Posts by AllIn5450

    perhaps I am just old, but I still very much trust my doctor

    I trust my Dr also.

    He is my GP, and a vascular surgeon specialty.

    I just had C-Spine surgery, so you can just imagine the different doctors, specialists, X-Ray places, Hospitals that I have been to in the past 3 months.

    My GP has not taken the shot.

    My Neurosurgeon has not taken the shot

    I have not taken the shot and tested negative before the surgery.

    My wife has not taken the shot and works for a big box store. Never been sick

    My daughter has not taken the shot and is a dental hygienist, who is in multiple peoples all day, every day, with tools that aerosolizes saliva. Never tested positive

    Her dentist has not taken the shot. Never tested positive

    I'm fine with those that have, Thats their choice, they made it,

    I have made mine, and I'm fine with it.

    If it kills me, then I am fine with that too, at least I will go out MY way, not some cockamamy government or pharmaceutical way.

    And as I said before, just wear your mask and get the shot, then what I do won't matter because you will be protected.

    Mutations are the creation of the unvaccinated, without them there is no host to mutate in - - and I am very sick and tired of new mutations turning this into a never ending problem.

    IF only the unvaxed catch covid, then they would create antibodies for what ever strain they catch.

    IF you get the vaccine and get sick from covid, I think that is where the mutation occurs.

    Has any studies been done to see exactly HOW the virus interacts with the MRNA vaccine?

    Maybe the vaccine is causing all these different mutations when the vaccinated gets the covid again.

    It would not be the first time there are unintended consequences from the government or drug companies.

    Besides, if you are vaccinated and wear a mask, even if i have covid, you are safe. The mask works regardless of what it says on the sidw of the box.

    And the gubmint says the vaccine works, and you believe the gubmint.

    but it only seats 4... I need a 5 seater.

    You know, I was just the opposite.

    I was almost ready to pay cash, and thought......

    "It's just me and the wife/girlfriend, I only need 2 seats"

    Cause I ain't carrying the wife or girlfriend at the same time, LOL

    And Since I have that much money, There is no need for groceries

    We would never cook for ourselves, we would eat out at every meal.

    That way we would not mess up our showroom kitchen appliances that we spent $50k on.

    Oh the problems of the rich.

    Then I woke up from my dream

    Yes, But if the buffoon currently in the racist house is deemed unfit, Look at who the replacement would be.

    Which is the lesser of 2 evils?

    We just have to hold out until the right takes both the house and senate in 2022.

    Once that is done, everything will be fine until 2024 when we take the Presidency back from the traitorous and racist Dems.

    And I hope they get labeled as such and removed from our country.

    What I do know is that a prosecutor made an agreement with him not to prosecute him

    IF a past prosecutor made this deal, and I am assuming they did.

    It tells me that the evidence was not there to convict or prove his guilt beyond a REASONABLE doubt.

    Legally, if there is no evidence of a crime, then a crime did not happen.

    So with that in mind, I am left to assume that this was just a money grab, like the kids did with Michael Jackson.

    Wasn't it funny that Jackson's payday made all those accusing him shut the hell up?

    I was just a money grab, the ghetto lottery as we now say.

    Yes, Michael was odd, wayyyy odd, but he did not have a child hood and as an adult wanted to have one, so he acted childish and enjoyed himself.

    No pain, no gain

    No evidence, you must acquit.

    According to the law.

    I need one of those for my grandson.

    He goes to a Baptist Church preschool

    The other day I was visiting with my son, and he was playing a game on his ipad.

    The next thing I heard grandson say is "HOLY SHIT"

    I looked at my son and said, that aint gonna go over too well at school, LOL


    Do you need to borrow some of that tin foil you all keep offering to bigdog?

    And BTW, ain't nobody gonna shut my water off. I have a well and septic tank.

    So I am self contained.

    And since I live in FL, and we have hurricanes which take out power, I have 2 generators for SHTF power.

    1 7.5 kw gas powered and 1 16 kw diesel powered.

    And if they ever shut my power off illegally, I will just go with a full solar array.

    Yesterday the government can kiss my ass

    today the government can kiss my ass

    and tomorrow the government can kiss my ass

    It is funny that after all that the Democrats and Puppet Biden has done for Russia and Putin, including green lighting the pipeline for Russia while shutting ours down that no one in the MSM, Facebook, Twit or others have claimed that famous "Russian Collusion" line for Biden and the Ho.

    Another three I will never see - - you just don't get it do you? you are blocked, like many others here I have chosen to ignore everything

    Why don't you get it?

    He is NOT posting his comments and tagging you in them, so he isn't directing them to you personally.

    I am sure he doesn't care if you read them. He may feel like me and decided your TDS is so advanced there is no hope.

    He is posting to everyone here that wants to read them.

    If you choose not to read them, that is your freedom of choice.

    I will support your choice to choose what you read or learn 100%.

    That is what I served for, to preserve our freedoms.

    What you do with that freedom is your choice.

    What I do with mine is my choice.

    It does not matter to me if you approve of my choice or not.

    Ignorance is Bliss.

    ignorance may be bliss, but believing that every single thing is a conspiracy and a coverup is insanity

    I don't quite know how to tell you this, but the majority of the "Facts" you have been told by the left house and the msm is a conspiracy.

    It is a conspiracy against half the population of this country, all for money and power.

    And who said EVERY SINGLE THING he has said is a conspiracy? Some of it unadulterated FACT, not the adulterated lies the msm tells you.

    And yes, some of it is out there pretty far on the conspiracy scale, but still contains some of it in fact.

    It just depends on whether you are willing to believe the government is NOT looking out for you, but for them.

    They are SOOOOO afraid of losing their power, they will destroy you just to keep it.

    OH, and the definition of insanity is sitting there listening to people tell you a lie so many times, over and over until you finally believe it is fact.