Posts by Red

    I've bought lots of barely used toys in my life. Some folks must have toys they don't need or can't afford. I appreciate other people taking the hit, their bad money management is someone else's gain. New and shiny doesn't last long for some people.

    "I find fault in those that say, "it was Trump or Hillary and I would never vote for Hillary", if they voted for Trump in the Primaries."

    I didn't vote for Trump in the primary but did in the election. We have open primaries here so you take a ballot from any party you want. I took a dem ballot so I could vote against Hillary twice.

    Was it the same county in the last Florida voting controversy @Orangeman? If so, and it was the same people involved, they should hand those duties to somebody else.

    Both parties have large swaths of uninformed voters that vote for a letter(D,R) and not the person. Dead people getting elected by Republicans, Rubio getting huge vote counts after dropping out of the Presidential race. Guys in jail getting a huge amount of votes...

    Republicans elected a dead man, is that worse than dead Republicans voting for live Democrats? ?(

    The closet was probably locked, as we put them in a locked closet or room. If they were absentee, they usually are in their sealed envelope until we open it, right before running it threw the tabulator.

    I agree If they weren't still sealed in their envelopes, they could have been tampered with and that would suck for those voters. I haven't heard of these were or weren't in sealed envelopes.

    Why would absentee ballots be taken to the polling place? A teacher found them so at least one person who was not an official had access to them, not valid.

    Not necessarily anything nefarious with that. Schools are a very common place for voting polls. Closets are common places to keep things safe. If a machine fills up, you empty it. If they brought early ballots there to be ran through the machines, which is what we do, if you work the polls. You get a huge, non-stop rush of voters and you could forget about a box in the closet pretty easy.
    You guys are acting like it is a Democrat majority precinct. If somebody hides a box in that precinct with hopes of changing the election, which party would benefit from a box of mostly Democrat votes disappearing/ being forgotten in a closet?

    It was probably an oversight, plain and simple. I never can understand why people claim victory before all ballots are surely counted, then complain when they find out they weren't all counted and they aren't necessarily the winner. Every vote counts. If your vote was in a box, in a closet, wouldn't you want it found and counted?

    If the ballots were out of election officials control they would be invalid. No way to know if they are legit, they don't count. It sucks if they are legit but that's on the election officials. It would be less if an issue if they had reported the total number cast before "finding" more.

    For those who don't read French

    PricewaterhouseCoopers has confirmed that Cirbin Inc., which does business under the name Campagna Motors, is currently under bankruptcy protection.

    Located in Boucherville, this Quebec company specializes in the manufacture and marketing of three-wheeled vehicles such as T-Rex and V13R.

    On October 24, Cirbin Inc. filed a proposal that it intends to present to its creditors.

    It is expected that a general meeting of creditors will be held on November 6 at the Trustee's Office (1250 René-Lévesque Boulevard West, Montreal).

    Founded by Daniel Campagna in 1990, the company was sold in 2007 to its current owners. Last spring, let's remember that the unveiling of an electric declination of its T-Rex had been highly publicized in the automotive world.

    André Morisette, president and majority shareholder of Campagna Motors, did not return our call at the time of publication.

    Those were the best years for gun manufactures, sky high prices on all things in shooting sports. 1500 bucks for 400 dollar guns. They probably voted for Obama. As for those rednecks who drove prices up... they should have spent that money on Depends. Stinking rednecks.

    I made some good money selling off some of my guns during the Obama administration. Buying more now to sell during the next Dem administration. Didn't sell any to rednecks they already had guns.