Posts by mugshot

    Ross, just got bit by the SS bug. So, as a filmmaker, I started doing some videos and am urging others to do the same. I did a SLINGSHORTS FILM FESTIVAL at Springsling and want to grow it with other riders' submissions of their favorite rides for future rallies. I bought SLINGRIDES.COM where I will post what people send me, including my own stuff. There is some stuff up right now, if you're up for some chuckles. Tell me what you think...

    I can't say for sure, but this trailer from TrailerTrax LOOKS very much like the all-alum trailer marketed by USATrailer. The latter has a reputation of knocking off well-made trailers and having them done in China with different specs. That was true of the very nice "Timeout" trailers that are made in Indy. USATrailers sells one that looks exactly like the original TIMEOUT, but sells if for thousands less. Timeout dealers relate horror stories of people who bought the trailer from USATrailers and had them break down or fall apart. I nearly bought one, but did some research and learned of the scheme. Timeout dealers won't service the USATrailers as they don't want the liability. All one can say for sure is "buyer beware." It may look like a duck, etc., but may not be able to float...I don't want to knock TrailerTrax unnecessarily, as they may be perfectly legitimate. But everyone should know: this can be a very dangerous market.

    oh, THERE it is in little tiny letters! I swear it wasn't there my first look...??? Maybe it appears only after you DO something? can't imagine, but glad to have it. THANKS, Ross!

    Anyone have experience with pulling a trailer with SS? Am looking at popup tent trailers and need to know peoples' experiences... problems, likes, dislikes, regrets, "if I had only known's," best features, worst features, etc. Want to make a decision quickly. am thinking the bushtec hitch and fender look best. but might have my own hitch made by friend... THANKS for the help.

    I can't find where the "search" line is for searching this forum. New here and glad to see this! Got booted from the "other" site for trying to start a Slingshot film festival of interesting rides across America.

    changing the display color is one of the first mods I wanted to do, since the black print on blue light display is nearly IMPOSSIBLE for me to read!!! It is not even easy to read the speedometer and stuff. The dealar told me it can't be done, altho dealers don't know much about this vehicle yet. My neighbor, who built me an awesome roll bar for it, fashioned an led light positioned below the deck, above the steering wheel that shines on both displays. From dusk to dawn, it is awesome! he attached it to a switch on the radio deck. Still can't read the black on blue display very well, but half the problem is solved!