Posts by EricRedSL

    my warranty runs out in a few months on my 2015. Talk to the dealer he didn't think it was worth buying the warranty since he said it only covers most things that never break. I have 32k on the clock and really haven't had any issues other than recalls I never buy warranties going to skip this one.

    I installed the injen Cai. It looks good and serves the purpose but it is not as pretty as the alpha. I never open my hood to show anybody anything except when to change the oil. So if you're into looks get the alpha if you're into performance and price matters ingen is the same. Buy from the injen site. Slingmods is $100 more.

    you want the illegal immigrants to go back and fix it when we can't even fix our own country? I am totally against illegal immigration send them all back families kids whatever. Our government is so corrupt why can't we fix it? Because they're a bunch of stupid people out there that don't know crap. They're ignorant they don't know anything about what's going on they just vote for who will give them the freebies. Trump has it right what the hell have the Democrats done for the black community?

    I also like doing my own work. I must admit it was a bitch. Took me about 6 hours over 2 days because I had trouble with the side panel. I also put a cat delete pipe on. I have a pitbull mc jack that I put under the front end and then removed the bolts and just slid the jack out with the front on it. I did not disconnect any hoses but did cut 14 zip ties to allow the front to slide forward. Had a hard time lining up the holes on the radiator shroud. Would I do it again? Now that I know how I would but would not be looking forward to it. I can only bend over the machine for a few hours before my back needs a break. Wife said heat is almost all gone and she is happy. I also plugged the firewall holes with foam.

    If the Hillary lover's can honestly say that her response to Bengazi would have been the same if Chelsey was there then they may have a case. Hillary has no INTEGRITY. She lied to congress about her server, she lied in an interview (not a press conference) about what Comey said and she continues to LIE. I worked with a stanch Democrat for 10 years. You could never reason with him. One day he came into my office out of the blue and said "I am starting to see what you are saying". Give me an OBAMA phone and I will vote for you. Hillary pander to all the minorities because she knows she talk them into anything. What has she done or for that matter any Dem done for the inner cities? But they keep voting for them, Unbelievable! I'm 68, so to be fair I will be gone before this country truly implodes. Not my problem SUCKERS!!!

    We may be surprised come November. At least I hope we will be. Trump says some off the wall stuff but the media blows it way out of proportion to paint him in a negative light. Here are a few:
    1) Attacked goldstar mother - well if you understand the role of the Muslim women do you think that was an attack?
    2) Obama was the founder of ISIS. He may not have been the founder but he sure has let it run unchecked!
    3) Hillary had a brain cramp? Need I say more

    So to be fair, here is a man that speaks his mind and probably speaks what allot of us are thinking but too PC to say in public. He has his flaws but he is a successful business man and how could ANYONE vote for Crooked, Lying Hillary? What leader in the world would believe anything she tells them?

    I never buy extended warranties and never needed them but was considering buying one. Talked to my dealer and he offered it for $1,000 but he said he never buys them either. They just cover things that never break. Now I am sure there are some here that wish they had one for the one off problems. But when you consider all the SS's out there, how many are breaking after the 2 year warranty runs out? I have 26k on the clock and everything that needed work has been covered under warranty to date. The only thing I had done that I may have needed an extended warranty on was the brake switches.

    If they were on the shelf I would have picked another set. But I can live with it. Putting them on this afternoon. Oh, no instructions or spanner wrench was sent. I downloaded the instruction pdf from this site.

    Thanks for the torque info. Just got the shocks but will not put them on until tonight when the heat subsides. Only issue I gave is, paying $100 for the paint and there are some scracthes and a gouge on 2 of the springs. Guess I will use some black touchup paint. I will review the ride after I get a few hundred miles on them.