Posts by Stairgod

    I have been searching this forum without success for the size of my stock windshield. I know I want it wider and taller but don't know how to find the size or how to measure my present screen.

    Any help in pointing me in the right direction.

    Just tell her your going out to get cigarettes even if you don't smoke then come back 8 or 10 hours later saying you couldn't find your brand. This always works for me even though I don't smoke.

    I checked and nothing scheduled for those weekends. I don't work Fridays and would consider taking off Thursday. I am open to an overnight trip maybe past Mt. Robson???. So now just the weather report to wait on.

    I would powder coat them red then you could go faster. It is a shame that we have to almost photograph our vehicles each time they go in for service. I know my dealer does a walk around and marks damage but needless to say (especially if you rent a car) they might miss some stuff. I guess you can ask them what happened? I know if it was my parents car maybe black shoe polish??? :thumbsup:

    I had installed my own heat shield over the winter. I also ceramic coated the muffler and manifold. Sometimes I miss the heat on those chilly days. I did install it under the passenger floor board but since it is adhesive and was falling off I installed a piece of puck board over it with a couple of hose clamps.

    I did go from Calgary to Banff to Saskatchewan River Crossing to Rocky Mountain House to Innisfail then back to Calgary 650 km or so on Sunday. I was trying to go to the Ice Fields but dark clouds and rain made it an easy choice to turn towards home. This was a fairly easy trip and I would be willing to do it again in September if anyone is interested we could set up a date or two now.

    I just travel over 10,000 kilometers to Alaska and back and only saw 1 Slingshot. I don't know if I am the first Slingshot to visit the North Pole but odds may be good. Of course I am not that brave as 8,000 kilometers were in tow behind the motor home.

    During this trip I only saw 1 Slingshot and that was on the ferry to Vancouver Island and he was from Edmonton.

    The motor home is now getting new brakes, an oil change and an electrical overhaul. The trailer is getting new axles a repack for the bearings and an electrical overhaul. The Alaska Highway was very tough, as well as the Top of the World highway and the back way into Pemberton.

    The ride up to Mount Baker in Washington was a great ride and convinced my wife that we can go anywhere without the support of a motor home.

    4th day of summer vacation siting at my desk. My boss says that we may be leaving tomorrow so if weather permitting I would be into a afternoon ride around the fair city of Edmonton or any other scenic drive. We will probably stay at Elk Island or some other camp ground in the area tomorrow night. Then off north on Friday.

    I had hood lift issues and was about to go to a lift mechanism. However, I took a good look at what was happening with my video recorder and I determined if I shifted the drivers side bracket 1/8" to the center( you have to drive the slot bigger) it works great. I have to hold the release handle down while at the same time lifting the hood up. Now I don't know if this would have worked without moving the racket but it does now.

    Alaska or bust! Second day of summer vacation sitting at my desk. Hopefully be able to get out of here on Wednesday. Paid my taxes and paid my tickets. Just got to get a sign "Can you Help out with Gas for the motor home pulling my Slingshot is very expensive. Any little bit will help as I am getting about 6 miles to the gallon. Don't be foolish and ask me to do physical labour for money as I just need a hand out. Don't look at me new shoes or nice clothes as I am really hard up. If you could put another $200 (Canadian, that is like $5 buck US) of fuel on your company card it would help out"

    I can't leave home without her. I got in trouble for telling her I was going out for a drive, not that I didn't tell her but I should have said ride so she would tag along. Officially on holidays so I am unshaven at work for today and Monday. Hopefully getting new windshield installed in Motorhome on Monday then heading north so I will see some of you guys next week.

    I did a 5 hundred mile ride yesterday that was sponsored by several motorcycle dealerships. You had a choice which direction you went on th loop. I had many bikers wave and many at designated stops come for a look, ask if it was fun to drive. I even had a guy driving a car with flashing lights invite me to a game or something because he gave me this ticket. I think he was impressed that a SS could go that fast. But the real kicker was I stopped to help a guy wrenching on a broken down Harley who was not part of the ride who was passed by all those "bikers" I got him in touch with a Harley dealership that was open on Sunday because of the Cannonball Run and hopefully made his day. I would hope that showing that SS riders are part of the brotherhood will get a few more down low waves. As a side note the down low wave off a SS isn't very visible when blasting down the road and the wind sure makes the elbow sore.

    I'd still like to ride, but the wife works today and tomorrow, so I'm on daddy daycare. Anyone want to watch 3 adorable kids for the day? :)

    All things sling are 3 so just tie them to your ride or alternatively have 2 walk and drive with one down the road for 10 miles drop them off and tell them to keep walking and go back and pick up the next one and drive them 20 miles down the road and drop them off with the same instructions and go pick up the 3rd child and drop them off 30 miles down the road and tell them to keep walking. You could complete the first Cannonball 1500. Just remember to tell them to "don't tell mom"