Posts by Bigdog

    swamp rats are being ejected.....

    here is some garbage written by some never trumpets...…trumpism-u-110525344.html

    they don’t have a misunderstanding about do with guns. You do....

    Commies don’t want you to have guns, period. It’s not about gun safety or gun violence or even how many are killed by guns......if you have guns they can’t take over and kill you if you don’t agree with their’s a ploy that many sheeple are falling for....they don’t remember history because they were not taught the real’s been whitewashed....they don’t know that’s how Hitler killed millions of people... first he took everyone’s guns.....

    The founding fathers knew this.....even way before WW2...because they were preparing for any threat that would happen from inside or outside of the country. Democrats Turning, or trying to turn the country commie is an inside threat. That’s why they want your you can’t stop them...

    watch....this is “operation mockingbird” in’ve all been punk’d For years......if you believe anything on MSM ....false, misleading, biased information is being and has been fed to the unsuspecting sheeple...24/7....for years...

    click on the see how the brainwashing was accomplished....word for word.....I would say since these stations are supposed to be rivals competing for viewership for advertising dollars the odds of them saying the exact same wordage day after day is mathematically impossible....and if you believe it ...well....mission accomplished...

    what if Trump knew they rigged this election because they rigged the last election and trump let them proceed with the voter fraud so they would let them hang themselves....and as a way to collect all the evidence needed to end the deep state once and for all...

    the dems used every election fraud tactic to pull this off....fake ballots, rigged voting machines, and now trump had all the evidence...let them think Biden is the president....learn all their plans and who they intend to carry them out...putting their heads in the noose....

    remember when you are dealing with can fight it with your own conspiracy...the final humiliation is to have all the evidence, catch them all and have the election overturned....further humiliating them. Game, set, match.....checkmate...

    stranger things have happened...

    in other news.......from Adam Shit....


    so the democracy can only be damaged by republican investigations? Anything the democrats want to do to damage it is flash......the democrats have spent the last 4 years (more like 60) tearing down our democracy sparing no oust a duly elected president and implement a socialist/commie agenda...and steal a national election...

    I have never been in favor of self driving vehicles......I like some of the emergency braking features, but I’m not letting go of the steering wheel.

    I ride motorcycles because a motorcycle doesn’t have a brain to compete with. I don’t ride horses because they can at anytime decide to do whatever they want to do.....had a few bad experiences with “smart” horses...using their brain.

    I won’t ride in any vehicle if there are no hands on the wheel...many people are dead already because they thought it would be cool not to actually have to drive their car....

    I have a hard time controlling my brain let alone having to work with or against another brain in the car...

    years ago my ex-wife asked me why I always drive when we’re in the car.....I told her when I’m in the car I drive and when your in the car by yourself you can drive...

    a farmer was driving his new bride home in the wagon when the horse suddenly sat down....

    The farmer walked up to the horse and told him to get up...the horse just sat there until the farmer punched the horse in the head and he got up...he said to the horse “that’s one”....

    Farther down the road the horse stopped and sat down again......the farmer got out and punched the horse again.....the horse got up and the farmer said...”that’s two” ...

    A littler farther down the road the horse stopped and sat down again....the farmer pulled out his gun and shot the horse dead.....

    The new bride hysterically yelled why did you have to shoot the horse?
    the farmer replied....”that’s one”.....

    girl friend is a dental hygienist.....they had to shut down the office because a lady lied on the pre examination questionnaire about virus exposure.....

    Her son plays soccer and the entire team was exposed to Covid.....she told the office about it the next everyone had to get tested and wait without pay for the results....before they could reopen....

    so think about what she did......

    Exposed the dentist and his family

    Exposed the employees and their families....

    Exposed that days patients and their families...

    Cost 8 people to lose income for 5 days....

    multiply that around the country...

    so if the mink had the virus.....look closely at the pictures of the bodies....they were skinned the virus won’t be in the skin on the hide?

    First they could have polluted the nearby water. Then they kept the infected hides, then they created a new infected burial plot....

    any other virus spreading questions?

    funny he should ask.....

    USB drives preprogrammed with Biden votes and coincidentally they are missing......

    Trump will be 46, not Biden....
    everything is a conspiracy......start connecting the dots.....question everything....especially if it involves money and politics.....and the government...