Posts by DJohnson

    gooseman do you feel the urge to roll in mud puddles? My friend burned his legs very bad and they replaced the skin with pig skin and he said he couldn't walk past a mud puddle with out wanting to roll in it.

    I have a guitar kit I have never even started on. Guess i have had it for 5 or 6 years not. Just never came up with how I want to finish the body. That was one of my picks.

    I had to give up the Harley because of the back and knees. Some times I can verily walk to the Slingshot using a cane, but when I get in I am fine. I been to the neurosurgeon and the back surgent and had all the test. L5 vertebrae is way out of place and pinching the sciatic nerve. Surgent says metal plates and screws and I will be down for a year. I may have as much pain even after having it done. This has been confirmed by several people that have had it done. My boss at my last job had it done and was still in so much pain he was becoming drug dependent. Surgent said well when you can't walk anymore then I will fix it. Don't think that is going to happen.

    MACAWS Yes things have changed a lot. In high school I always made sure Shop Class was my last class because I carried my rifle of shotgun in and left it in the instructors office in the morning then when the class was over in the afternoon I would get it so I could hunt after school. Often I went duck or goose hunting before school. I also built a couple gun stocks from scratch in his class and to the guns in to fit the action and barrel properly.

    I have plugged many a tire and run those tires till it was time for a new one. I wasn't sure on these low profile tires if it was possible to insert the plug tool so hadn't bought a plug kit for the sling yet. I do carry a air pump and a jump start thing. I also joined a Slingshot towing service with all the benefits.

    Doing away with guns would be doing away with many sporting events like this. I can hear them now. Why does any one need a gun that can kill at over two miles. Hmm it must be a military weapon and needs to be banded. I am sick of these anti gun people. I shot trap when I was a kid and believe it was a good experience in my life. Later after retiring I shot IDPA and Bullseye. Banning guns would make it impossible to enjoy these sports. Guns are for far more then protection. Hunting has always been a big part of my life. I did bow hunt but seam to have lost a lot of strength in my old age.

    I put mine on just a matter of removing the valve cap and screwing them on. They recomment the metal valve stems also but I didn't have mine changed. They also have a nut behind them to tighten to avoid them being stolen. I run the app on my IPhone but only to check the pressure now and then. You can set a high and low range for each tire and a alarm but I doth I would hear it anyway.

    Ya no where to pull someone over to give them a ticket doesn't make for good ticket giving. Also would be hard to set up a radar trap. Not so where I live here in NE Florida. Most roads are patrolled and on major roads they like to use what they call The Wolf Pack. One or two radars and a half a dozen chase cars down the road. I wouldn't mind a fine but the points on the license hurts if they add up. I do believe a clean record for 60 years might save me the first time. My last employer called me into his office to question me about my driving record. They get it from the state as we drive company vans. I asked what is wrong and he said you have a clean record nothing in your history something is wrong. My comment. Nope it's right.

    If we can only have 10 rounds in the mag how many mags can we carry. I person that competes in shooting sports can swap a mag petty fast. Also if it is 10 in the mag limit will having the 11th in the chamber make you a felon? They don't think these new rules out very well maybe they need to ask the NRA for help.

    If you are talking about the speed sigh on curves that is not a speed limit but a suggested as Edward Neal says. I do not go by that myself as that number doesn't mean much. Now if you are talking about the posted speed limit for the road twice that maybe petty fast. When I was a kid in my state 20 over the posted was a loss of license for a year. They didn't have the fancy radars they have now days and put speed tapes on the roads. Just get on the brakes when you see the first tape come into view. That or they painted pictures of airplanes on the roads and a officer in a plane timed you between marks. Just watch the sky for small planes.