Posts by Nick Alleshouse

    Hello all,

    I am currently running a 16.5 SL SE with 1320 Header, Exhaust, Alpha Intake, and tuned. My sling has 5k on mileage and the exhaust note is getting louder! This thing is already crazy loud. I called 1320 last week and bought the V2 baffle and installed it. It helped but still crazy loud. Has anyone have mods or suggestions with quieting this thing down a little?

    Thanks in advance.

    Thanks guys!!!! I feel the love! Keep the comments and help coming! I have updated my profile and location, I'm in Bolivar Ohio! Next dumb question. I get the hanging the weight with a belt scale but what is deflection? Sorry again, this is my fist belt issue and I have watched all of the recommended vids but a little unclear on it.

    Hello all, I am new to the slingshot. I bought from an individual two moths ago and all of the recall work done then. Just as of late I have heard some wheel bearing noise 'click' at random times. From what I'm reading the belt could be a little tight after the recall work. My question. What and how tight should my belt be? I'm a big guy and ride two up mostly. I have read the reviews and feel confident on how to adjust the the belt but How Much should I loosen it? Any and all help is appreciated ! Thanks in advance!