Posts by Slayer

    Decision made... Just bought the new exhaust.. Let's see how insane the installation will be... Again, anyone in the Tampa Bay area who want to spend an afternoon of drinking beer and swearing helping me with this would be much appreciate it!

    Thanks Rab! I was wondering if the panel would bend just enough to remove the exhaust. The last thing I want of course is to crack the panel.

    Hey guys,

    I want to change my oem exhaust but the idea of removing the side panel seems like a nightmare. I remember reading somewhere, that you can remove certain bolts so you can flex the panel just enough to remove the exhaust. Is this recommended? Did it work? If anyone tried this, could you please let me know the details?

    Anyone in Tampa who would want to help? Free beer! :cool:

    @Slayer, not trying to defend them, but I doubt it was a cost cutting move. The material costs can't be that much compared to the tooling, manufacturing, manual labor, packaging, and shipping. I'd guess it was done for a reason, or they have massive variances in their production runs 8|

    I also have to thank you. Because you sold and bought another MadStad, someone else mentioned you can just buy the different sizes individually. I'm 6'1" and ordered the 10 inch dual (double) windshields for Maggie Valley and helmet use. I ended up running them all the way down. Now that I'm back here, without helmet, I wanted a shorter screen (did I mention I like wind?). $140 + tax and shipping later, and I should have two 8 inch screens to go along with the two 10 inch windscreens I already have. Options, options. BTW, taking out the middle screen was great as well! Really added wind and circulation. Makes the Sling really feel like a bike with a single windshield directly in front of you. Also, did I mention the 90+ degree heat with 100% humidity. Starting to see why I like the wind so much?

    I hear ya...

    I really like the 9in, just was not expecting so much flexing at that speed. I hope it was just a variance production run... But how would you know until you buy it...

    I bought a 9in and sold my 11in both madstad. I did notice that the 9in seems thinner. The 11in was their 1st version as they were introduced to the market. The 9in was bought 2 months ago. So something changed. When I drive over 65mph I can see the windshield flex, it's very obvious, this did not happen with the 11in. I haven't really pursue this with madstad, but it is disappointing. I guess they went for lower cost, same price, better margins...

    Hello Slayer, there aren't any issues with the Bilstein shocks themselves. I'd like to clarify that I was addressing @WraithSS comment in regards to the new assault clevis bracket clearance with the Bilstein shocks. We're modifying the aftermarket clevis bracket from Assault to work with both Bilstein and JRI supsension. :)

    Got it. Thanks bud.

    Hello Wraith, there was a clearance issue with the Bilstein suspension. We've sent back our entire stock and are having them slightly modified to allow proper clearance. I'd say we're two weeks out on this my friend.

    Just curious, is there an issue with the Bilstein suspension some of us bought from Slingmods?

    you should post (even on the dark side) there may well be a taller member who WANTS an 11.

    If you have extraordinary talent, get someone with a 9" (like Cameron) to measure how far the attachment holes are from the top to the shield, drill a new set, and trim the bottom You would, however, end up with at least 1 extra hole in the bottom portion of your blade. (You would be trimming 2" off the bottom)

    I'm definitely not that talented. I can only imagine how f-up the blade would look like. Will call madstad and if I can arrange just a blade I'll try to sell mine.