Like a hot babe in a bikini

  • Driving down our local 4 lane through town yesterday, I was in the slow lane at the red light. The light changed and the car beside me sped up. They were ahead of me and stopped to turn left into the gas station. In my driver side mirror I can see a white car coming fast behind them. I’m guessing they were either trying to get beside me for a better look at the fast gray beast or trying to pass me. They failed to see the car stopped in front of them for some reason. I can tell there is going to be a crash right beside me so I moved closer to the curb to put some distance between us. Then I saw the white car nosedive as they slammed on the brakes with black skid marks and white smoke coming from their tires.

    I don’t know if they actually hit....i was too far ahead by then....I think they got stopped just in time. Just one of the dangers I face for looking so hot... put down your phones and drive.

  • Driving down our local 4 lane through town yesterday, I was in the slow lane at the red light. The light changed and the car beside me sped up. They were ahead of me and stopped to turn left into the gas station. In my driver side mirror I can see a white car coming fast behind them. I’m guessing they were either trying to get beside me for a better look at the fast gray beast or trying to pass me. They failed to see the car stopped in front of them for some reason. I can tell there is going to be a crash right beside me so I moved closer to the curb to put some distance between us. Then I saw the white car nosedive as they slammed on the brakes with black skid marks and white smoke coming from their tires.

    I don’t know if they actually hit....i was too far ahead by then....I think they got stopped just in time. Just one of the dangers I face for looking so hot... put down your phones and drive.

    The heat was quite warm yesterday

    Nobody gets outta here ALIVE