Posts by springmaker

    When I bought my Slingshot I was elated to get it. I practically slept with it that night. After the honeymoon wore off, I noticed things just weren't as polished as they should/could be.
    I began to search for modifications for the bike. Much of the dress up stuff I liked, so I started buying. Mirror accents, speaker rings, pedal covers, ETC.
    Some installs went well, others didn't The pedal covers for instance ,were particularly difficult for me. I'm a big guy, and I found it difficult at best to squeeze into the tight space near the pedals.
    I bought the Halo lights and took my time to install the extra fuse block to support the additions that may come. That install was not without it's challenges as the lights didn't work as I expected them to.
    I left it for the morning and retraced my steps, and re-connected everything and they are working fine now.
    I enjoy working on my Slingshot almost as much as I enjoy riding it. Every sucessful mod gives me a little more confidence to accept the challenge of doing the next one.
    Of course there is always that little voice inside my head that says "If you screw this up and have to have it towed to the dealer, You'll never live it down."

    Got passed by a Sons of Anarchy wannabe and he was shaking his head no. Glad to know the Slingshot cannot be ignored.

    I don't get the whole disrespect thing either. When I ride two wheels, I wave at everybody on less than four wheels. The great majority wave back. sometimes "hard core" Harley guys don't' but that's fine.
    In the Singshot, I get very few waves. If I don't initiate the wave I get nothing. I did get a wave from some guy in a Corvette, I know they have a wave ritual also. I went to a biker friendly bar last weekend, and while the slingshot drew a lot of attention, most of the remarks were disparaging. I had one guy come up and say "that's no fun!" I asked him if he test drove one, and he said he wouldn't waste his time.
    My state even dissed me, I recently got my permanent license plates, and I got an Auto Cycle plate.
    In the end, I'm not trying to impress anyone with my Slingshot. I'm not trying to "win them over" to buying one. Nor do I feel the need to offer that I have a motorcycle that I currently ride.
    ll I know is when I give my Grand Kids , or my wife, or co workers a ride, they get this silly grin on their face, and I swear, some of them drool a little, They can't help but smile at riding in the coolest thing on three wheels.