyone on Fox agrees with me that Trump crushed Hellary. Those stupid people on CNN and NBC are so biased, Hellary could die on live TV and they would say she is healthy enough to be president. :D They think Hellary won. I just looked at 5 online polls and they all say Trump won. Your canidate is going up in smoke Sling Beast.

    When Trump wins he said we are gonna team up with Iran, Russia and Syria to bomb the crap out of ISIS and any city harboring American backed Syrian rebels. I'm sure we'll stop backing and supplying them before we wipe their cities off the map. Diplomacy hasn't worked to bring those countries to our side. Helping them with their country cleansing hasn't been tried, it might be crazy enough to work. We will finally have peace in the Middle East!

    I wouldn't bet on it Wolf! We will see in November buddy! 8o