Posts by echoraven

    What's the likelihood of NASCAR, the NBA, Goodyear, Gillette [insert woke American company here] being driven out of business?

    Will their woke activism hurt them? Probably. It's not my responsibility or anyone's to support EVERY political ideology. Every CEO that decides to "go woke' puts THEIR American employees at risk, not us. Sorry you can't be angry at someone that doesn't want to see Marxism being glorified at a basketball game, or players taking the knee at a football game. Nor should you be upset when Gillette or Goodyear decide to take up the woke banner and people decide not to sponsor that message. It's called freedom our entire country is based on it.

    Disney hired a very woke executive to take over Star Wars over at Lucasfilm. After several years they lost half their fan base and now they are gradually purging the SJW elements to try and bring back the fans. Should people be forced to watch the new Star Wars movies? Buy the merchandise? All because they employ people in America?

    Red Bull got a whiff that their American devision wanted to start a woke initiative and fired everyone involved. They understand that such a divisive message puts their bottom line at risk, which should be the responsibility of every CEO.

    It is interesting to see many rally against the "cancel culture" then rant about how they themselves are cancelling their NASCAR, NBA, NFL, MLB, Tire, shoe... purchases and viewings.:/

    "Cancel culture" applies to individuals. Unpersoning them if you will. The intent is to stop them being able to work, conduct business or be part of society.

    You can't cancel a corporation or a organization since they are composed of many people. You can't stop a corporation from working, conducting business or being part of society; you can however make your voice heard with your dollars. the saying goes, money doesn't talk, it screams.

    That's the shade I already have. Doesn't work for me.

    Ouch. The Sony you are referencing is an automotive radio and you'll probably have the same problem. Perhaps a marine unit since it serves a similar (open cockpit vehicle) to the SS would perform better combined with that big sun shade of yours.

    May be trading my car. The new one seems to have a decent enough stereo, but I still want to remove both my amps, head unit, and subwoofer from it (significant investment).

    While I won't be able to use the speakers, the actual subwoofer in the SS, I think there are places that I can mount the amplifiers to protect them from water.

    Anyone done this?

    Found a 2019 in La Marque, TX Team Mancuso Powersports for 17,900 there calling tomorrow o see if we can set something in stone on the price.. still looking though haven't found any used ones yet.

    Be careful of the OTD price. The first time I went SS shopping a "alleged" $16,999 price swell up to $25k with taxes and fees. After a walkout and google review (it was hilarious and damning) I ended up with $21k OTD for my 2019 S model.

    As the new guy here; part of it may be lack of site index, or at least I can't find it.

    The other Slingshot forum I used to belong to would kick me out whenever they'd have a technical issue and no recourse to say "hey I'm blocked unjustly", soooo I"m here.

    ...back to topic.

    I don't see an index where I can find the most appropriate place to ask "anyone sell a rear fender for plain ol "S" model SS? ....or to browse ideas for audio systems. I have used the search, but it tends to be sloppy because it searches everywhere not just specific sub sections of the forum.

    Alot of the "unread" posts do revolve around politics and everyone here is respectful so I'm grateful for that.