Posts by Edward Neal

    Last November the voters here in California voted to authorized the State congress to keep us from falling back - - of course the congress has done nothing about it so instead of doing what the vast majority of us voted for - we set out clocks back

    idiot politicians cant even get something as simple as this done

    Been watching my weather radar app for the last hour or so - - this app is normally dead on at showing the rain, but today not so much

    For all of the last hour it has showed light rain, but looking outside not a drop, even checked my home outdoor cameras thinking that perhaps it just was going around my location and not a drop there either


    Trying to have a conversation with you is like talking to this


    Much like when Donald Trump said, "I'm very good down there, trust me", I have to take his word without evidence to the contrary.

    why cant you just answer the question?

    and why you do you always try to justify things by what others have done - do you really believe if someone else does something wrong it makes it okay for others to do something wrong?

    seriously - you do this all the time when you are asked questions - instead of just saying yes or no or answering the question - you come up with some justification that isnt an answer

    I don't know why I even bother asking you anything - I should know better

    Nine Enigmas

    Isn't it weird that in America our flag and our culture offend so many people,
    but our benefits don't?

    How can the federal government ask U.S. citizens to pay back student loans,
    when illegal aliens are receiving a free education?

    Only in America are legal citizens labeled "racists" and "Nazis," but
    illegal aliens are called "Dreamers."

    Liberals say, "If confiscating all guns saves just one life, it's worth it." Well then,
    if deporting all illegals saves just one life, wouldn't that be worth it?

    I can't quite figure out how you can proudly wave the flag of another country
    but consider it punishment to be sent back there

    The Constitution: It doesn't need to be rewritten;
    it needs to be reread

    (7) William F. Buckley said: "Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other points of view and
    are then shocked and offended when they discover there are other points of view."

    (8) Joseph Sobran said, ‘Need’ now means wanting someone else's money. 'Greed' means wanting to keep your own.
    'Compassion' is when a politician arranges the transfer."

    (9) Florida has had 119 hurricanes since 1850, but
    some people still insist the last one was due to climate change.

    If they wont say who the whistle blower is how can the American people know that this person even exists?

    Personally I think Adam Schiff made this person up. Schiff was saying he had evidence against Trump proving collusion since before the Mueller report was released - - - when that report didn't give Schiff what he wanted I believe he decided it was his job to manufacture this whistle blower.

    As obsessed as he is I don't know how anyone can believe anything Mr. Schiff says or does in regards to this matter

    One other thing to add.... GRRRRavel!

    Around here, when the weather is snowy, slushy, the highway department spreads sand and gravel on the road surfaces (steeper hills tend to get gravel).

    In Arkansas, the snow melts in a day or so - we are the home of the "One Day Winter!" Never the less, the gravel is on the roads long after the snow is gone.

    Regular cars and trucks soon push the gravel away from the tire lanes - and gravel gets herded into the center of the lane where our rear tire goes. 6 am this morning, a little bleary and on my way to work, I spun the rear tire pretty good on a narrow road. Didn't lose control, but this sort of thing could be pretty bad if you weren't expecting it! Plus, collecting little pieces of gravel on the mud flaps and the deck behind the roll hoops is annoying as heck!

    Salt & gravel - - - - Thank God I dont have to deal with that crap :thumbsup:

    The young lady who works for me had an opportunity to visit CA & Palm Springs last week.... She loved it.

    This time of year - October through the end of May is our "Season" weather is usually very good and your friend couldnt have had better luck as we have been sunny and in the 80's which is a bit above normal. Makes me happy to know She enjoyed it :thumbsup:

    looks like we are going to dropping back to a more normal range with highs ranging from 69 up to 80 in the next week or so - - - as to rain they still seem unsure - being surrounded by mountains it is pretty sure they will get some and even snow above 6000 feet, but whether or not any rain worth talking about will make it to the valley floor? only God knows the answer to that

    Obviously living in the So Cal desert as I do my cold weather needs are not nearly as intense as they are for many of you, at most all I need are long pants a medium weight jacket and some light gloves - - the one thing other than this that really makes my rides much more comfortable when its cold is my Bell Vortex full helmet - 8 1/2 months or more out of the year I wear the lightest little dot approved 1/2 helmet I could find at the time I got it, but when it gets in the 40's and 50's my nose starts to run and my ears get so dang cold they hurt - - thats when I switch to my full helmet.

    those other 8 1/2 months the full helmet would be way too hot and for these times the 1/2 keeps me legal and I like the protection out on the highway

    when the temp drops the full keeps my ears and nose nice and comfortable and makes it worth looking like I just stepped out of a Star Wars sequel

    just got a new High Visibility yellow shield for the Vortex today - - makes it easier to see driving home after the sun has gone down - - would have liked a photochromic shield but the dang things cost more than the helmet did

    Winter Helmet :


    Spring, Summer, Fall Helmet


    so anyway - thats my cold weather riding tip - even if you normally dont like a helmet, and even if it may not be required in your State I can guarantee that for controlling the air flow and temperature of my head I havent found anything that works as well, and I have tried

    If your on the left he is always a "hapless" idiot/moron.

    If those on the social left who are fiscally conservative dont like Trump or as you say think he can be an idiot/moron I can somewhat understand why they might feel that way - especially considering how the media tries to twist just about everything he says or does.

    On the other hand if anyone who is on the fiscal Left, regardless of where they stand on social issues, thinks Trump is an idiot/moron then that is a very good thing because they clearly lack any knowledge of finance and may even have brain damage - - because of this its best to disregard anything they say - just smile & nod - - - and don't waste any time arguing with them

    Thats right I finally got some LED's

    but they dont go on the slingshot - found an LED shop light today at Costco - been wanting a light for above my little work bench and this seems to be perfect


    I know its not as cool as LEDs for the slingshot,but at least the title got you to look

    I may not have the shop / man cave that some of you have, but this is my little work space and I like it :thumbsup: