Posts by LargeCar

    Great ride to the coast, Hwy 26 out to Cannon Beach, south to Tillamook, Hwy 9 (i think) back to HWY 26 then back to the city just in time for the rush hour through the tunnel and over the S turns to the Ross Island bridge. Was trying to avoid the I205 parking lot and got into the downtown parking lot, boy those busses just plow through and intersection.

    I think I have it figured out. Between the bicycles, the pedestrians and the TriMet busses the drivers are afraid to drive their cars. Where I live bicycles and pedestrians have bullseyes on them and score at different rates according to their speed. Only busses are school busses and we just ignore them.

    Still on for Friday, think I have some SWAG still, i'll check.


    For all the slingshot owners in the area you are invited to a meeting at Roakes on McLoughlin at 1 pm this Friday the 15th of September.

    It is BYOB (buy your own burger).


    First person to identify the locate of the picture gets to post a picture for the next guesser.

    Rules: You have to have driven your slingshot to the location.

    Your slingshot has to be in the picture.

    Have fun!

    First person to identify the locate of the picture gets to post a picture for the next guesser.

    Rules: You have to have driven your slingshot to the location.

    Your slingshot has to be in the picture.

    Have fun!

    Bump start, because you roll it down hill and just bump the clutch enough to spin the engine over.

    Learned to drive in a 1937 Hudson Terraplane, three on the floor with the "Magic Hand" on the column. Then I moved up to a 1938 Plymouth, then my brothers 1949 Dodge. All manual three speeds and flat head engines.

    P.S. Notice I called them "engines" and not motors.


    Loved reading this thread, except for one thing. RPM is the correct term, RPMS or RPM's is not correct. It is Revolutions Per Minute. Only one minute is measured, not several minutes.

    I'll go hide now, but I will still read the thread because y'all are really smart people doing what I wished I could do.


    Guess Im old school, still carry a live round in my pocket. Was never in Special Forces but just did not want to buy their beer. Still stand and salute for the flag, welcome home all veterans with thanks, take my hat of in church, and call ladies Ma'am.


    Holy crap...those banjo seals are about $4.50 each.... There are 12 on the whole system...

    We need to get together and order them in bulk.. And find out who the supplier/ manufacturer is

    Why in Hell would you want to order a faulty part in bulk. I guess that is like your faulty thinking, a bulk quantity or wrong thinking.

    And just for the record, the brake system on a sling and the tail rotor on a helicopter are two entirely different systems. The brake system is a static hydraulic system while the tail rotor on the helicopter is a dynamic system, different fluids, different actions. Our brake system does not have any filters, the helicopter has multiply filters. And most of the trash that would be in the helicopter system would be filtered long before it got the sensor, and would most likely be non ferrous metal. I think your helicopter buddy has seen to many black helicopters overhead.

    Why is bigdog a professional and I am still a student? Guess I need to come up with some bull crap story so I can boost my post count.
