Posts by Joker256

    We used to have a 4gb plan for the family. We restricted the kids (before they left for college) to wifi only.
    Now, I have a company phone. I use tons of data and nobody cares! 8o

    now there's an example of a product and name that has turned from where it began.
    It is a small world. I think that was the year I had the Sherpa rack with the trailer as well. 2013 maybe?

    yup. I've been in a vendors booth every year since 2009. Rigid, Sprintex Superchargers, Rock Krawler, Method Racing....
    And my old Brute was on the BF Goodrich booth a couple of times.
    I've been there every year except the first.

    I've seen that in Daytona at Jeep Beach, haven't I?

    Thought you guys might like some of my previous toys.

    My newest.It had the Wounded Warrion Logo on the hood. (I do a lot of fundraisers for veterans organizations)

    My first. I had this this one for almost 20 years

    My favorite I've ever had. I wish I had never let her go.

    This one isn't mine, but I've had several of these.


    • bobbed.png

      (129.31 kB, downloaded 182 times, last: )


    Why not get the SS and let some of us set up a wrench day to get all your mods installed.
    This way once you are healed up you can just ride like the wind

    I truly appreciate that offer. I will buy it before I'm able to drive it. I just want to have the surgery first, just in case something goes wrong. Should all go pretty smoothly, but, you never know.
    One thing I love about this Slingshot community is the willingness to help others. I've been a Jeep guy for years and it's the same way. That's one of the things that drew me in. I thought the Slingshot was cool the first time I saw pictures of it. Then, I started lurking on the forums. I noticed 2 things. First, people wanted to customize them from the beginning. (I've been doing that to Jeeps for years.)
    Second, people were always willing to answer questions, give feedback, offer to help with installs and instructions.
    To an extent, Jeepers do the same thing, but nowhere near to the extent that you gentlemen and ladies go to.
    What really hooked me was when I saw a post from someone who was having a problem,(I don't remember exactly what it was) and saw several people respond. A couple of the responses were something to the affect of "I'm only 2 hours away, I can come help". To drive 2 hours just to help someone you have never met in person says a lot about this community. That night, I told my wife that we needed to get one. She said, lets make it happen.
    I look forward to riding with and meeting you all soon.

    After reading this thread and taking a look at the AeroCatch product, I found this on EBay -
    Universal Black Racing Mount Bonnet Carbon Fiber Hood Pins Latch Key Locking Kit | eBay
    I've been thinking for a while about installing some rear hood pins to make sure the hood can't pop up if the latches let go, but haven't gotten around to filming the vertical motion as the hood opens to make sure it lifts vertically before starting to lift forward. I was also looking for something with sufficient contact area to spread any pressure evenly around the hole to minimize chances of cracking the hood. The Ebay units are reportedly 2.5", so this may be a good start if I want to place some wider reinforcement to the under side of the hood. I was thinking about trying to locate the hood pins in the black accent strips towards the rear portion of the hood and fabricating some type of mount that would rest on the two frame tubes on each side of the engine compartment.
    EBay also has locking pins similar to the AeroCatch product starting around $20.

    I Would be afraid of the locks getting water in them, rusting internally, and being unusable. then you are screwed. Better off with the kit he is selling IMHO.

    Excuse my language but .... "Shit" ...

    Sorry dude. Tell you what, go ahead and buy it. I drive it for you until you have healed. I'll take care of the first two oil changes and might even buy you a new tire for the rear before I hand it back over.
    This way i can make sure there are no issues with it before you take over. It will also insure i get to keep riding until mine is out of the shop.

    Thank you! Your generosity knows no bounds! :D
    Actually, I was going to talk you you about possibly meeting up the next time I was in ATL. Maybe you could help me plan a mount for my little project. Should be really simple.
    I'll bring plenty of :00000436:

    Thank you all for your thoughts.I go to talk to the surgeon tomorrow. I'll have a better timeline tomorrow on expected recovery.
    I'll still be here. You guys aren't getting rid of me that easily.
    knowing me, I'll probably have a stockpile of parts waiting by the time I get it.

    Honestly, the worst part is not being able to finish the R&D I've been doing on a product I've been working on with a friend. I think it's something that we could really use.
    All that's left is to develop the mounting bracket, but can't do that without a vehicle. So, that's on hold now too. ;(

    I hope this wasn't caused by excessive viewing of our NSFW threads... :D
    J/K!!! Sorry to hear about this but good things come to good people. It's only a (unfortunate) delay but you'll be Slingin' before you know it! Hang in there & recover quickly! Do your PT faithfully & that will be a big help. We are rooting for ya'!

    nope! I'm left handed. All is still well! :D

    Sorry to hear about your elbow issues and wish you a speedy recovery. Just a thought but If there was an automatic Slingshot available would you buy it?

    Honestly, If it only came in auto, I probably would never buy one. I'm an old drag racer.
    I love banging through the gears. (insert @Tripod smart@ss comment here)
    That's just a personal preference.