Posts by 2SierraRomeo

    I used the Rockville 8" SS8P. Keep in mind:

    Rockville 8" = 11.4" x 8.3" x 2.8"

    Rockville 10" = 13.4" x 12.4" x 2.7"

    And I still had to grind away a tad of the seat frame underneath to get it to fit and allow the seat to move without rubbing. And that's with it off the floor the minimum you'd want to be water-safe, perhaps a quarter inch. I slightly enlarged the drain-holes, to be sure. Also be aware that it's difficult to get it to sound acceptable down there... it wants to vibrate the plastic floor something awful, unless you get it just right so that it only vibrates it enough to sound like crap. Once you get it somewhat acceptable, it works OK for complementing the other speakers with fuller sound, but you won't be booming. On the plus side, if you get pulled over, you know it probably won't be for a stereo noise ordinance.

    No answer here about the output ports on the Ride Commander, but if you physically get it to fit under the seat of a Slingshot, you've broken some third-dimensional laws of space.

    And wouldn't you know, the end comes on the weekend. Saturday freaking morning. Got to get a full week of work in for da man and then deal with this. Although a Cat 5, if you're not on the road by Thursday, forget about it. The entire state in full evac mode... the traffic of a hundred eclipses.

    I'm not sure we can just yet declare that you just don't have to worry about it at all. Over the years now, the forums are littered with complaints of people who lost their traction control for trying a 9%-10% variance (whereas stock is 3.7%, listed below next to yours). Also notice the calculator is giving your front tires 25.3, instead of 24.5. By under-inflating the rear tire, it would effectively have a lesser rolling diameter, and if was just a half inch lower, that would be a full inch less diameter, which would put you at a 7.4% variance, or just 3.4% more than stock, possibly not a high enough variance to cause a problem. So the question would be, have you run for any great length of time fully aired-up in the back?

    I'm sure you know the easiest route to this is to just change the diameter/circumference of the rear tire, just making sure to change the front tires by about the same amount, as to not set off the ABS/TC alarms. I forget the exact number off the top of my head, but all the way up to about a 4% variance between front and back would be safe. I don't believe there's any getting around the speedometer becoming uncalibrated (other than getting the exact size of an existing model (an SL using base size, for example) and having the dealer update the ECU programming value to that model... but the speedometer calibration difference is typically hardly enough to notice. I've never heard of a different pulley size being available, but I'm sure you'd lose traction control if you tried, and few are brave enough to drive around without TC full-time, unless they're dumping the angle drive and getting an extra rear wheel out of the deal, and even then, watch out.

    Yes, with the Naca ports, just needed a hole to direct air through, which looks carbon-fiber attractive up top. When I get around to it, I'll fiberglass in an aluminum scoop to catch even more air.

    I built my Searey several years ago, but just improving the airflow in the cowling, which worked like a charm to keep the Honda engine happy.

    It's not, technically, a "holiday". Let's remember the true meaning of Memorial Day...

    Yes, I truly believe the day should be less about hotdogs, beer, sports, and shopping, and more of a reflection/remembrance of those who gave their lives, and more importantly, why they gave their lives, and learning from history and past mistakes.

    I have the ultimate respect for those who knowingly risk it all in doing what is right. These days, there is great risk in just telling the truth. Truth is treason in the empire of lies. I have great respect for Edward Snowden, despite the government-controlled corporate media's insane push to demonize him through their propaganda and pervasive mind/thought control over their audience. It has been a very, very long time since American soldiers were used to fight for freedom, or the Constitution they vow to defend, or even the true interests of this country. It's impossible to mention that last line without offending many Americans who will not look at the big picture, who will not study real history, who want to believe a narrative despite all evidence to the contrary (aside from the propaganda). Reminds me of my previous dating life, where I want this cute little girl to be my special angelic snowflake so badly, that I'm blind to all the overt clues which demonstrate she's an unstable monster. Studying real history, there has hardly been a major skirmish since before the American Civil War, in which the underlying root cause wasn't the expansion the global central banking cabal, with the public reason given a cover, usually a lie or false flag. Just a small example: It is now known and admitted that the Gulf of Tonkin Incident was fabricated. Any government apologies for all who died? No, that was so yesterday. You think this laughable "War on Terror" is any different? Even WWII, the industrial/banking power elite (Rockefeller/Bush.. et al) was using American money to help both the Communist and Fascists. The Balfour Declaration clearly demonstrates that the top banking elite (Rothschild) made a deal to trick America into involvement into WWI, if England will give them land in Palestine (which oddly, England didn't own). Modern wars are for corporate expansion/control/consolidation/domination, funded at the root by a toxic corrupt monetary system we are all forced to slave for, and are actually working to undermine the strength of America at every turn. This is NOT the fault of the soldiers themselves, and I respect those who risk for a cause they believe in. But they are being lied to, just like we are all being lied to. The power/banking elite are counting on most of us to take the easy way and just keep believing the lies, because it's easier and less painful in the short-term. I've researched this deeper than you can imagine, and I can tell you, where they are taking us with our willful ignorance and normalcy bias, is a hell on Earth your children will wish they were never born into. Long-term, we're talking about the fate of the human race, because once the right AI and robots are online, our usefulness/value to this elite will wane, and they will pull the plug on many of us. To them, it's just a farm; just business.

    We are human. We have a generally predictable behavior to stimuli. Some of this is instinctual, and some has been purposely programmed into you since your birth, through media/movies, the educational system, and fears and propaganda previously programmed into family/friends and then programmed into you through social pressures. The elite are masters at knowing how this psychology works and how to utilize it for their benefit, not yours. Most everyone's ego, which is really all your fears, was mostly built and constantly manipulated by them. It is at play when you read this. They certainly know the basic biological instinct is to avoid pain and seek pleasure. So, they know that even when truth is handed to someone on a silver platter, if that truth is painful, meaning it goes against the narrative built by one's ego, that ego will cause the person enough pain to run from the truth. It also plays into our susceptibility to the Sunk Cost Fallacy, meaning if we've invested enough of a resource into doing something (whether it be money, time, etc.) and we discover, even subconsciously, that we've been wasting that resource, it is often so painful to admit it was wasted, that one will continue wasting the resource in the same way, rather than facing the pain of admitting their mistake and changing their behavior. Basically, we are so invested in just saying America is #1, that most of us are still blind that we are now run by globalists working against the U.S. and our interests, to the point that the only thing we are #1 in is helping corporations kill people in their way.

    The world has a lot of problems. But to the thousands hacking away at the never-ending branches of problems (many fabricated), very few are hacking at the root cause of all the problems (H. Thoreau). That ROOT is an small elite and the toxic debt-based monetary system they've forced us to use, which allows them unlimited money to buy the real resources of the entire planet, while we pay for that through the debasement of the monopoly money we've earned (inflation), and believe it or not, through your income taxes (***see citation below). You think it was a coincidence income taxes (16th Amd) and the Federal Reserve Act were passed in the same year, 1913? No coincidence, none at all. So this Memorial Day, YES, let's honor those who sacrificed for the values they believed they were fighting for. But let's also honor ourselves, and our children, by NOT continuing the same mistake and QUIT being used as pawns (useful idiots, they call us) by a small group of men in the shadows who only value you, your children, America, and the world, for what they can steal, use, and throw away.

    On a side note, cryptocurrencies will be very interesting development to watch, as theoretically, they are about the one and only threat to this aforementioned elite and the hellish direction they are engineering humanity. That's a good thing. However, be aware of a couple of things. #1 is that this "elite" are masters at taking over and subverting things, and creating/controlling their own opposition. If they can't kill cryptocurrencies, and we know they can't without killing the Internet, look for them to secretly create their own cryptocurrency, and have the means to manipulate it up to be the most popular. Remember, they got us using 99.9% credit cards by giving us 1% back, which we indirectly pay for anyway in the price of products, effectively punishing those still using cash. They will be openly against the one cryptocurrency they secretly created, just like how they wrote the Federal Reserve Act, and then pretended to be against it. For all we know, that's what Bitcoin is (there seems to be evidence the creator of Bitcoins was a CIA invention), and Ethereum is suspicious. #2 is that unfortunately, this "elite" operates with a "Scorched Earth" policy, meaning if they were truly on the verge of losing power, they would nuke the planet and flush it down the toilet before totally relinquishing control. It sucks, but that is the reality of their insanity. And finally, I'll throw a #3 out there... let's say #2 thankfully somehow does not come to fruition... cryptocurrencies will create an new "elite"... will they be any better? Well, I'd say they'd almost have to be. Happy Memorial Day!

    ***"100% of what is collected by the IRS is absorbed solely by interest on the Federal Debt ... all individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services taxpayers expect from government."
    -Grace Commission report submitted to President Ronald Reagan - January 15, 1984

    ...except no damn sales! It should be snowing sales this time of year! No blaming El Nino, where's the sales? I want a memorial for the digits that used to be in my bank account. Thanks to the crooked Federal Reserve, those digits earn more interest as a piece of plastic on the Slingshot, than in the bank.

    I did originally want it slightly above the rearview camera, but I modeled out all kinds of ways, even using paper and cardboard, and nothing else looked right with this spoiler. Although the rear of the wing matches the rear angle of the vehicle (I forgot what that exact number was, maybe 113 degrees), the front of the Metricks wing is a different angle aspect, so looks weird too high or too much of a tilt. One of the pictures below, you see a yellow line... there's a stock bolt behind the one used for the wing, so I thought about those bolts holding in a bracket diagonally hat would hold the wing right up where I wanted it. But, I had to also consider that this wing is unfinished underneath, so shouldn't be too high. Where I put the license plate, it also helps fulfill it's usefulness as a fender. Also remember that the plate must be lighted by law.

    I gave serious consideration to Underground's, but didn't like that I'd lose valuable rear visibility, my cockpit cover would no longer fit, and it wouldn't really solve the unfinished look from the rear.

    Not doing a big ricer spoiler that doesn't solve anything either. Although I did look for one that could be mounted lower and much farther back than I've seen; something to balance out the rear and give a lengthened look to the whole vehicle... but no dice there.

    So I threw around several ways I might mount Metricks', but pretty much anything too high blocked the tail lights, and my visibility. I settled upon this below, which gives me the added length I was looking for, plus doubles as a fender. Never really seen a fender I've liked either (though Metricks' is about the best I've seen). These actually aren't the final pictures, but turned out similar with some cleanup. I fiberglassed in some brackets to have it mount 3" - 4" behind where it was designed to, and fiberglassed my lighted license plate mount at an attractive swept-back angle.

    This worked out really well, but I think with some tweaking on the design of his current mold, Metricks (or someone) could come up with something even better back there.

    Damn... @Tango has me thinking harnesses now...

    Tango is saying the harnesses are possibly more dangerous. I believe that to be true in many street car applications; I get what he is saying. However in the Slingshot, I believe the stock seatbelt is crazy unsafe in at least a couple of aspects. No matter the seatbelt system, there can be neck issues without the proper support there. The harness in the Slingshot at least prevents you from being ejected, having the car roll over you, and would keep your head from splattering on the ground in a rollover. Setup and worn properly, it will keep you firmly seated. And I love the feeling that I'm strapping the Slingshot on, like an extension of myself. I like these PRP harnesses so much, just early today, I ordered another set for my aircraft.

    This mirror's my thoughts as well.

    Yes, black matte powder coat A-pillars and frame to match the canvas top; will help it blend in and look more OEM. On my plane, I painted as many exterior alum/stainless rods as I could, because I feel the silver aluminum looks unfinished and has a amateur "lawn chair" look to it (which does not exude quality or confidence). It's looking sharp... very happy at the thought of an easy on/off roof for sun protection during the day this summer in Florida. And it's already summer in Florida.

    Wow, when I first looked I thought there was no way that NACA vents would work because you'd be putting more air under the fender. Then in next pic I saw that they were mounted backwards..Ingenious and the best looking I've seen.

    Thanks. I'll get it to work like I envisioned before it's all over. But, something you'd appreciate... in the midst of finishing up my annual, it inspired me to cut six new holes in my engine cowling to fiberglass in some new scoops and vents (sick of temp problems on long climbs). It's funny, I can't draw or paint for shit, but I turn into an artist with a Dremel in my hands. Had to get a new Dremel too... it survived an entire two years of fabricating an aircraft, and I killed it installing those NACA vents in the Slingshot.

    As far as Fit, Form, Function, I prefer the @gpcustoms application. Where can I get a set? :thumbsup:

    It seems they can be found here: Front Fender Vents | zero decibel motorsports

    Looking at the problem further, I've circled the real problem area. This area seems to have been purposefully designed as a parachute. The air has nowhere to go here, except to push up on the hood. I'll be working to majorly open up this area. I love the look of these side fenders (my '15, not so much the redesign after that), but I believe they contribute to the Sling's drag more than anything by far. APR Performance NACA-032026 NACA Duct Type 2: Automotive

    Don't try to use the rivets it comes with. Get some small pan head bolts, paint the heads black, use lock nuts, and large fender washers, because some of the hood plastic needs to bend to form flush with it, and needs support. I also cut away some plastic in front of it underneath, so there's nothing blocking the free flow of air out. For placement, I used 2" painters tape running down both the crease and edge of the hood, and placed the vent so that the edges run along the edge of the tape. The bottom "V" of the vent ends up being 9" from the top of the hood.

    Although this looks nice, better than the vents would have on mine, real world testing seems to suggest it's doing jack squat to reduce lift of the fenders. I've used magnets from the beginning prevent them from flapping, but at 100mph today, the passenger fender lifted/bounced a couple of times. Just too much air going under the fender at that speed for a 1" x 4" hole to do much good. The slotted vent would let significantly more through. But, I'll probably fiberglass an extension on to it to catch more air and produce a greater down force. APR Performance NACA-032026 NACA Duct Type 2: Automotive

    Don't try to use the rivets it comes with. Get some small pan head bolts, paint the heads black, use lock nuts, and large fender washers, because some of the hood plastic needs to bend to form flush with it, and needs support. I also cut away some plastic in front of it underneath, so there's nothing blocking the free flow of air out. For placement, I used 2" painters tape running down both the crease and edge of the hood, and placed the vent so that the edges run along the edge of the tape. The bottom "V" of the vent ends up being 9" from the top of the hood.