Posts by Live-a-Little!

    HMM, ok were are the Hoods cracking at??

    As I understand it the crack is showing up in the hood just above the hood latch. If you use the plastic area above the latch to open the hood, there is a lot of flex in the plastic as it is unsupported. I suppose it has fatigued over time for some.

    I open by pulling on the black plastic below the latch as I can feel a metal "plate" backing the black plastic.

    I have a 2016.5 model. Once this issue was reported earlier, i looked at my hood.

    It seems they have reinforced the lower black plastic section (under the latch) with a metal bar.

    I think the issue is because some are using the top part of the hood (above the hood latch) as the lift point - which is unsupported plastic.

    I have a ton of after market lights and LEDs installed including the eyebrow switch back lights and the lower brow lights. Have had zero issues.

    How lights on the front could effect the radio is beyond me - the switch backs connect directly to factory wiring for the blinkers.

    Early on, I recall there may have been an issue with a brake light flasher modulator - but not 100% sure.

    I wonder if they say the same thing about the Polaris LED kit.

    Will be interested in other's opinions.

    "BLUE LIVES MATTER" - that is just really awesome. I would wear a shirt, pin, hat etc. with that saying on it.

    Hadn't heard this saying yet - but went out to Amazon and bought 2 t-shirts. One for me and the other for my father-in-law who is retired police officer.

    Lived in Huntsville as a kid - my Dad worked for GE and they did contract work for NASA at Redstone Arsenal during the space race period. When funding was reduced in the early '70s, GE moved my Dad to Connecticut.

    I always joke that I am bi-cultural.

    Made the goal for last week - totaled 201.3 miles for the week. :thumbsup:

    Monday - 30 miles
    Tuesday - 38.6 miles
    Wednesday - 33 miles
    Thursday - 34.7 miles
    Friday - off
    Saturday - 45 miles (my watch said I burned 3,217 calories!)
    Sunday - 20 miles

    Sunday was more of a recovery / easy ride. Plus, I added the lower brow LED lights and the garage door opener to the Sling. I also washed the Sling as it was covered in dead bugs.

    Riding longer distances during the week gets tough - by the time I am home from work and rolling, it is close to 6:30 PM and it is starting to get dark around 8:30 PM - so there is a limit to what I can do in the evenings.

    Plus it is HOT and humid in the evenings (90 plus all week). Got walloped on Monday by a thunderstorm - had to pull into a car port and sit for 20 minutes. Rain was heavy, rivers of water on the edges of the road, lightening close by, and the rain hurt when it hit you.

    Will try and get 215 miles in this week as this is the last week of heavy riding.

    The week of the 25th will be shorter, easier rides to let the legs recover.

    So far, no road rash, mechanical issues, or dogs chasing after me. Cars on the road have been very respectful as well.

    How did they get the cart down the isle?

    Would have thought the airline would see this situation and think through the ramifications inthe event of an emergency. He is blocking the isle

    In car terms, I fit into the "antique" category...and it felt like it this morning.

    It has been a long and hot week. Since Monday (4th), I have ridden my bicycle 138 miles solo (not with a group).

    I woke up this morning around 5:30 and everything mentally and physically said go back to sleep. I really didn't want to ride.

    But I got up, had something light to eat, took an Aleve, took the dogs for a short walk and said to myself, I got to go do it.

    So I prepared and got rolling around 6:30 knowing today wasn't about the speed, my avg. mph, or long distances. Today was about grinding it out, at my pace and getting what ever I could out of the legs.

    Simply, set a daily goal and just finish.

    Road another 31 miles today for a total of 169 for the week. Not bad considering the heat, had to dodge afternoon thunder monsoon this week, and I am an antique.

    The charity ride is the July 29th - so I have a few more weeks of preparations.

    Interested in donating and supporting several cancer charities? Use the link below

    I do appreciate the consideration and any support provided.


    P.S. The smell of cooking bacon on an early morning bike ride is almost tortuous.

    It is just unfortunate that the RNC couldn't have produced a better candidate - if they had, this election would probably not be much of a contest.

    The same can be said for the DNC - she was the anointed one and they are sticking to the decision. I can never find myself voting for her.

    Are these really the best we can do as a nation? Shameful.

    Above all factors, for me, this election is about the Supreme Court. There is already 1 vacancy. Given the age of several of the justices, there could possibly be one or even two additional openings in the next 4 years. The SC will influence the nation for the next 15-20 years and I prefer conservative, constitutionally minded justices.