Posts by Ghostwheel

    Thank Heavens it is false!!! I vote by mail, so it will be sooner than November. Everyday it gets harder and harder to support him. Every time he says something good, there is something outrageous the next day, which undoes all the good.......... If he keeps using the teleprompter, I'll be good. (Everybody who supports him better light a candle for him during the debates.)
    I figure he's not my first choice, but he IS my last choice!

    Maybe you and Clinton supports DO have something in common...I think they feel the same way about HRC

    Consider your self humored.

    I have been to welfare offices, and I have known many people on food stamps. I have never, in all of my life seen any of them walk into that office with pride in their eyes. You think you are unique becuase you will "always work for a livin" and "dammit I don't want no free ride". I challenge you. Go to one of those offices....TALK to people...civilly. Get to know their stories. 90% of them will have more in common with you that you think...they don't want to be there...they have personal pride too...just like you do. But, when the economy tanks, and you have no job, and no easy way to get one becuase your industry tanked...well you would be surprised at how much pride someone is willing to swallow to feed their family.

    So, I guess the only point I have for you is my personal opinion is all of those "free ride" people you are afraid of...don't exist. It's the media whipping people into a frenzy.

    Just my $0.002

    I am actually more afraid of a Right Leaning court for a very basic reason. I am not a Constitutionalist. I am gonna get crucified for saying it here, but at best, it is an outdated document of a bygone era. They have done their best to keep it updated, but as a governing document, it needs to be replaced. I for one WANT laws to be adjusted to keep up with the times. As for "taking away our liberties" I don't believe a left leaning court has that agenda. I think they interpret the laws with a modern view and get rid of old ideas like completely outlawing abortions, or preventing the LGBT community from marrying. So, I am not frightened of her justice choices. I am actually pissed that the GOP stalled Obama choice, and now it looks like they will pay the price after the election.

    If the Hillary lover's can honestly say that her response to Bengazi would have been the same if Chelsey was there then they may have a case. Hillary has no INTEGRITY. She lied to congress about her server, she lied in an interview (not a press conference) about what Comey said and she continues to LIE. I worked with a stanch Democrat for 10 years. You could never reason with him. One day he came into my office out of the blue and said "I am starting to see what you are saying". Give me an OBAMA phone and I will vote for you. Hillary pander to all the minorities because she knows she talk them into anything. What has she done or for that matter any Dem done for the inner cities? But they keep voting for them, Unbelievable! I'm 68, so to be fair I will be gone before this country truly implodes. Not my problem SUCKERS!!!

    Just a note on this...I don't know anyone (and I have a lot of leftist friends) who could be called a "Hillary Lover". In fact, when she started her campaign, I thought the dems were done (as did many of my friends...who supported Sanders like I did). I couldn't think of a single candidate in the running who Hillary could win against. Then...the GOP elected DoucheNoodle. I don't WANT to vote for her. But, Trump is worse (won't be changing my mind on that anymore than you will change your minds about HRC).

    All a matter of perspective man. I am for building Gvt. I know, I know, it's not a popular view in this venue. But, in my own experience, emergency services, law enforcement and (strangely) the postal service have all actually helped me a LOT. And the money I am now paying in taxes is DWARFED by the tithe I have to give to corporations in the form of "interest & Fees". So, I would rather spend my money on taxes than corporate thievery. Worst case, I am giving my money to an organization that will waste it, and I am throwing it away. Which (IMHO) is better than giving it to the private sector who will use it to find new and create ways to take more of my money without giving me anything in return, other than the use of thier capitiol. I want out of the corporate debt game. At least in the public sector, all votes are equal and the Millionaire next store doesn't have 999,999 more votes than I do.

    I suspect there will be reasons posted why I am foolish, and why this view makes no sense. Post away. Doesn't matter. I am who I am, my experiences made me...just like yours made you :)

    Toodles. I love it here, but if i don't get back to work, I won't be able to fund the corporate lawyers who are coming up with new and creative ways to screw me out of my earnings :)

    This may be a post for another thread, but when I was in New Zealnd I met a guy in Hobbiton who brings Bently's over there every other year for a rally. Wouldn't it be fun to get Polaris to sponsor a rally there? There is a Polaris dealer in every town becuase they farm a lot...I stopped at one and showed him pics....I think they would love to have them over there. We should try and get something going.