Posts by JamesB

    It's kind of ironic that so much of your post is supported by the very same fake news you claim Trump supporters decry. The MSM in the US has begun parroting DNC talking points. You can see it every time a new talking point is released. Every talking head repeating the exact same phrases. Remember "nobody is above the law", "Russian Collusion", how about "mostly peaceful protests". I am sure it's just coincidence.

    Also ironic that Obama and Hillary (and Joe for that matter) make a big deal about talking tough to dictators, but in the end appease them. If Trump is "praising dictators" as you say, at least he deals harshly with them. He is responsible most actions taken against Russia, North Korea, Iran, and others. Not empty threats, not tough talk about red lines, but real actions.

    Sorry from my perspective the press has been free but also corrupt. Calling them out on it is the purest form of freedom of speech.

    Virtually all of our gas stations around here are self serve - with very few exceptions people pump their own gas. I have never seen any hand sanitizer at any pump in any station and until just now reading your question I never even thought about the need for it.

    Just pour a little gas on your hands....

    We keep a small bottle in the vehicle (sanitizer) for just such events.

    Funny you should say that... Czechia (formerly the Czech Republic) which has required masks since April as 33 deaths per 1 million people. Germany which does not require masks on a national basis has 109 deaths per million. Is it the face coverings or just that the Czech's are more healthy... Those two countries are neighbors.... There are examples of this all over the world. Like Poland... with about 37 million people have the same number of cases as the State of Colorado with 5 million people... Oh well... Wear one or don't no sweat off of my back... Just please be sure you do not inadvertently move this thing to someone who may not be so lucky.

    As with most comparisons there are likely many other factors involved. Here in Canada Quebec with a population of 8 million had 5,650 deaths, New Brunswick population 780,000 and it's neighbour had 2. Both provinces followed similar lock down procedures.

    South Dakota didn't even lock down, New York arguably did.

    If everyone wore a mask for 2 weeks, very little would change anywhere. As I keep trying to point out, masks serve as a virtue signal only IF they are not worn properly and I see very few people doing things properly. Every time a see a group of people at least 1/3 have the mask over mouth only. Almost every mask wearer I observe repeatedly touches their mask but then does not sanitize their hand before touching other objects. If spittle can transmit the virus, masks are loaded with it as are the hands that touch them. And finally, masks need to be discarded properly, not dropped in parking lots or floors.

    If I were to find out that I have possibly transmitted the virus to somebody in a situation where I was not wearing a mask, and died, I would be devastated. But then, I guess this is just showing my personal weakness, they still probably would have caught it from somebody else, right? :(

    Oh, and talking with one of my patients yesterday where she shared that most of the employees where she worked got together and decided to voluntarily all wear a mask, that is, all but two. Well, one of those two became ill with the virus and then everybody in the office was checked. Only one other person checked positive!


    My estimate is that about 30% of those with masks on, are not wearing them properly (not over nose). And likely 90% (maybe more) continually touch their masks without disinfecting their hands immediately. It defeats the entire purpose of capturing your spittle if you subsequently handle it and touch objects that others can touch.

    It's nice to assume that wearing your mask protects everyone you come in contact with, but the fact remains that you can still transmit the virus, and you defeat much of the benefit of the mask if you touch it without sanitizing your hand immediately afterwards.

    you do know that the point of covering you face is to restrict the droplets of moisture that come out of your own nose and mouth - right? - - its there to try to keep your sneezes and coughs from shooting across the room so that 6 feet is enough to keep others safe from the person wearing the face covering

    they dont want you to cover your face to protect yourself - - they have made that very clear - - around here they have even said the self protecting type of coverings should only be worn by medical personal and first responders so that there are enough

    The problem is that there is a proper protocol to wearing masks and discarding them. I am concerned that the improper methods being used are making things worse because people FEEL they are safer and protecting others. It seems like almost every talking head has to adjust or remove their mask (moist with bacteria/viruses) on camera. Then they immediately touch the podium, microphone or paperwork. This sets an incorrect example for viewers. Everyone should immediately wash or disinfect their hands after touching their mask! Everytime I watch mask wearers in a crowd a large percentage have them under their chin or only over their mouth.Wearing it incorrectly defeats the purpose and when they touch it to adjust it, they have contaminated their hands. If they touch anything it is just like they are coughing on whatever they touch, and now there are other contaminated objects that can potentially make others ill. Add to that the current craze of dumping used masks on the ground or floor where children and pets can play with them and I am not sure anyone is safer.

    I will also add that constant wearing of masks does indeed increase the chances of lung infections, and breathing disorders. So wearers need to ensure that they are not making themselves sick following poorly thought out guidelines.

    It's not so much corporate greed as political corruption and and incompetence. Capitalism only works if everyone plays by the rules. China does not yet for some reason the US and Canada give them preferential treatment on trade.

    I think you have an issue with the current brand of globalism not capitalism. Western countries have abundant workplace safety regulations, fair compensation, and great environmental protection laws. We then compete against third world economies which have none of these. Our governments have sold us out and provide free access of products that should be heavily taxed to equalize the playing field. That is not capitalism. It only become capitalist if all the players play by the same rules. China is not a capitalist country, so how can we compete?

    Even more sad that there are people that think asking someone to investigate corruption is wrong because it might personally benefit someone. By that standard every DA is suspect. Furthermore every trade deal, tax break, and policy change he makes that improves the economy, benefits him personally as it makes him more electable. How anyone can expect any President to live up to this strange standard is mind boggling.

    There was nothing wrong with the phone call, AND Trump had every right and responsibility to ensure corruption is rooted out. By the way, defense lawyers often offer multiple defenses, I have seen quite a few cases where one defense was offered followed by an "or in the alternative".

    As pointed out above, you have not accurately reflected what transpired or what people actually said or did. However I can't help but think that Trump (not a professional politician) is being held to a standard that the previous administration was not. For example if you feel his phone call was inappropriate and criminal in nature, how can you fault him for thinking it would be acceptable after witnessing Biden publicly boast of with holding aid to obtain a desired result? What about the previous administration working together with Russia, Ukraine, UK and Italy to undermine the election and illegally investigate the newly elected president? Surely that would have given Trump the impression that this sort of thing was normal in Washington?