Posts by wickedwebby

    I may have caught Troy on a good day, but he's having a sale right now. So TrackHamr with no upgrades is $9,750, + ~$500 for shipping. I think I'm going to reuse the tire/wheel I have (Nitto G2 555), so call it another $500 for 4th wheel/tire. and a guesstimate of $600 for the mechanic I'm using to install it.

    so total should come in around $11,350.

    I'm single, so no bribes / kick backs are required.

    Have to say,

    During my whole process with Troy.. Troy/his guys did my install and wheel alignment (mine runs straight as an arrow at 3 digits, no hands required on the steering wheel). Troy is cool as a cucumber. Seemed to never have a bad day.... Even when I would bug him with stupid questions/worries.

    Good stuff is never cheap. Trackhamr is as good as it gets.


    Even though Troy R&D 'd me a custom sway bar (not the self install kit).

    I went budget on the wheels. OEM SL all around.

    Just added a 4th SL 20 to the rear.


    Any boost (forced air) is cool!

    I've had a few turbos in my days..

    Only blew one engine, and one headgasket... Both times, my fault.

    I got greedy with too much boost (which resulted in not enough fuel) and had too pay for it.

    Turbos are cool. No doubt. Won't hate on them.

    My Boosted Trackhamr Quadshot project has the DDM Rotrex SC. LOVE IT! Pulls like a tractor right off idle. No lag or power delay. Half the heat of a turbo. 0-60 and 1/4 mi is awesome because the power hits RIGHT NOW!

    All that said. How cool would it be to build up my engine and add a turbo to my SC kit. Appears to have room.....


    Disappointing at best all,

    Like a Slingshot vendor has ever sold medical rated devices?.?.?.? 🤑

    Obviously targeting us Slingshot owners as needing/wanting them. 🤑

    Like we are all older folks or something! 😉😉

    Maybe they just got a fresh supply of comfort catheters or medical braces!!!



    Sorry to all of those that support this Company here....

    But a couple BIG thumbs down to for soliciting email sales of those, 60 cents a piece N95 masks, for $6 a pop (1st come 1st serve) during this pandemic.

    Very poor business practice in my opinion.

    Even if they aren't making that much on each sale.. Poor business to feed into the shortage of these. Wonder how long before the Feds give them their 60 cents a piece and sieze um.



    Hey all,

    I am going to touch up a very small paint scratch (down through the clear and base) I did with a sharp tip drill bit near where I installed my hood pin/buttons last year.

    Anyone here know of an inexpensive GM/Ford/import Navy blue touch-up that is a good match to the 2018 Polaris Navy paint code?

    I have successfully DIY'd these types of touch-up repairs over the years(I am not autobody dude either). Not trying for perfect, just better.

    I always clean the area 1st and tape off just the groove scratch part. Just enough base color to hide blend/cover the scratch area (done with nail polish brush style touch-ups). Little, little at a time. Then just a little at a time of clear touch-up. Then very fine wet sand and a buff to finish the job. Usually turns out well (better than before).

    Thanks for any input,


    I agree.....

    To each their own.

    I like my Quadshot to be as fast as it looks [and it is] !!! Updated lights because I can not be seen enough by the cagers.

    Me, I prefer a slightly mean yet healthy exhaust note paired with my 747 SC blow-off valve. Verses any updated musical notes. My 2018 Ride Command system sounds pretty good to me. Not AWESOME.... But good.


    Just where I've spent my time and dough.



    No smart stuff assumed/taken.

    I have run into some insurance folks (mainly independent broker agents) who want to hit your pocket hard because you added a wheel for stablilty/traction/safety etc....

    Have shopped around and bypassed those leaches and have found big named, high quality, insurance direct at very fair prices.

    Its all about who you deal with. Some insurance companies might drop you later, but could not deny coverage up to your limits. Remember, an insurance company will always charge you more if they can find a reason. They can't deny coverage after the fact (up to your limits). They can always drop you later or before if they choose.
