Posts by WOLF

    And if the ones selling $400 worth the food stamps for $200 were drug tested - problem solved!!

    Easier solution:

    Right now they are given credit cards with their name on it. That is charged each month, they give these cards away and get them back.

    Pass a law that requires ID be checked against the card by real cashiers. Problem solved. Most of the people buying won't want to go shopping with strangers for a deal.

    @BONES the answer to your mystery is a simple one that was covered at one point. Those that are using food stamps and getting into a Caddy, BMW, New Truck... Bought those food stamps for 1/2 of face value($400 in groceries for $200). They are just as much to blame for the flawed system, if not more so, than the loser selling the food stamps. I HATE both these people because they make honestly needy people look horrible and they are STEALING tax payer money from the needy.

    I agree @BONES, there should be a set limt on the duration somebody recieves welfare. Giving "X" amount per child, with no set "you're no longer eligible for welfare" time limit, just entices scumbags to take advantage of a system that was suppose to give a hand up, not a lifelong hand out.

    Wasn't gonna say it but now that you mention it - "caring for unaborted babies"???? The left and Dems wanna be able to abort up to time of birth!! LEGALIZED MURDER IMO!!

    I was referring to the fact that Republicans want to cut or defund most programs that would help families that carry to term.

    There are Catholic run Hospitals that let mother and child die, even though the mother could be saved by a late term abortion. Is that not Murder? There are children raped that become pregnant. Should they be forced to carry some sick bastards baby for 9 months as a constant assault on their mind and body? In most cases I am against abortion. Conception is a gray area for "the line". Is there a heartbeat at conception?NO. The Bible where "at conception" is rooted says "don't spill your seed"(sperm). Should masterbation be illegal? Any one of those living little sperm have a chance to be a productive, happy member of society. I think before there is a heartbeat it's just tissue, unless you treat sperm as living babies also. That would make all us boys/men murderers. ;(

    Knowbody likes being told what to do. Most of you agree being told to get healthcare is B.S.. Yet, you advocate that Woman, you don't know, should carry to term. I see the moral issue with abortion, and from heartbeat to birth would agree it should be limited(illegal is a tuffy). Science has improved and we can now tell if a baby is going to have serious issues. In some of those instances I would agree that abortion is the humane choice. When a mothers life is in jeopardy I would agree that abortion is the right choice.

    Some argue "the child can be put up for adoption". Which would require state run adoption clinics, that Republican lawmakers want to get rid of. I know, "private sector" adoption clinics, those tend to cater to clientele that don't want "crack babies". Where do the deformed, ill, handicapped, or crack babies go? Who pays for their care? This issue should be left alone do to it's complexity, IMO. What would the penalty be for having an illegal abortion? Jail, take the mothers other children away, and the taxpayers pay for the mother to live in jail and her current children to live in foster care? A fine?, basically increasing the cost of abortion.

    Safe work environment
    Clean Air
    Clean Water
    Time and a half after 40hrs.(40hr. work week)
    Caring for unaborted babies
    Caring for the less fortunate
    Equal rights for all Americans
    Social Security
    Food Safety (so you don't get sick or die)
    Veterans Benefits and GI Bill
    Vehicle Safety requirements
    Protecting animal species so your grandchildren have something to shoot.
    Space Program

    We may want to keep the Libs around. Not all their ideas are duds. ;)

    I finally submitted some. I was hoping to get freshies with our good camera, rather than phone pics, but alas, time has slipped away. I hope at least one can be used.

    Thanks again for taking the bull by the horns guys. :)