• Ha bet I got you with that title.

    So I hit one of those stupid links in a news story that featured a list of resignation letters. I thought for shits and giggles we could post a list of our own experiences. There was on resignation letter in the link that I found funny. See below.

    Have fun and enjoy!

    The more people I meet

    The more I love my Dog!

  • OK so I will start with one of my wife's favorite stories. She was sitting in on a sales training session that I was running. I had this young kid that had no desire to learn nor did he have any desire to work. Every time it was his turn to he would just stand there and do nothing - Deer in the headlights stupid look on his face. Because he was related to the store manager and figured there was no way he could get fired.

    So with the help of the group we got him to repeat "Would You Like to Biggie Size that?" it took a few tries but after a short time he nailed it. I then proceed to hand him an application for a local fast food place down the block along with an assurance that not only was he fully qualified for his next job but that I would even write a recommendation saying just that.

    The rest of the training meeting went very well and we moved all but one other trainee into the sales department.

    The more people I meet

    The more I love my Dog!

  • While stationed at Ft. Devens, MA back in the 1970s, I had a part-time job as a relief night auditor at a nearby Holiday Inn. I drove by and saw the sign out front, walked in and told them I had no idea what the job entailed but was interested in the position. After a very short interview, I was hired. The job involved working the midnight shift, and miscellaneous front desk tasks such as answering the phone, handling the cash drawer as necessary and, after the bar closed, posting all of the day's room charges (room cost, restaurant/bar, laundry, phone calls, etc.) the guests had billed to their room and providing a balanced worksheet for the bookkeeper to transfer the daily activities onto the main books. The full-time night auditor quit after getting pistol-whipped during a robbery by a former employee who evidently thought he could make the guy forget who he was by hitting him with the pistol. The bookkeeper started training a full-time replacement and then had me show the new guy the ropes since the weekends were generally a little slower. Turns out the guy hated dealing with money and also couldn't seem to handle addition and subtraction. Needless to say, he didn't last very long.

  • I'm not sure if this applies here but I recently applied for a job. I was pleasantly surprised to get called in for an interview. When the interviewer asked me what I think my biggest fault is I said, 'probably my honesty'. He said 'I don't consider honesty a fault'. I replied, 'I don't give a f*ck what you think!'

    Still lookin'...

    Remember folks - this isn't a rehearsal, this is The Show!8)

  • I had a employee that said he needed more hours, my response was have you thought about coming in on time. He said if I come in on time will you pay me more. He was losing maybe 10 hours a week because he couldn't get up and come in on time. This is the new generation we are left with.

  • I had a real close friend that sold his fence sales and installs because he could not get anyone to work. He tried after we talked doing a bonus for quick installs. All of them just wanted to get paid for doing nothing when they managed to show up. There is also a short story behind this person. He was one of five best friends, as a group for many years we saw each other everyday and worked on old cars together along with drinking some adult beverges. I am the only one left of this group

  • Long story short...

    Worked as a manager for an equipment rental company.

    Called up the local sign shop and had them make a banner.

    Hung the banner on a wall in a prominent spot of the work bays.

    Banner read...

    If you are not gonna work here,

    You are not going to work here.

    Those that could not figure it out never saw that sign again.

    I stopped in to rent a tractor two years after I had moved on and the banner was still on that wall.

    Slingshot Flyer! Well, of course it's red... :REDSS:

  • As the GM of the largest tow company in the nation (at the time) I hired a lot of drivers. I loved it when during the one on one interview the prospective driver would say "I had a hard time finding this place" . Guess what! That is one of the major requirements of the job, finding places. None of them ever got hired, just thanked and sent down the road. It wasn't all bad, I did sign their job search sheet for their unemployment benefits.
