Posts by Edward Neal


    You are being just like Hillary - - - almost every single thing that you have posted here since last Tuesday night has implied that the Democrats cheated and if they had not you/Trump would have won

    When Hillary and others on the left couldn't accept or admit that they lost they sounded like crybabies throwing a tantrum because they didnt get their way

    As a forum friend I would like to implore you to not be like them - - - when this thing is done accept it and then move on - - we should be better than them

    Seriously - do you really want to look like Hillary or Adam Schiff or Nancy Pelosi - - - crying and complaining and looking for any excuse to try to make others think "It's Not Fair!!",

    Just something you might want to think about

    Trump tweet screams, "STOP COUNTING!"

    Does that mean he concedes? If they stopped right now, Biden would be President moron.^^

    From what I have read, many of the calls for counting to stop in some places is because some Republicans and Trump surrogates believe that they are being denied access to watch the counting process to insure it is being properly done - - they are not calling for it to be stopped as in ending it all together, they are only calling for it to be temporarily stopped until their access to watch has been granted - which by the way has now happened in at least one of the places they were upset about

    Now having said that Trump tweets? - - Yea he tweets some really stupid things!

    I have a friend that says the ONLY way to vote is in person on Election day. Less problems that way. Not to say it still cannot happen.

    Personally I am not convinced it would make much difference - - - if one side or the other really wants to commit mass voter fraud, the kind that would be required to reliability flip the results on a national election I think it would require an inside job involving the people doing the counting and if that were the case then how the honest people vote probably wouldn't make much difference

    But that's just my opinion and I also think that everyone should vote in whatever way they feel most comfortable

    Edit - Oh and just to add I find it interesting that people always think it is the other side that is most likely to cheat - - I think in reality there are probably just as many dishonest people on both sides and that most people - even Democrats are good decent people simply voting for what they think is best

    I think there is a very good chance our system has devolved to where a majority of voters vote more on personality than they do on the issues

    Perhaps Trump beat Hillary simply because she was so much less likable

    And perhaps we are now seeing the result of Trumps personality being so much more abrasive than good old Uncle Joe

    I used to find it funny how many politicians in the Philippines got elected simply because they were popular entertainers, people like soap opera actors or boxers like Manny Pacquiao

    Could be that the United States has moved to that place in politics where people look less at the issues (if they even know them) and more at personality - - - has politics become a popularity contest like voting for a prom king and queen in high school????

    I tend to hang with people who are into the issues and it seems that most of you in this thread are also involved politically - - - have we become dinosaurs? are we the exception when it comes to voters?

    As a side thought

    If the Left cheated and counted fraudulent votes to insure a Biden win

    Why did they lose seats in the House?

    And why didnt they take the Senate the way they said they would?

    Did they only mark the fraudulent emergency ballots for President????

    I guess the people they had fill out those ballots are going to have some explaining to do

    Just kidding - - 8o8o

    To Whineyville.

    I agree - seems to be going to the same place we all laughed at when the Democrats all went there

    Oh well - - - I wish people on both sides could simply accept that in politics no side always wins and when things don't go your way instead of crying it might be better to try to figure out what your side did wrong so that you can do better the next time

    When you step back and look at things it really gets rather entertaining

    When things don't go their way many on the Left start saying it must have been some kind of collusion or conspiracy, or cheating

    And many of those on the right sit back and laugh and talk about how stupid and silly those on the Left are being

    But - when things don't go their way many on the Right start doing exactly the same thing they made fun of and start talking about how it must have been cheating or a conspiracy or maybe even collusion

    In the end I wish more people would simply accept that sometimes in politics things don't go the way you would like because there are more people who got involved that didnt want the same result that you wanted - - - in other words your side simply lost

    It happens - and there is a real good chance it won't be the end of the world as we know it :rolleyes:

    Unless your clairvoyant, without Any reporting that will dig deep into allegations how do you get your information?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

    I am a news fanatic I am on my computer digging and researching news and politics everyday - - - and even if I agree with the opinions of Hannity and others what they say still needs to be fact checked - - they are opinion shows not news shows and if I were to simply believe everything they say and trust them to always be factual then I would be just as much of a sucker as those who watch MSNBC and believe everything their shows say

    Fact check everything - just because it sounds good and or reinforces what I believe to be true does not make it true - - both sides will lie to us and try to manipulate us - fact check, fact check fact check - - - always fact check!!!

    I like "Fox News" - and when I say that I mean their News program - - - I personally dont care that much for their political opinion shows, Tucker, Hannity, Levin - - I dont watch their shows or any of the others, I also dont listen to Limbaugh

    Even if I often agree with the opinions of these opinion show hosts it just seems to be a waste of my time to sit and watch or listen to people tell me their opinions - - seriously whats the point? I don't need my views reinforced I know what I think and what my opinion is - - and the people I do think need to watch and listen and learn from these shows probably never will

    Left or right - - - I think political opinion shows only serve to gratify people by letting them be told they are right - - - I seriously doubt they actually change anyone's mind

    Fox News - "fair and balanced" - - - you know what I do think their actual news program is very fair and balanced - - I also think their opinion shows which occupy so much of their programming often serve as ammo for people on the left to try to discredit the fairness of the entire network - - these fools think because it is the "Fox News Network" that means every program must be news - - I wish they would change the name to the "Fox information Network" and then do more to let stupid people know that the opinion shows are not intended to be NEWS

    Okay people - - the election is over, a winner will be declared (sooner or later) and then we will live with it - - - some of us will love the results, some of us won't but in the end the only things that really matter will stay the same

    We are all Americans and we all love our Slingshots!!!

    I say FU@K POLITICS - - - - - LETS RIDE!!!!


    I know of a guy who painted his Slingshot windshield black - - I must admit that it looks kind a cool and I guess it works okay so long as you always look over the windshield

    Normally I look over my dual windshields, but when it rains I like to be able to slide down and look through the windshield for maximum rain blockage

    As a side note a quick question

    If this country does go more socialist in its policies and starts handing out "free" things who is actually going to pay for it?

    My wife and I are about to retire so its unlikely to be a big impact on any taxes we pay, in fact if they pander to the elderly we might even be on the receiving end of the "free" stuff - (at least while it lasts)

    From what I have seen most of us on here are probably nearer the end of our working years than most and as such could probably limit the financial impact of new socialist programs.

    The people who are going to pay for it are going to be the young working people - the same people who seem to think its a good idea

    Now personally I think them wanting this type of government is a huge mistake and I think that history shows this, but on the other hand if they are the ones who will be the most impacted trying to pay for it who am I to tell them they can't have it?

    Seriously I got to live my life under a style of government of my generations choosing shouldn't they also? - - even if we think its incredibly stupid? especially when it is our generation that allowed them to be brought up being taught this crap???

    can any generation protect the next generation from bad choices? should we?

    Anyway just something to ponder - heck if my parents could have made all of my generations choices the Beatles would have never made it - - damn long hair hippies! 8o8o

    new green deal taxes, higher income taxes, giving everyone free college, free healthcare, amnesty for 22 million aliens....

    only if they can get it past the Senate and only then if it passes constitutional muster - - -

    President can't do very much by themselves other than executive orders - - they just sign off on or veto what gets to their desk through both houses - - - remember the only way the Dems ever got the ACA through was by having both houses and the presidency and even that was hard to do because of the 60 votes needed in the Senate which they only held because of a super majority which didn't last very long at all

    heck they even had to play games when they put it back through the house so that the Senate wouldnt have to vote on it a second time because their 60th vote had been lost in a special election

    Wanting to do all of these things that you seem so afraid of and actually getting them done are very different things

    This is interesting

    Presidents in my life

    Eisenhower R

    Kennedy D

    *Johnson D - assumed office after Kennedy'd death

    Nixon R

    *Ford R - assumed office after Nixon resigned

    Carter D

    Reagan R

    Bush R

    Clinton D

    Bush R

    Obama D

    Trump R

    ? Biden D

    2 D's in a row with Kennedy and Johnson only because Johnson stepped in when Kennedy was killed and 2 R's in a row with Ford & Nixon because Nixon resigned these were both VP's that stepped in and were not originally elected to the office of President - - - the only time the same party had 2 different presidents in a row actually elected was Bush Sr following Reagan and Bush Sr only lasted one term

    Seems as if the American people don't like to keeping one party in control for very long

    so now tell me why the stock market is at 27,849..with a big black cloud hanging over the election results....

    probably because they down't see the same big cloud that you see - - - they see an almost assured Biden victory and and almost assured Republican controlled Senate and a conservative SC that will not most likely stay that way to them than means checks and balances and stability

    They also see the House now under pressure to finally pass a virus relief bill

    markets dont like sudden change

    Next 4 years will be hell no matter what. Democrats have been emboldened. Their media allies have been successful in lying to the American people. Social media has had free reign to interfere in public discourse with little consequence and their 4 horsewomen of the apocalypse (The Squad) have been reelected by a wide margin.

    Either their boot will be on America's throat, or they will be battling Trump. There will be no respite.

    The only silverish lining is that if Joe wins; it's not likely he will do a good job, let's face it I'm more likely to grow a spontaneous tentacle than a Harris/Biden administration being good for Americans, the midterms would be a backlash against their administration provided they don't exponentially ramp up their voter fraud operations.

    Well - I know conservatives who swore up down and sideways that Obama was the beast as in 666 and we survived that, and now with the Supreme court having a 6 to 3 constitutional advantage there is a good chance that his last little bit of legacy the ACA will soon be gone

    I have been politically involved since the Kennedy / Nixon election and I have watched those I support win and I have watched them loose and in the end the impact on my personal life has not really changed by so much as to be even close to catastrophic. Things ebb and flow from one side to the other and thankfully the kind of extreme "boot on the throat" results you talk about here are kept in check by the Supreme Court and our Constitution

    And now even more than before that Court is much closer to being purely guided by the Constitution than I can ever recall it having been - - as such I think we will be just fine - - yea the left and its extremists, like the squad, will try to push things, but if/when they cross that line the SC will push them back across where they belong

    In the end if Biden wins as it looks like he might I will support him and pray for success for his administration and that America as a country thrives

    To me doing anything else would make me no better than the idiots on the other side who have cried and whined like little bitches for the last 4 years - :rolleyes: