Posts by Stairgod

    You missed the best part. It is free for the first year. That is so amazing I just feel sorry for all the other forums that have been actively addressing the SS issues for the past 4 years. This new platform will probably put them all out of business because we know Polaris knows how to treat its customers with the utmost respect at all times. :D I never saw about the decoder ring now I am even more excited. Do they also have talking shoes?

    Put my +3 windscreen on and I cannot tell the difference between the colour(FYI @KayTwo canadian spelling of color :D ) out the windscreen and the colour over the top of the windscreen. Of course no bugs yet. Thanks Eric for the quick service.

    Have ordered some Scale coil overs with reverse adjustment on the rear unit. @Canoehead convinced me as he said his look real good and work really well in the original box. I am not impressed with their customer service at this point but hopefully the product will impress when I see the box. :D

    I had my issues with Will and once I talked to Josh he made it right so fast my head spun. I am glad you got helped out if I was Josh I would be pissed at losing a sale because someone doesn't communicate well with people.

    Wow with all the lawyers and judges and mafia types on this forum I thought someone would make the suggestion to get another shop to repair your vehicle or at least get a couple of estimates. I know when I go to court(and one TV also) the judge always wants to see proof of your loss. Just telling him the transmission is failing will not do. I have rarely collected easily in small claims as the people you sue are scum bags from the get go. 6 wins and 1 collection. The last 2 people I won have contested the result and when I won again I still never got paid. I always say- actually I can't say, so when I get caught I have an alibi.

    You are to sharp for me. All I know is that when you go to the parlour to sit on the Davenport. You'll have lots of fun up here you can stop driving and drink a two-four or a 26er of course being a lady maybe only a mickey eh. :D

    Thanks for the spelling correction @KayTwo but we do speak 2 different languages. You would probably tell me that colour is spelled wrong and that centre is spelled wrong also. The speed limit in Canada is in kilometres but that is a grey area. I won't go into the pronunciation of lieutenant or about :) . Being a Canadian I can't tell the different between a Davenport and a Chesterfield. I can drink a soda or a pop. I don't do much labour at my job. It is really marvellous that we can communicate

    The British English is slightly different than American English.

    As Canadians we usually have the choice of what word to use. To make a long story short litre is the Canadian spelling.

    We will see you as a traveller to Canada this summer and you will have a tonne of fun. Don't believe anybody when you drive a Slingshot the speed limit on the signs are in MPH :thumbsup:

    It seems every time I go back and forth about what the real price of gas is with gas being $1.28 a litre in Calgary. It costs us $1.261448 to buy a US dollar and there are 3.78541 litres in the US gallon.

    There has to be a simpler way.

    Without the use of all the decimals I think we multiply the price per litre by 3 and that is the price per US gallon so we are paying about $3.88 US for a US gallon in Calgary.

    Now the confusing part I think if we divide the cost of a US gallon by 3 that gives us the cost of a litre in Canadian funds. So gas in Flag Staff is $2.70 a gallon so it is 90 cents a litre.

    WTF we grow gas in the ground in Alberta.

    Whats the price of gas in your area? Can someone smarter than me correct my math if I am out to lunch.

    Thanks Everyone.
    I used the existing bolts and lock tight. One the drivers side I had to remove a wire holder as it interfered with the metal plate on the new belt. it is a shame that PSP didn't make the bolt holte the same as the OEM belt bolt holes so they could swivel but I think I got the angle close. I also said a bad word or two when I dropped the drivers side bolt under the seat and it got caught under the carriage. it took some doing with my sausage fingers to get it out. At one time I considered removing the seat . I told myself that when I got it out I was going to stuff a cloth under the seat so if I dropped it again it would fall under. but being the guy I am I didn't take my own advice. Does anyone else talk to themselves??☺

    Just finished fighting with the Madigan Bars for the top half of my 4 point harness install(they seems to have sprung on the passenger side?? or the passenger side is slightly different). Now I am looking at the connection for the lower 2 sides. I see a lot of advise regarding wearing these belts but very few answers to the question. Do I use the factory connection bolts for the oem belts or connect to the rear seat bolts. Do you keep your factory belts connected to be legal or just remove them? Is there an alternative connection point?

    Next week will be the first week above freezing in our 165 day winter. The ice and snow from my back alley may disappear. Hopefully I'll be able to take my SS in for the recall before we get our last snowfall in May which is usually about 10" just to remind us we live in the shadow of the Rockies.

    Maybe we can convince Polaris to give us a credit towards PRP seats??

    Wow I see that's a lot of stuff, gas can is pretty much a waste of space. Fill up when down to a quarter tank. Antifreeze again you can use water if you have to from your drinking water. I use my "Good Sams" card they will drive me to the nearest place that can fix my ride(no limited mileage BS) but if you have an AMA card you would be laughing. I think you should collect names and numbers of SS riders on your route. They are the ones that can get you going the fastest. Need a new tire? Someone along your route has probably taken one off and can loan you one for a week or two. Broken down I am sure they would come to the rescue with whatever you need. If you need tools I am sure that everyone of them has a French set(metric). You may see some 50 degree weather coming through the mountains so some warm weather layers, rain gear, gloves. As for cooling I think that you will be making miles and the wind will be your friend. No need for a thermal cup to keep your coffee warm you have cup holders that do that just fine :rolleyes: .
    As for headlights I have no experience as mine don't work worth a damn. I may try aligning them this year.

    Just bring a wallet as the Canadian economy needs you.

    I am thinking about new seats and since I cannot do a but check for new seats I am looking for diagrams on seat manufacture. I tried some PRP seats at Slingfest in a SS and found that they squeezed my shoulders. I don't know if this is like a new pair of shoes that you have to get used to it but I didn't like the feeling. Being on the heavy side of the bell curve I also want something that I can put my fat behind in for hours at a time without crying every time I exit my machine. I like the idea of lumber support and heated seats but I use an Obus form now so it isn't the biggest deal.

    I have read posts how this seat is better than that seat but I would like my next seat to be one to have for a long time.

    Any ideas let me know.