Posts by SoCal

    I heard today Nancy Pelosi stated a USMCA Trade Deal breakthrough could be "imminent". I have to question the choice of words "could be". It sound like China.

    Oh this is painful to say. This is the kind of work politicians need to do for the good of the people and it is noted as a good thing from Dems and Repubs alike. Excuse me I feel woozy and sick to my stomach <X. Hah!

    Frankie55 if it’s even remotely good trust me the Democrats will hitch their wagon to anything. They’ve been a horseless carriage for the past three years! Going nowhere. Elections are coming up and the last thing they want to get asked is what did you do?

    That is so cool. Please take pictures. I did the Death Valley Double out there a few years back. Maybe a bit more than a few years back :). An ultra distance bicycle event (200 miles). Finished somewhere about mid pack 16 hrs.

    Wow! That’s incredible! Please tell me you didn’t do it during the summer! I have been as far up to Shoshone but have not done the loop or Artist area from Ridgecrest. Really looking forward to it and the valley of fire as well. The desert is such an incredible place.

    And as you probably know I’m all about pictures!☺️

    come on SoCal we don’t need to sugar coat it. It’s just we have a longer time of riding.

    Ya - like 11 1/2 months😁

    The biggest problems I have is , no fun place to ride like you but also it’s d——- hot here in summer and can’t ride at all. So with that said I guess I have a riding season as well but not like all that COLD, WET STUFF,or just plan ole cabin fever.
    In closing for all my Northern Buddy’s I feel your pain.

    Ahhh my Laredo Texas friend, perhaps go East to Corpus Christi. I was holed up there on whether while working offshore and thoroughly enjoyed that town about 40 years ago. The heat can be brutal in that neck of the woods. However tomorrow will be around 50 for you, that sounds pretty good! 8)

    Ditto and well said.

    Dismissing record highs despite starting in "a flooded basement" is par for the course. Please go on about "all" in an effort to sound fair.

    perhaps you missed This...

    And, as said prior, the economy got better IN SPITE of Obama NOT because of him.

    Businesses in America did everything they could to succeed in spite of President Obama’s inexperience and socialist policies. The s l o w upward movement in the Dow is testament to Americans tenacity in the face of tyranny.

    I will take 9k up in 2 years over 9 k up in 8 years any day.

    You do understand that PDF shows a continuous upswing dating back to the Obama days, where there were also historically record highs, right?

    You are right though, it is a good thing that Trump kept the good times rolling.

    When in a flooded basement going up a few stairs seems good I guess. Clinton era folks feeling that everyone regardless of means should have a house kicked us all in the posterior. 2008 did not need to happen. It was a Washington mess with ALL of the DC swamp involved. And yes I said ALL.

    And, as said prior, the economy got better IN SPITE of Obama NOT because of him.
